What.................. He wasn't ever they'rekbmaster said:The trailer that I saw is on It doesn't show their fusion clearly, but Sora and Goofy fuse in a battle in Agrabah.
[when i say "FORM"i mean like a super form]}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}Murluxia said:I've noticed that in the most recent Kh2 trailer that Sora DOES NOT Fuse with any of his party members.Could it be that this is just another form of Sora???+U can clearly see DONOLD TO THE LEFT OF SORA!
AT LAST SOMEONE HAS SAW THE LIGHTVice-Versa said:Yes because in Agraba Sora Teamates were Aladin and Donald. Sora got into his "Transformation" without Goofy there. Its very possable that the "fusion" concept was made-up.
R U STupid,DO U SEE GOOFY THERE BEFOREHAND!monkeybutt said:Duh common sence. Goofy isn't their because he's fused with Sora.
You Are Dumb 4 Agreeing With HimDorak said:Thank You Monkeybutt, You Have Seen The Light!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!