The Original made by me a while back before the Server change. You also have the power to PM me new ideas i will choose which ideas are good and which are bad!
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Day 1
Riku: i dare you to too put 50 gallons of sugar in root beer.
Sora: YOUR ON!
-pours some sugar in root beer-
Sora: -drinks it all-
Riku: wow, your alive.
Sora: -twitches- SUGGARRRRZZZZZ -jumps up onto the walll and runs up the ceiling-
Sora: -falls down and doesnt speak-
Riku: you ok Sora? -kicks Sora's body-
-riku looks around-
Riku: This is not my fault! -runs away-
- 5 days later-
Riku: -comes back with a disneyland hat- ahhh what a vacation. -steps on Sora's body and gets some Coffee-
Sora: -gets up- I drank 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons of sugar! -sniffs some sugar-
Riku: O_O
Sora:- is hyped up on sugar-
Kairi: -comes out of nowhere- WERE SENDING YOU TO SUGAR BOOT CAMP!!
Were sorry to interrup your wonderful story but we have breaking news!
TODAY ON BOATS! Were on a high speed chase with a hyped up boy on sugar just stole a High speed Mottor Boat and were now chasing him! OH geez! we forgot it was CANNON -BOOM- OH GOD HE'S LAUNCHING BAGS OF SUG - SLAM-
Phew he appears to ran out of Sugar Bags -bonk- OWW now he's throwing Ke -bonk- DUDE HE'S LAUNCHING KEYS AT US!! WHAT IS UP WITH THAT! -Crash- GREAT NOW HE'S THROWING CARDS AT US! -SLAMMMMM- ok we got him phew.
Now back to your current show
Kairi: yes boot camp
Riku: for people who eat to much sugar.
Sora: -GASP-
To be continued....
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Day 1
Riku: i dare you to too put 50 gallons of sugar in root beer.
Sora: YOUR ON!
-pours some sugar in root beer-
Sora: -drinks it all-
Riku: wow, your alive.
Sora: -twitches- SUGGARRRRZZZZZ -jumps up onto the walll and runs up the ceiling-
Sora: -falls down and doesnt speak-
Riku: you ok Sora? -kicks Sora's body-
-riku looks around-
Riku: This is not my fault! -runs away-
- 5 days later-
Riku: -comes back with a disneyland hat- ahhh what a vacation. -steps on Sora's body and gets some Coffee-
Sora: -gets up- I drank 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons of sugar! -sniffs some sugar-
Riku: O_O
Sora:- is hyped up on sugar-
Kairi: -comes out of nowhere- WERE SENDING YOU TO SUGAR BOOT CAMP!!
Were sorry to interrup your wonderful story but we have breaking news!
TODAY ON BOATS! Were on a high speed chase with a hyped up boy on sugar just stole a High speed Mottor Boat and were now chasing him! OH geez! we forgot it was CANNON -BOOM- OH GOD HE'S LAUNCHING BAGS OF SUG - SLAM-
Phew he appears to ran out of Sugar Bags -bonk- OWW now he's throwing Ke -bonk- DUDE HE'S LAUNCHING KEYS AT US!! WHAT IS UP WITH THAT! -Crash- GREAT NOW HE'S THROWING CARDS AT US! -SLAMMMMM- ok we got him phew.
Now back to your current show
Kairi: yes boot camp
Riku: for people who eat to much sugar.
Sora: -GASP-
To be continued....