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Help/Support ► diet family support

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New member
Jun 28, 2008
hi, im in name here for one of my friends. he, how to explain, has been told by nutritionist to diet, he tells the nutritionist that he would do the diet but, he doesn't do them. =/
he told me his problem was family support. he'd talk to his parents and they'd tell him they would go three times a week to walk for 30 minutes to 1 hour weekends but they don't end up going because his parents have an excuse for not going.

im really worried since i've noticed him a bit depressed and decided to ask you guys:
what can he do?


Apr 21, 2005

If he's serious about the diet, he'll do it.

If he isn't, he'll suffer the consequenses.

You can't tell him what to do with his life, and if he dosn't see the point in it, and keeps justfying avoiding it to you and himself, then you can't do a damn thing about that but watch him make his mistakes.

But when he comes crying to you in twenty years time that he's obese and in bad health, do him a massive favour. Flip out and yell at him about how he brought everything that's happened on himself. Sometimes the only words that can reach people are harsh ones.


The Random Rabbit
Mar 23, 2005
Noting that sanity is a point of view... Mine is s
Try suggesting to him to become the example. Normally parents are supposed to set the good example, but suggest to him that he try it this time. If he really wants to go on the diet then he should do so with or without his families support.

If he wants some support anyways tell him to look around, see if some friends would like to go for the walk with him. He might be surprised. Or he could join some clubs in school, if he does some running in school he won't have to go for the walks and he will have the rest of the group for support. He could join a hiking group with the same results, might make some new friends as well.

Not having the support of your family is tough especially when it comes down to things like diets, but ultimately it is up to him to decide how important it is. There is only so much you can do for him besides be there for him. And sometimes that makes all the difference, you never know, but I still say he should try and find some outside support, it won't change the fact that his family won't help, but it will make it easier for him to stick to the diet as well as have some kind of support group to fall back on. And most likely if he proves that it is something he cares about, then his parents will notice and do what they can to help, sometimes parents just figure that it is a passing thing and can't be bothered, if they see he is dedicated they might end up playing a different tune.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
United States

If he's serious about the diet, he'll do it.

If he isn't, he'll suffer the consequenses.

You can't tell him what to do with his life, and if he dosn't see the point in it, and keeps justfying avoiding it to you and himself, then you can't do a damn thing about that but watch him make his mistakes.

But when he comes crying to you in twenty years time that he's obese and in bad health, do him a massive favour. Flip out and yell at him about how he brought everything that's happened on himself. Sometimes the only words that can reach people are harsh ones.

Yeah that's pretty harsh and it would just smash his self-esteem, I don't think a friend would do that to another friend. This girl(?) doesn't seem like she'd want to do that anyways.
Usagi makes a good point, telling him to be the example sounds like a good idea. But if he's the kind of guy that needs support, maybe you should be that support. You seem concerned enough, try and encourage him to stick to his diet, reinforce the fact that he has to dedicate himself if he wants to make progress. I suppose this is all you can do though, of course you can't actually make him do it.
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