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Destiny Home for the Young and Troubled

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Mar 23, 2010
Dreams can only be achieved if you reach, nightmares await at the bottom of the chain

The cold classroom that served as the teaching room for English was below frigid. Students sat, huddled together, keeping their heavy jackets locked tightly on their bodies, coversing in loud and quiet voices. The teacher's desk was, once more, ravished with drawings of Pokemon balls and random squiggles. Possibly the thirteen year olds. Hmph. I'll deal with them later. A cold, icy voice that matched the temperuture of the room itself. The voice belonged to a girl, slouching nicely in a black sweater with her boots on the middle of the desk, covering her ratted hand-me-down textbook over a billion years old.

Blue eyes flickered to the cracked clock, ticking endlessly, the noise ringing softly in her ears although several feet away in the small, cramped class. There were only fifteen desks and over twenty five students int hat class alone. Talk about small space! A soft chuckle escaped her lips, quick and sharp, like that of the wind. Several girls in matching tan coats turned and looked at the slouching girl, mouths in tight lines. The cold blue eyes never met with their penetrating gazes. She knew the whispers among the halls and other children.

Ugh. She's such a show-off, showing off what she doesn't even have!

I wonder if she's really leading those stupid hunts. Maybe...no, Carrie would kill me.


Angela laughed loudly, breaking the icy atmosphere that had settled in the class. Heads turned to her open mouth, barking out sweet laughter. But it was humorless, a mockery of the girls. It took the two blonds and brunette to figure out what she had done, but then their eyes widened in instant anger and fury. Blond number one, who thought she was showing off, flipped the finger. "Don't read our minds, brat!" she shrieked in a high voice. Brat? Who do you think you are?

"It surely takes on to know one, Carrie. Take a look in the mirror. Oh no, I don't think you should, you'd break it," Angela winked, smiling like a devil. The girl's face twisted into a red tomato as she stomped her feet, cracking the already damaged linelouem below her Converse feet. Angela barked out a laugh once more. She turned, stomping out, flashing a furious glare at Angela Barsoe. The small girl who slouched waved daintly at her, blowing a soft kiss in her direction. The blond whipped her head around and left the room, just as the English professor, Mr. Jones, walked in, fixing his glasses on his nose.

The class glanced at Angela, who only smiled.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
Breaking through the Heavens
Sitting in that same icy classroom was another girl, albeit much more mature than the girl who had shamefully taken her exit. Light-colored, hazel eyes didn't bother to join the group glance the rest of the class had decided to give the mind-reading jester. It wasn't because this particular girl was afraid to have her mind read or even because Angela's seemingly carefree demeanor was intimidating. The only girl in the room had not glanced with the rest of the class because she just truly didn't care. Her name was Ria.

Ria had not been at the home too long. If she thought about it, it had only been a little over half a year since she arrived a day after sixteenth birthday. She had been there long enough to expect the freezing conditions of the classroom however. Currently hunched over a mobile phone, the uninterested female wore a dark green, thermal shirt and blue jeans. Black, knee-high, boots insulated her feet and a thick, black, bomber jacket wrapped her upper torso in warmth though it remained unzipped. Ria had definitely come prepared for the weather indoors but not prepared for Angela's outburst.

Of course, she knew of Angela's mind-reading talents. It was hard not to know. Angela, herself, was mildly infamous around the home, at least in Ria's opinion. Ria did not personally know Angela, but she had heard her name from time to time. Mostly in the ladies bathrooms when other girls would waste their energy hating the girl and cursing her ability to invade their precious privacy. Ria, herself, did not care to waste that type of energy. Destiny Home was for kids that were "different" after all. Shouldn't anybody residing within its walls expect a person like this to exist? For Ria, that much seemed like common sense. If a place like Destiny existed in real life, there was bound to be at least one resident with telekinetic or telepathic abilities of some kind. Common sense.

At this moment, Ria wasn't thinking about what had just happened with Angela. It had been half a year, but the pain in the preoccupied girls' heart still existed. Very much so, in fact. To come from parents who would throw their own daughter away so easily, without a second thought, without even any real discussion. It had seemed like a literal snap of the fingers and she was at the home the next time her eyes opened. It was all a sad cliche'. Cliche' indeed, but sad was the ultimate emphasis. Lightly touching the LCD display of the phone, Ria closed an app she been messing with and pocketed the device.

The English teacher had finally decided to stroll in. Ria paid him no mind and turned her blonde-highlighted head towards the iced window. The glass pane was a victim of the temperature and the phenomenon that had occurred on it would indicate that the temperature wasn't just present on the inside. The girl wasn't paying attention to that either, though. Ria gazed at the pane with detached eyes. Her left hand had also risen and created a nice kickstand underneath her chin, holding her head up.

Ria knew that Angela could probably hear her thoughts now, since her mind was moving, while yet focusing on the specific events that had brought her to the home. Despite the amount of internal conflict the thoughts caused, the fact still remained, even more so than before. The girl with hazel eyes and blonde highlights in her hair just did not care. She wouldn't allow herself to care, at all.
Last edited:

Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
Tobias leaned up against the wall, unscathed by the cold and completely annoying temperature. He wore nothing fancy and didn't wear a coat, rather he'd kept warm by seeding inversion around the cold air itself, flipping it into heat.

There were many people inside the English class but most of them Tobias didn't know and didn't care to get to know either. He did have a fondness for Angela however, only because her attitude was delicious to him and as long as they were close to each other, he knew that Tyra didn't have to be his only friend. "Geez, this again??" There were numerous girls in the class, some of them loud and obnoxious but obviously not a match for Angela's telepathic ability. This power of hers pleased Tobias immensely...only because she couldn't use it to read his mind and he kept her guessing rather than being read like an open book.

He turned to Angela and blew her a comical kiss, "You really should stop trolling everyone so often its not good to make that many enemies you know, but hell this is just some advice from a friend eh?? You sure don't have to listen to it at all."

Mr Jones looked at Tobias and glared due to him continuing to talk to Angela. "Oh come on dude its not that big of a deal," he turned back to her. "I still wanna know where you got those boots..."


the ego dies forever
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
Garthel was on the opposite side of the classroom. He was sitting in a chair, leaned and pushed against the wall, next to a window. Keeping one eye closed and the other open, he was opting for the best, but would not find it. 'That girl is going to laugh mockingly, peeve them off, and then leave the room, just as our proctor enters.' he thought, before shutting his eyes. He could sense attacks upon himself, even from a brilliant telepath such as her.

His sense of caution would ward off the mental probe and quickly erase his thoughts, as alien invasion of his person, even mind, was taken as a hostile ward against himself. Of course, Garthel was overprotective of himself and exercised adequate care in who he talked to. Angela's reputation was a difficult one to miss, but the occupancy of the classroom and the fact that it was freezing cold, Garthel didn't mind. As her laugh erupted, he pretty much called it.

Trusting someone like that, or anyone, despite similarities in being different or otherwise is something Garth always thought about. To have your mind read at any possible time, potentially frightening, and then he turned and looked at Tobias, as he retorted to her insubordination. He still felt uneasy, and once more said nothing. His thoughts became obscure as sound from his headphones began to circulate into his ears.

He could trust music, at the very least.

As she was parting, Mr. Jones had come in. It felt like the classroom got a little warmer as she was leaving, though he couldn't say for sure. Garthel had thicklly layered skin from his ancestry, most of his body was almost always feverishly hot and well insulated. He'd taken his headphones out, and prepared to listen, though it wasn't as if he'd had a desk, they were at least ten short.


New member
Oct 19, 2011
The Planet Jupiter
Jana watched without interest as the girl who attracted so many other's attention read yet another's mind. The realization hit the girl who reacted as several did, mouthing off in an irritating-pitched voice. Sighing to herself Jana glanced around the rest of the room, not particularly curious of those around her, merely occupying her time until the English teacher would come in.

Occasionally a student would act out of place, demonstrating their unfamiliarity to the home. Basing her observation off her own reactions she assumed the fidgeting ones were on their first couple weeks, maybe their first month if they weren't accustomed to changing scenery. Something Jana found common was it didn't take most of the kids long to adjust to the home, accepting the conditions as another part of their disorderly lives. Or so she guessed, once again she was basing her views off her own experience as a newer addition to the home.

A shiver went down her spine and Jana pulled her dark jacket closer to her, shook her head, then continued her vague examination of the others in the room. Most figures her eyes passed over easily, as their actions were normal for kids at the home, and attracted no over-attention to themselves. A laugh cut through the air, snapping Jana's attention from her observations. Her eyes flickered to the girl, Angela, momentarily before a movement a little bit away took her attention instead. The teacher, Mr. Jones, had made his appearance at last, ending some conversations though few ceased altogether.

The final movement that caught Jana's sight was the simple maneuver of a boy bringing earphones to his ears, and then her concentration fell to the glaring English teacher.


Mar 23, 2010
Buried deep in the corner of the chill class, Mickey read a a book, keeping to himself, refusing the curiousty to look up, drop his book on the ratty desk, and just stare. No, he wouldn't act like such a barbarian. How could he even think that? Staring off into space...that wasn't like him at all. A shriek of laughter escaped a girl's lips, from what he saw out of the corner of his eyes. "Geez...why can't she be quiet for once?" Mickey murmured, straightnening his back to a more comfortable position. But that still didn't stop him from listening to the angry exchange of words from both girls, Angela and Carrie. Carrie was a real pretty girl, in his opinion, but was ugly on the inside.

Was Angela like that he wondered? No. He shouldn't wonder aloud. It be dangerous, with those piercing eyes scanning the room. No wonder she was a leader. She sure looked like one. Mickey chewed hard on his bottom lip, turning the paper pages one by one until he placed the cloth bookmark on page 375 when Mr. Jones walked in. He folded his arms neatly across the written, damaged, scratched desk and leaned forward intently, waiting to hear what the teacher had to say.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
Breaking through the Heavens
"Ah, damn it all...." Dante muttered to himself as he, purposely, strolled down the hallway. The seventeen year old boy was, once again, late for English class. It wasn't like he was trying to disrespect the teacher, more like he just was way too bothered to give the slightest crap about any classroom-type setting. This was part of Dante's track record, after all. It had begun in elementary school when he started fighting all the time. He would constantly be kicked out of class but never managed to be expelled from the school. Then it got worse in middle and high school. Dante began to blatantly skip classes to either handle gang-related activities or just because he knew the teachers couldn't of cared less. That was the type of neighborhood the short-haired teen lived in. Not especially rough per se, but it was zoned into distinct districts that different gangs claimed to own. Dante had been the leader of one of those gangs. But today Dante was just his usual late self.

Seeing his classroom number, Dante turned into the room to find that the teacher was already settled, though most of the class was still engaged in private conversations. It never failed however. As soon as Dante was present in the room, the teacher's head turned sharply and, through his glasses, he emitted the most evil of glares. He was getting ready to say the usual, but Dante raised his hand. "Don't even say it. I know I'm late. I know the importance of speech in modern communication and all that good horse shit. I won't make a scene, so carry on prof." He said casually. Unfortunately, he had made a tiny bit of a scene.

At the same time Dante was walking in, a girl was storming down the hallway, fuming. Carrie, he thought her name was. The pair had engaged in a brief conversation which resulted in a large, red mark on the right side of the boy's face. As usual, Dante had been loud when he acknowledged the teacher and now he was sure that the entire classroom had noticed his current blemish. Sighing, the somewhat embarrassed boy headed for a seat in the back only to realize that every seat in the cramped class was taken. To make matters worse, the room was seriously below average temperatures. Dante was dressed in plain cargo pants, an A-shirt, and an unbuttoned, short sleeve collared shirt with plain sneakers. Not the best attire for the cold that was crippling the room.

Making his way to the back wall, Dante slammed his back into the structure and shoved his hands into this pockets. Then, he finally made the scene he had spared the teacher. "I don't care if you listen or not. In fact, I don't care if you think what I'm saying is important or not. Listen well. Don't say anything about the mark on my face. I'm sure that bitch, Carrie, will get hers. Let's all get along now, ALRIGHT??" The reckless teen almost shouted, arrogantly boasting a middle finger. It was a classic gangster move. Be as loud as possible when you feel the need. Dante may have been at the home for 7 months, but he still had the steel heart of a gangster.

Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
"Umm what??" Tyra looked up and wiped her mouth to get rid of the small puddle of drool that had accumulated once she'd began to take her nap before the start of class. It wasn't like her to be late to class or anything that possibly might make her look bad as a student, so of course she'd been the first person to enter the classroom and take a seat. Due to her napping she'd missed everything that had transpired after the fact and so when she awoke, Mr. Jones had just entered and was giving Tobias an annoyed stare.

This caused her to chuckle to herself and smile at her best friend in the home. He was always on point and never had lost an argument that she'd known about, and his attitude toward others always pleased her. He was a real gentleman, even if he could vaporize an entire wing of the school by himself. "I wish I stayed awake but it was so cold I just ended up dozing off Mr. Jones, I hope you're not angry with me." her chatter was a ploy nonetheless as her being sleep didn't matter to the teacher. She had an A in the class and had gotten up before class started anyway.

She noticed that one girl whom she didn't like was present; the girl Angela. The mind reader....

Tobias seemed to adore her so Tyra left well enough alone and never bothered to worry about her thoughts being read at all. Sure Angela could get into her head and look around, but her own abilities made it so that Tyra herself had trouble organizing her thoughts out of a scramble which was why she felt so accomplished as a student. When you spaced out the way that she did it was extremely difficult to pay attention in class and keep your grades up, but she did it anyway and was very proud.

It was just around then that one of the boys she thought was a bit rash came in, and ended up screaming out loud to the class and Mr. Jones. Looking like a total jackass, "Totally unnecessary, but totally bad ass," she sighed and rubbed her eyes. The teacher still hadn't done much but only a shor time had passed.

King Naruto

Retired (for now)
Oct 19, 2005
Creating bonds to save our world and bring peace
Staring into the very sky that was as clear as the ocean itself, Taka stared into it as though he could see his future. He hated having to live at the Destiny home but, it was the only place that could keep his brother safe and where he could train freely. Well they could go live on a mountain but, both boys were inner city kids so, living out i nthe wilderness was very risky, besides the fact that Syra's wheelchair would prove a problem. Looking back at his fourteen year old brother, Taka knew they both had to get to class but, he was allowed to leave when needed or be late as long as it dealt with keeping Syra in check with his magical abilities.

"Come on Syra. We gotta get to learning." Hawk commented on their tardiness.

"Okay brother." Syra responded as his blonde hair swayed in the wind and his blue eyes stared directly in Taka's eye.

Taka never wanted to know how life would be without Syra. If he didn't have him then Taka would probably be running around, destroying anything in his path. Grabbing the handles of Syra's wheelchair, he began pushing him to class as they laughed and talked. Finally getting to class, Taka pushed the door open to hear Dante yell outloud. "Looks like the idiot is already here." Taka stated the obvious with a sigh as his dislike for Dante was evident.

"Brother, don't say such things. It's not polite." Syra retorted quickly as he wheeled himself into the class, settling into his usual spot.

Taka took a seat behind him and put his hand on his chin. Today's class was more then likely gonna be boring.


Jan 16, 2009
Paradise City
Gavon was finding it hard to stay awake. Quite saddening, considering the class had yet to start. He sat with his head on the desk, watching his breath in the air. Other students shivered and huddled together, saying that it was cold. If it was, he didn't feel it, advantage of having fur. He sat alone, directly in the middle of the first row. He hadn't really made any friends since he arrived, his appearance had discouraged most of the other kids, but he was hopeful. He was actually very friendly.

He heard people talking, but he wasn't really paying any attention, so it sounded kinda like the parents from Peanuts. So he just sat, and waited. The teacher had walked in, so Gavon sat up, but Mr.Jones just seemed to stare at the class. Any time now, he though. He always found English an interesting language, and was actually looking forward to the class to start. But something inside him told him that this was going to be a mind numbing experience.


Mar 23, 2010
Mr. Jones shot an annoyed look at her and Tobias, who had joined her. "Jealous, teach?" she winked, a cold smile on her lips."I still wanna know where you got those boots..." he asked her. Angela giggled and the ice drifted off her smile, but only a little bit. "Obviously, one of my dear friends bought them for me. Only because I found out about his, ahem, "collection" of certain "magazines"." She let one sharp glance strike the back of a small boy in the corner of a class, who tried his hardest to avoid Angela's stare. She wanted Tobias too see who she was looking at.

"And besides, why would you know, hun? You want to borrow them sometime," she asked innocently, batting her eyelashes quickly. Angela stared down the classroom, analyzing their backs and faces, learning their thoughts. Many of them tried to think of other things, but she caught little things. Damn it, I didn't do that math homework...maybe Mickey will let me see his.

Carrie slapped me hard. This thought brought Angela's attention to Dante, a loud mouth in the class. She didn't like him at all, but had a spark of admiration for his boldness. But Angela didn't like anyone, she only tolerated. Even Tobias, he was farther then most guys. He bordered on "aquantince" then "stranger". He deserved a medal!

Is Angela ugly on the inside as well? Angela glared in the direction of Mickey Kendo, who sat quietly in his stupid little corner. Her lips turned up to reveal shiny white teeth. "Little brat." she hissed in his direction. She didn;t even care if he didn't hear.

"Ugh! Class is sooo boring! Tobias, let's leave. Honestly, I cannot stand to hear another piece of crap come out of his mouth," Angela stated suddenly, grabbing her messenger bag and sweeping her bangs off with a twist of her head. She walked, more like strutted, to the end of the room, where she gently opened the door, and slammed it hard behind her.


Once outside the classroom, Angela turned too her left and continued down the hall, not even glancing back to see if Tobias would follow. He would, she knew, she hoped. Anyways. Then a small shiver ran down her back. Angela turned her head backwards. No one. Just the English class and a wide window at the end that was the only source of sunlight. "Weird." Angela continued to walk, her hair on ends and she was ready to attack whatever she thought--

"Holy shit."

A tall, figure stood only 10 feet away, looking straight at her. The figure wore a hood that draped over its face, concealing the identity. Shivers as cold as the class, no even colder, tickled Angela's spine. A mysteriousness drifted off the figure, who was dressed in fine cloths of darkness. It made one step towards her.

Oh, god. Angela gulped, refusing to run away. She didn't get scared, she was Angela Barsoe, nothing scared her, only feared her. She too, made a step towards the figure.

Instantly, time stopped. Angela couldn't feel her limbs. Her eyes darted nervously in an unmoving body. Oh god, what's happening? She attempted to read the figure's head, who had disappeared in a matter of seconds.

Stop this now.

Silent screams interupted in Angela's throat. The figure was behind her! Its cool breath was ice on her burning skin. You'll pay if you continue.

Help me.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
Breaking through the Heavens
"Good lord, I can't stand this shit anymore. I shouldn't even bother comin' to class." Dante sighed as he pushed himself off the wall. The teacher hadn't even started class. It was almost like he was sitting there, just waiting for all the private conversations to stop. Like he was waiting to be paid the proper attention before he would even grace them with the knowledge he was hired to fill their heads with. To be completely blunt about it, Dante just couldn't bring himself to care in the slightest about whatever lesson was on the schedule for today. This attitude choice was reinforced when he noticed Angela get up and leave the room, just a few moments after he felt a weird sensation in his head.

"What the....that damn girl....she just read my mind...." He muttered as he watched the, slightly attractive, self-appointed leader of the home strut out of the room. She even made a spectacle of closing the door as if to say, "You common-folk can rot here while I enjoy my day". This thought pissed Dante off. How dare another person be as arrogant as he could be. The act was a blasphemy against his very being in the teen boy's mind. There was no way he was gonna take something like that. He hadn't taken smug moves like that in his high school and he wasn't about to be punked in the home either. His mind was firmly made up.

Ripping his hands out of his pockets, Dante quickly headed to the door and furiously closed it behind himself. "That bastard....I'll definitely teach her some respect....." He mumbled as his head darted left and right searching for Angela's whereabouts. Checking his left side again, the dark-haired boy spotted his prey. There she was, Angela Barsoe, standing in the middle of the hallway. Kind of odd if you stopped to think about it but Dante's short-tempered rage knew nothing as trivial as common sense. "Gotcha!" He exclaimed as he hurriedly made his way towards the girl.

As he neared Angela, Dante's fists tightened and he felt a rush of excitement welling up within himself. The feeling caused a slight grin to curl onto his menacing face. "Look here you, I thought I told you the next time you read my mind, I would definitely have some dirty thoughts for you to corrupt yourself with!" He said. At that moment though, Dante stopped. A darkly cloaked figure had appeared directly behind Angela. Dante had never seen it before, but his natural reaction was quicker than his thoughts. Instantly, Dante's feet set and his right side began to pivot, beginning with his right foot.

His waist shifted in the same direction and his weight and kinetic energy began to transfer through his body and up into his right shoulder. Right fist tightened, Dante's arm shot forward. All of this motion happened in perfect unison, a credit to the boy's fighting experience. With his target firmly in sights and in perfect range, Dante fully committed and launched a definitive right overhead punch towards the cloaked figures' head. He didn't know if he would connect or not, but again, natural reaction was stronger than thoughts at this point.

"Get the hell outta my way!" Dante shouted as his fist cut through the air towards the cloaked figure.

Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
"You have to think about what you're doing."

Tobias had exited the classroom right after Angela had, knowing that the teacher Mr. Jones wouldn't have much to say on the matter but found that Angel was in some sort of trouble. Leaving the classroom had been no issue and turning the quick corner and ending up out of sight allowed Tobias to watch as a cloaked man materialized inside of the hallway. Of course Angela was terrified, the expression on her face showed her at one of her weakest points he'd ever witnessed, which made plenty of sense to him.

When you acted the way Angela did and implied that you were better and mentally intruded upon people's privacy, they got angry yet this cloaked figure wasn't even in that league. Tobias kept quiet as Dante reacted to the situation and went to attack the one wearing the hood. The floor was already hissing and practically melting away from Tobias using his powers upon it and in perfect time with the punch Dante threw, the shift of the breaking floor moved just enough for the cloaked one to be punched in the head and pushed down into the gaping hole in the floor.

"You guys both okay?? Angela...hmm Dante is it??" Tobias was thrilled at how incredibly sexy DAnte was but that was besides the fact for the time being.


New member
Oct 19, 2011
The Planet Jupiter
Jana sat, no longer studying the classroom but studying the teacher, Mr. Jones. The man waited, though if it were for the class to settle he would likely sit there for a good amount of time, which Jana thought wearily, would be fine. After a few moments more Jana's gaze flickered down the line Mr. Jones was looking to see Angela and a boy. Tobias? Jana thought that was his name, but she wasn't too sure, nor cared enough to find out if it was. The two's exchange lasted all but a little bit of time before Angela was out of the classroom. A few moments longer and another boy followed, departing the classroom with what appeared to be little thought to the teacher who didn't speak up once through his students leaving. Jana smirked to herself when the boy, Tobias, walked out as well. Still Mr. Jones didn't interupt their departures, but swept his gaze around the other students.

It's like he's waiting to see who else he won't have to teach, Jana thought turning back to the front of the room. Even with three of his students having already left he didn't begin class, and so without the interuption of a lesson the little conversations scattered amongst friends and aquaintances were ongoing. She folded her arms on the table and quietly rested her head on them, eyes roaming the room again. Now, rather than taking in the actions of people her eyes scrutinized the room, as they had so many times before. The cool air of the room pressed against anyone and everything that was unfortunate enough to be forced into the cramped little room. I should've just stood, I'd be able to leave easier. But she hadn't, so she wouldn't bother attempting to ditch the class.

She smiled slightly, eyes resting on the dull floor. Maybe next class I'll escape for a while. While Jana didn't normally make habit of skipping classes, today was a day that she felt like sleeping through everything just so she wouldn't have to put up with any drama that came up. Which will be plentiful, she thought, blinking. Drama always was too potent at the home in her opinion, but what was to be expected? The home was a place for a bunch of kids that either had no where else to go, or society had shot down for what they could do.


Mar 23, 2010
"Get the hell out of my way!"

At that moment, the numb feeling of being frozen was lifted and Angela was free, stumbling forward in a manner of seconds. She looked back, eyes wide and her lips parted, as if she was going to scream. Dante, the weird boy, stood where the hooded figure had once stood and was now sinking into the ground. "What...the hell?" For once, Angela was surprised, despite herself. She hated the feeling, of not knowing. Mind-reading was her advantage point.

Tobias stood not too far away, apprently having to had followed her out. Angela remained, as if still frozen, away from the new comers. Dante looked pissed off. She didn't know why he had come, but he'd rescued her, that was for sure. But she wouldn;t thank the weird kid, no way. She did have a rep to hold.

She strolled over to Tobias, not even glancing towards Dante's direction. "I need to leave. Go somewhere other then here. That clocked figure...," Angela grit her teeth," That's who I'm hunting down." Mysterious person. Angela recalled some nightmares she was having and sometimes, a little bit of a strain on her mental power. She didn't know what or who was causing it, but her insights led to that figure.

Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
"I saved you just now eh, but I wont say that you owe me. You know that a good string of attacks always works to our own advantage but lets leave it there and let Dante feel special."

He stepped off and stroked the side of Angela's face, just a notion to relax her a bit. "Heyy darling, we'll do lunch I have to go see the headmaster about something. Its the only reason I left class to begin with. If you want to follow then be my guest, all the spots you normally chill at are on the way as is."

Tobias looked over his shoulder and started to pace down the hall. He'd have to explain the hole in the floor at some point in the day but for the time being he had to make sure nothing else fishy was going on. "Tyra knows more about this than any of us I think, she's been seeing and feeling out some odd things with her powers but nobody wants to listen."

Tobis had a headache, he felt like manipulating even the are where the hooded figure had stood was a task, and that had never happened to him before. Something was wrong with him, he felt like something was inside his head and he was trying to get away from Dante and Angela as fast as he could, but the pull was too strong."Oh my God!!! What's this?? What's happening to me??"

He cried out and moved further down the hall where there was an open window and quickly climbed out, stumbling and falling onto the hard ground outside. Where he began to float in the air by negating the gravity just around himself, raising his position until he could see the school below him.

"Please, stop this?? Who are you!?!?! No...no please!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!"

Eneergy started to brim around Tobias' hand as he pulled in inversion around the matter he saw in the air, it kept building up until a lump of particles had filled out along his arm and thrummed with force. "No, please no..."

His body disobeyed and he launched the attack, sending it crashing down toward the school from a mere 20 feet away. It was aligned perfectly with the school and if it hit, no doubt would cause terrible damage as the implosive matter ate away at the building where it hit.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
Breaking through the Heavens
Dante stood dumbfounded for a moment. Not only had his punch connected, but he had sent the hooded figure into a gaping hole that appeared in the floor. Just as he began pondering his own strength however, Tobias appeared from the corner behind him. He made a face and sighed a bit. His rage had subsided. The figure was gone and he had all but forgotten about his beef with Angela. It didn't even matter that she easily ignored him to talk to Tobias. Dante wasn't an idiot. The attraction between the two was too obvious. Again though, Dante didn't care too much. It wasn't like girls had ever had interest in him and he had never been told he was handsome or anything. The life of a gangster didn't include free sex like the majority of the world seemed to believe. Not unless rape was an option.

Wiping these thoughts from his mind, Dante turned and faced Tobias and Angela who were talking. He was going to say something when Tobias started freaking out. Terribly freaking out. He was screaming "No" and "Please" and it seemed like he was having some sort of internal episode. Dante just stared at him, unable to really react. He knew of Tobias's ability somewhat but he himself couldn't do anything and Angela could only read minds as far he knew. Within a few moments, Tobias was outside the school, levitating in the air. And within another few moments he was charging some sort of attack aimed at the school. "Uuuuhhhh......shit......" Dante mumbled. All he could do was watch. Dante's ability was only survivability. He would definitely survive the onslaught. It was the school and the rest of the kids he was worried about.

"Okay then. I should at least try, right?" Ria said as she appeared in the hallway with Dante and Angela. The girl had followed the group out of the classroom after growing bored of the cold and sullen environment. She didn't have any books with her because she hadn't really brought anything to class. She was actually going to traverse the school thinking a bit when saw the scene. Ria had come out just as Tobias was freaking out and climbed out the window. She never saw the hooded figure but she did now see Tobias gearing up to attack the school. Ria knew of and understood Tobias's ability a little but she was still taking a chance with the decision she had come too.

Magnetic fields were everywhere and involved in nearly all functions. It was simple science. And it was simple enough for Ria to understand. She stepped up on the ledge of the window, walking straight past Dante and Angela without a second thought. She began to concentrate a little as energy swirled around Tobias's arm. This was it. One shot and it couldn't be missed or mistaken. Tobias sent his attack rampaging toward the school. The girl's plan was simple enough, in theory. She would use a Magnetic Reconnection.

Magnetic Reconnection is a physical process in which magnetic topology is rearranged and magnetic energy is converted to kinetic energy, thermal energy, and particle acceleration. It is also a violation in an approximate conservation law in plasma physics and can concentrate mechanical and magnetic energy in both time and space. It was risky as hell and it would be an instant drain for Ria but it was better than suffering Tobias's attack.

As the energy came down, Ria thrust both her palms into the air towards and began immediately. She created a magnetosphere at least big enough to surround the area the attack was likely to hit. She then generated as much magnetic energy into it as she could in the shortest amount of seconds possible, which would be a considerable amount because of her absolute manipulation over the property. Finally, she used magnetic reconnection of large systems of magnetic flux she had just created. The effect of all this usually led to a magnetic explosion of sorts that blew matter, energy, and particles in a direction away from a magnetic field. An example would be a Solar Flare on the sun's surface. It worked by releasing energy contained in a magnetic field in seconds that had accumulated over the course of hours, days, and even years. Ria had accelerated the accumulation greatly by generating magnetic energy at an alarming rate. In the end it would have the desired effect though.

Ria held onto the energy in the field until the attack was right on the school. She secretly thanked Tobias for the perfect alignment. At that moment, it felt like the heaviest weight was released from Ria's body. She felt extremely light-headed and even a bit free if you will. The energy generated in the magnetosphere combined with the reconnection of the large systems of magnetic flux within, exploded outwards into the free space. It wasn't a conventional explosion, it was an explosion of the matter in the air itself. Ria's plan was that this huge burst of matter would collide with Tobias's and either negate each other or at least blow it back it a direction that would the leave school mostly intact. The visible interpretation of this event was a giant swirl of matter speeding towards Tobias's attack.

Ria had no time to see the end result however. She immediately fell backwards from the window ledge and landed flat on her back. She oddly felt more comfortable then had ever been in her life. It was an intense euphoric feeling. As her eyes closed, she hoped that her intervention would be successful in some capacity. With that thought lingering in her mind, she comfortably lost consciousness, a slight grin remaining on her face.
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New member
Oct 19, 2011
The Planet Jupiter
Jana lifted her head from her arms wearily, turning her attention to the door of the classroom. What was that...sound? she wondered briefly. Shaking her head slightly she shrugged off the idea and returned her attention to the still stationary teacher. The sound cut through her attention again and she glared at the direction of the door. After a moment of hesitation she got to her feet, ignoring Mr. Jones as she slipped by the minimal desks and crowded students who stood. Jana's eyes were attentive to the door and the door only as she cracked it open enough for her to slip out. I'm probably hearing things, she thought smirking in spite of herself.

Slowly the scene before her blossomed to existence, announcing the origin of the yelling she had heard. So I had heard something, Jana took a few steps toward the scene before her. At first she was sure her eyes were deceiving her when she saw Tobias, his feet no longer touching the ground, with cries still audible. After a brief moment Jana turned on her heel, dashing back into the room. Not bothering to murmur apologies for pushing people aside she ran up to the teacher, not entirely sure what he could or would do to deal with the situation, but certain that the situation would need immediate attention.

"Sir," she started hastily, explaining the scene she had observed briefly. Almost immediately the man's expression became dubious, and Jana swore under her breath. "I'm being serious," she muttered though she wasn't focusing on any argument of logic he wanted to put forth. Instead she took a deep breath and pushed her thoughts toward his mind. Go look outside the classroom! Jana persisted until the unsure look in his eyes turned to alarm. With abruptness he jumped to his feet and pushed through the students in the room. Jana shook her head wearily, debating momentarily on whether she would follow or let the situation be dealt with by the teacher. Chewing on her bottom lip she sighed and followed through the crowds of students.

In the back of her mind Jana took in the reactions as some students looked toward the already-retreated teacher while others continued with their private conversations, showing little interest in anything around them. Jana pushed through the door again, taking few steps to catch up to Mr. Jones, who stood with a mixture of awe and fear. Sweeping her gaze over the situation Jana realized there were now four students outside, Angela, Dante, Tobias and another girl. For a moment she pondered the other girl's name then remembered her name was Ria. Ria was unconscious but when Jana looked up higher she saw a spiral of matter soaring closer and closer to an attack that seemed to be created by Tobias. Jana watched curiously as the two forced collided with one another...


Mar 23, 2010
'What was that?" Mickey asked aloud, snapping his neck towards the door where several students -including Angela, Dante, and Tobias- had left. He got to his feet, hurriedly collecting his things and running to the door, despite Mr. Jones calling after him. Inhuman screams came from the halls and Mickey screeched to a stop, eyes wide and mouth gaping at a floating Tobias and a fallen Ria.

"Oh, god." Worriedly, he looked to the other students who had filed out after him, murmurring things and staring at Tobias. Several people tapped him on the shoulder, demanding to know what was going on. "How should I know?!" He screamed, eyes finding Angela's, who was cowering in a safe distance away from the incoming matters in the air. No doubt Ria had spent a handful amount of energy, just trying to stop Tobias's. Mickey ran to Ria's unconcious body, lifted her up clumsily by the arms and dragged her away to drop her by Angela. He gave one, shaky glance at the Barsoe girl.

"P-please watch her. She's unconcious and she has to stay out of the way."

Angela backed into the wall, her legs shaking as she stared, dumbfounded at the about-to-collide attacks. Ria was being dragged, in a clumsy way, by no other then the class braniac Mickey Kendo. She glared at him, still irked by his little comment about her. "No bonking der she's unconcious, Kendo," she hissed, leaning away from the wall.

That figure.

He did this. She was sure it was a he. Angela chewed angrily on her bottom lip as she desprately tried to read Tobias's mind, keeping a distance at the wall. She screamed at others to back away and in pure fear, they followed. Heh. They didn't call her a leader for nothin. She closed her eyes, trying to peak into his mind. Angela would've never read his mind, but now, she had too. Just to find out who was controlling him.

"Nngh! Ahh!" Angela shrieked in pain. It hurt! It hurt so bad! There was a pounding deep in her brain, striking her with stabbing needles of pain. She gripped her head, falling backwards, her back arching dangerously as the stabbing grew even harder. Tobias's mind was a swirl of darkness and ice-chill. There was nothing heard, but everything to be felt. Angela writhed on the floor, biting her lips and clawing at the cold lineloeum. Students crowded around her. "Get...the...hell away! Get outta here! Go outside!"


New member
Sep 3, 2010
Breaking through the Heavens
At this point, Dante had also distanced himself from the window, to the wall on the other opposite side to be exact. He wasn't exactly cowering, but it was his first time seeing such abilities being used against each other. Although Dante could be reckless, he wasn't a primitive idiot who would stand in the way of such types of attacks. He didn't know who the girl was but he didn't have to time to ponder as she launched some sort of attack consisting of matter towards Tobias's own offensive. His gaze briefly shifted to Angela as Mickey dragged the now unconscious girl over to the leader.

This was the first time Dante had ever seen Angela cowering, albeit he hadn't seen her that much in his time at the home. He couldn't guess what was on her mind and turned back to Tobias, still in the air. The attacks were now in close proximity to each other. Dante could only wait to see what the outcome of such a clash would bring.
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