50 times? On Proud? Against Zack?
That's sad...
I get so close and then he busts out of my freeze raid into the "throw w/e is around me into the air and kill it" stance and I facepalm.
50 times? On Proud? Against Zack?
That's sad...
I get so close and then he busts out of my freeze raid into the "throw w/e is around me into the air and kill it" stance and I facepalm.
BBS, in my opinion, is not only the best KH game, but one of the best games I've ever played PERIOD.
I forgot what I'm dealing with here.If you don't like it, then I suppose you probably should just wait for KH3 or 3ds for the next big thing, but I recommend you try to enjoy it.
I'm so tired of this. Worlds in Critical Mode are still thirty minutes, tops. Without being too careless I can still mash on X most of the time, and I can exploit commands and shotlock on bosses. Critical Mode is not hard.
BbS is a good game, but nowhere near as good as some of you make it out to be. My biggest tiff with it is the oh so wonderfully bland world design. You can tell there was some effort to bring some platforming back to the series, but man am I tired of walking into large, empty rooms where all I do in them is fight enemies and open treasure chests. They're everywhere. Personally, they're chiefly why at this point I find myself having to force myself to continue, something I shouldn't have to be doing.
KH1 was great because it had charm, something I can honestly say the other games lack. It's almost as if "nostalgia" is the go-to buzzword used to defend BbS' shortcomings.
I forgot what I'm dealing with here.
Nowhere near as good as we make it out to be? Shouldn't that be for us to decide? If you don't think so fine, but you shouldn't make it sound as if our opinion is incorrect, and your's is.
I think you both missed the part where the thread basically asks if I feel if this is the best installment in the series so far. Christ Dexter, you made the thread.If you feel strongly that this game is not good compared to a previous game of your choice,
I think you both missed the part where the thread basically asks if I feel if this is the best installment in the series so far. Christ Dexter, you made the thread.
I'm not getting BBS for a while, but from what I've seen, it looks great, but not as good as KH1. So I would say second best.
It looks like it made up for the crap we got that's known as KH2 and Days.
actually, Birth by sleep is by far the worst game in the series. I prefer kh2 and days over BBS.
I know everyone has their own opinion, but damn.....
actually, Birth by sleep is by far the worst game in the series.
basically ever since final fantasy and disney took a backseat to shitty convoluted plot devices (aka every game sans kh1), this series has had very little going for it. i was hoping bbs would remedy this problem, but i'm afraid it hasn't.
zack the only ff cameo? bullshit. 30 minute disney worlds? what. i mean sure this game was a perfect opportunity to develop ff's radiant garden gang, but no instead we get some silly scenes of axel and sa'i'x and their 'old' selves.