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DO you think BBS is the best KH game yet?


Do you think BBS is the best KH title yet?

  • Hell YES!!!

    Votes: 75 52.1%
  • Not sure, yet....

    Votes: 27 18.8%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 11 7.6%
  • I love all the kh games!

    Votes: 31 21.5%

  • Total voters
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We are Moogle! Hear us...kupo?
Oct 5, 2009
Wherever I am right now
I know that is your opinion or whatever but that is lame.

Celus is the first person I've seen saying that, but I know a couple other people who would probably have the same opinion. Many people who are only moderate fans of the series and don't care about the side games, think KH2 is outstanding, and they don't realize a lot of the problems in the game, so many people view KH2 as the best game in the series because it was easy, and it was the farthest in the story. Of course I'm not saying Celus is one of these people, but I'm just saying most people that think KH2 are the best are those type of fans...once again, I am not saying Celus is one of those fans.


New member
Jul 19, 2008
Well BBS is great game I mean to me crtical mode on BBS is very very challenging this is just my opinion of course BBS is a great game hands down


It's better than drinking alone
Feb 8, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
I never thought I'd see the day... wow...

Um... just be careful that you don't get a lot of hate-mail for that.

In all honesty, I thought KH: II was better than the original, plot and gameplay-wise. The only thing that I hated about II was that it was too easy; Kingdom Hearts was better in the fact that it was more difficult.

For me, the games go like this:


No one else on the forum will agree with me though, but whatever. There's my two cents.


New member
Jul 19, 2008
yeah ur probably right but i could care less about the hate mail lol


New member
Aug 22, 2010
WHAT??? I don't understand why people say KH1 was the best. BBS completely knocks KH1 out of the park! KH1, while a great game, was fairly childish and kiddy when compared to KH2. Sure, KH2 was WAAAYYYY too easy, but it had a MUCH more mature storyline, more depth to the combat system, and a better storyline with much better villians. Ansem was a cool villian for KH1, but he was introduced way too late in the story for me to truly appreciate it (although his voice actor is absolutely amazing). With KH2, the overarching plot of Org. XIII was constantly reinforced in a lot of the worlds. Sorry, but I'd much rather see original KH characters like Xemnas and the rest of the Organization talking about taking out Sora than freakin' Captain Hook, Oogie Boogie, and Ursula.

Also, the combat was very clunky in KH1. There wasn't a very deep moveset. As a HUGE God of War and Devil May Cry fan, this is something I look for in action games.

I feel like people like KH1 because of the nostalgia factor. Unfortunately, that's not the case for me. KH2 was actually my first KH game since I thought it would be too kiddy (although I did play KH1 shortly after beating KH2). I guess I'm just old (hell, I'm probably the oldest guy here) lol.

I would definitely agree that KH1 had better Disney integration, but that means nothing to me. I honestly couldn't care less about the Disney aspect of KH, believe it or not. I play it for the gameplay, voice acting, music, and plot (all of which are fantastic, and I would expect nothing less from SE)

But yeah, BBS completely owns KH1 in every way.

My order is thus:

1. BBS (no contest)
2. Re:CoM (what can I say? playing as Riku is F***ing awesome, plus the card system is fantastic)
3. KH2 (Organization XIII. 'Nuff said)
4. KH1
5. Days
May 16, 2007
That would have been a great troll post if it wasn't serious.

KH1 was great because it had charm, something I can honestly say the other games lack. It's almost as if "nostalgia" is the go-to buzzword used to defend BbS' shortcomings.

How is "charm" any less of a buzzword in defending KH1 than "nostalgia" is for defending BbS?


need some more candy cane
Jan 18, 2010
KH2 had NO depth. It was just mash X the whole entire game and win. Drive Gauges made the battle system extremly broken, besides one spell, magic was shit again, unless in a drive. Stroyline wasn't that great either, and the writing especially was crap. I don't see where you are getting this stuff.


need some more candy cane
Jan 18, 2010
I can say the EXACT same thing about KH1. >_>

K, go try that. I guarantee you will get your ass handed to you. Besides, at least KH1 didn't have you sit there will Sora does some sixteen hit combo shit will you are just tapping X.


need some more candy cane
Jan 18, 2010
I've BEEN trying it and succeeding, fool

Most of your complaints on KH2 can be said the exact same way with KH1. And of course I've been telling you this a million times but you constantly ignore it >_>

K, then try again. Tell me how anything bad from KH2 can be said about KH1. Or how KH2 is better than KH1 at all.

Chrono Mizaki

Aug 19, 2008
Bradford, England
I've BEEN trying it and succeeding, fool

Most of your complaints on KH2 can be said the exact same way with KH1. And of course I've been telling you this a million times but you constantly ignore it >_>

...Actually, whenever I argue with you on Kingdom Hearts II, you repeat the same argument. I'm still in firm belief that Kingdom Hearts II is an average button masher game.

Go and argue, because I can argue back with 10x the more information.


Silver Member
Apr 21, 2005
Robotnik Land - Home of Pingas
K, then try again. Tell me how anything bad from KH2 can be said about KH1. Or how KH2 is better than KH1 at all.

(facepalm) Try again? Why? Just so you can ignore them again? Whatever:

-Worlds having little to do with the story:
First of all, KH2 DOES have involvement with the story in their worlds. Take Beast's Castle for example. You had Xaldin's whole story there. Land of Dragons had an appearance with Riku and Xigbar. Now you may say "oh, these can easily be summed up in a scene!" well, guess what, same with KH1.
What did Deep Jungle have to do with the story? All it provided was a small argument between Sora and Donald which "could've beens summed up in a cutscene" if you will. And what about Alice in Wonderland? All it provided to the story was Alice getting kidnapped, which once again "could've been summed up in a cutscene" which is an excuse a lot of the KH2 haters seem to use a lot.

- It's too easy:
To be fair, so is KH1. Granted, it's harder than KH2 but it still isn't "challenging" like people say it is.

- It's story was crap
Really? You are seriously saying KH2's story was crap and KH1's isn't? Here's KH1:
Maleficent, Oogie Boogie, Captain Hook, Ursula, Hades and a bunch of Disney villains go to try and rule all worlds while at the last minute this dude named Ansem appears out of nowhere so he can be the final boss.
Great story, huh? >_>

- Organization XIII had no depth
Disney villains had no depth >_>
Organization XIII had plenty of foreshadowing and character building in COM, KH2 and BBS. With Disney villains, you can't really do much.

- Battle system sucked
It's the exact same battle system as KH1 but with added reaction commands >_>

I would type more but:
1. You're just going to forget everything I said anyway :/
2. I need to leave in 5 minutes and don't have type to type more.

Go and argue, because I can argue back with 10x the more information.

Ha! Oh boy, that was funny.


We are Moogle! Hear us...kupo?
Oct 5, 2009
Wherever I am right now
Can we not flame...I don't see how anybody can win an opinionated argument...does anybody realize that? When 2 people have views on a subject that is completely opininated, generally, nobody wins, I just have to flip through pages of flames to get through to the one comment that tries to get us back on topic. Honestly, I think KH1 is better then KH2, but I do not think KH2 should get nearly as bad a rep as people say it is. From what I read on the topic, why do some people even like the KH series if they are so 100% against KH2 in every possible way. It had it's ups and downs, and you know what I still liked it, actually loved it.


Slippery People
May 10, 2004
How is "charm" any less of a buzzword in defending KH1 than "nostalgia" is for defending BbS?
The series was initially presented as a collaboration of Final Fantasy and Disney characters, primarily why I was drawn to the series to begin with. As Steve put it earlier, we've been seeing less and less of this with every installment. You take away the idea, you take away what some people liked about it in the first place.

That's how we got the Organization, you know.

Chrono Mizaki

Aug 19, 2008
Bradford, England
(facepalm) Try again? Why? Just so you can ignore them again? Whatever:

-Worlds having little to do with the story:
First of all, KH2 DOES have involvement with the story in their worlds. Take Beast's Castle for example. You had Xaldin's whole story there. Land of Dragons had an appearance with Riku and Xigbar. Now you may say "oh, these can easily be summed up in a scene!" well, guess what, same with KH1.
What did Deep Jungle have to do with the story? All it provided was a small argument between Sora and Donald which "could've beens summed up in a cutscene" if you will. And what about Alice in Wonderland? All it provided to the story was Alice getting kidnapped, which once again "could've been summed up in a cutscene" which is an excuse a lot of the KH2 haters seem to use a lot.

These world are an excuse to put you through some magical world anyway. But the difference is that KH1 incorporate these things better. Deep Jungle foreshadowed the events that is yet to come, such as the picture of Hollow Bastion. It's also separated Sora and Donald, and when they reunited, they still didn't solve their differences. It was until the Keyhole that Donald see he was wrong and forgave him The Wonderland world also was important because Alice is the POH, but Sora did not know that and thus, wanted to save her because she was imprisoned unfairly and later on, was kidnapped. With Agrabah...

Well, it's fcuking Aladdin. But that didn't have much pulling power and went along with the movie plot. Same with Nightmare Before Christmas. The Peter Pan world made the biggest difference, as it combined it with the major plot to have a difference.

But otherwise, apart from a couple of worlds, the disney worlds had a lot of importance as it foreshadowed events.

- It's too easy:
To be fair, so is KH1. Granted, it's harder than KH2 but it still isn't "challenging" like people say it is.

Kingdom Hearts is challenging, just that for me, it could have been a bit more challenging. Kingdom Hearts II felt like Sora was overpowered and the enemies has not scaled up to him. The battle system was just too... streamlined. With reaction commands, you can mash. And you have been given far too much ability points, which isn't hard to equip with all the best moves. And there were damn sight so many useless moves to be thrown in with it.

Kingdom Hearts II is pathetically easy because it has been handed to you on a silver plate. With KH1, there were a sense of earning and timing.

- It's story was crap
Really? You are seriously saying KH2's story was crap and KH1's isn't? Here's KH1:
Maleficent, Oogie Boogie, Captain Hook, Ursula, Hades and a bunch of Disney villains go to try and rule all worlds while at the last minute this dude named Ansem appears out of nowhere so he can be the final boss.
Great story, huh? >_>

Rather have one-dimensional disney villains than lacksture grey-area villains that does not seem to know the word 'grey area'. Let's not forget Sora saying to the nobodies "they don't feel anything" after what they witness Roxas, Axel and Namine.

Pretty much a mockery, is it not? The villains in KH1 had their charm. The villains in KH2 has not.

Organization XIII had no depth
Disney villains had no depth >_>
Organization XIII had plenty of foreshadowing and character building in COM, KH2 and BBS. With Disney villains, you can't really do much.

Yet KHII manage to destroy the effort that has been portrayed in COM and Birth by Sleep.

- Battle system sucked
It's the exact same battle system as KH1 but with added reaction commands >_>

I'm going to flat out say you are wrong. On so many regard. It's a floaty battle system that manage to cram all your abilities at the touch of X. Also, see my previous arguement on too many AP points and crap.

I would type more but:
1. You're just going to forget everything I said anyway :/

You made a shit argument. YOU HAVEN'T EXPLAINED WHY KHII isn't bad.


need some more candy cane
Jan 18, 2010
-Worlds having little to do with the story:
First of all, KH2 DOES have involvement with the story in their worlds. Take Beast's Castle for example. You had Xaldin's whole story there. Land of Dragons had an appearance with Riku and Xigbar. Now you may say "oh, these can easily be summed up in a scene!" well, guess what, same with KH1.
What did Deep Jungle have to do with the story? All it provided was a small argument between Sora and Donald which "could've beens summed up in a cutscene" if you will. And what about Alice in Wonderland? All it provided to the story was Alice getting kidnapped, which once again "could've been summed up in a cutscene" which is an excuse a lot of the KH2 haters seem to use a lot.

KH2's worlds didn't have jackshit to do with anything going on in the plot at that moment. All you did in the worlds was solve the disney characters shit. Example: Pride Lands, you go there and you see Simba and you go through what happens in the movies, dads death, scar being a dick, and him not being able to be a king. Which of course, happens in KH1 too but we see much less of it. You see no one pertaining to the actual plot except for fcuking Pete, there. Who wasn't important at all to the main plot at all cept for comic relief maybe.

They tried to add some relevance stuff to the story, but again this is a collab between final fantasy and disney. So, getting side-tracked is a given.

- It's too easy:
To be fair, so is KH1. Granted, it's harder than KH2 but it still isn't "challenging" like people say it is.

I disagree. KH1 is much more challenging than KH2. Which is mainly because of the lack of drive forms, OP Limits, and a spell that could block fcuking everything. Drive forms really made everything easy, which is very broken. Plus, with additions like Sephiroth, Kurt Zisa, and Ice Titan, which are all very challenging bosses, and the lack of OP abilities, and moves like what was listed above, KH1's difficulty was a lot more challenging than KH2's was.

- It's story was crap
Really? You are seriously saying KH2's story was crap and KH1's isn't? Here's KH1:
Maleficent, Oogie Boogie, Captain Hook, Ursula, Hades and a bunch of Disney villains go to try and rule all worlds while at the last minute this dude named Ansem appears out of nowhere so he can be the final boss.
Great story, huh? >_>

Ansem was behind everything. He is the one feeding Maleficent this information, when in the end she was just a tool. So through Maleficent, Ansem was also using all of the disney villians to accomplish what he wanted(getting KH which he thought was darkness or some shit) Which is why they controlled the heartless, who brought the PoH to them. It was supposed to be a suprise, that this feeble little thing we see in Destiny Islands suddenly becomes the mastermind behind everything, when we have seen who he was before. Again, it was also to make the disney worlds go along with their respective movies, while still going along with the story. This is what KH2 lacked. It threw you in to follow the movie, but there is little relevance to the plot itself.

- Organization XIII had no depth
Disney villains had no depth >_>
Organization XIII had plenty of foreshadowing and character building in COM, KH2 and BBS. With Disney villains, you can't really do much.

Orginization was helpful, except when they randomly appeared for no reason: IE Demyx, Luxord. I mean seriously, Demyx appears once in Olympus Colleseum saying "RUN RUN AWAY" Which was random as hell, and then just dies in Hollow Bastion. Luxord also appears out of nowhere for the first time and is suddenly a pirate for whatever reason, then dies in TWTNW. I mean, really, we literally know NOTHING about these people except for their names. They were just sprinkled in to random places. Plus it isn't really fair to compare the Org to Disney villians since the Org are original characters in KH. Disney villians are brought over from movies, which is where their development really is.

But all in all, Org 13 wasn't that relevant except in a couple of worlds maybe? And majority of those were in original worlds. If they could have made the organization members work behind the scenes, manipulating people to do what they want(or xemnas wants), then it would have been great. Except, we only see that once, with Xaldin and maybe Luxord.

Only one with any kind of development was Roxas, which is a given because he IS Sora, and he really isn't a part of orginization 13 during KH2.

- Battle system sucked
It's the exact same battle system as KH1 but with added reaction commands >_>

Not at all lol. KH1 kept it simple, and didn't make you sit there and watch unnecessarily long combos. Drive Forms, made everything a piece of cake with its OP abilities. Cinematic Reaction Commands were just as unnecessary as the combos were. It's more flashy than it is unnecessary. Not saying that flash is a bad thing, but too much adds little to the overall battle system. Magic was crappy in KH2 compared to KH1, since KH2's only useful spell was Reflega, and magnega(which no one uses) Limits made the game even MORE easy, since using them resulted in extremely high damage, an OP stunn/loop(fantasia, and the other rocket thing) AND offered invincibility. BBS fixed ALOT of the problems that we saw in KH2 and added things we see from KH1. Which is why it is one of the best KH games to date.
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