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DO you think BBS is the best KH game yet?


Do you think BBS is the best KH title yet?

  • Hell YES!!!

    Votes: 75 52.1%
  • Not sure, yet....

    Votes: 27 18.8%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 11 7.6%
  • I love all the kh games!

    Votes: 31 21.5%

  • Total voters
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New member
Oct 21, 2009
yeah, but still

they should have explained the war
if it was such a big deal

that's all im saying

but they did explain the war, it was people fighting to defend the light against those who wanted it for themselves, the war eventually caused the world to be consumed by darkness and one day be restored as several smaller worlds separated from each other by walls of light.

i mean really that's all you need to know.


Has a custom user title
Apr 10, 2007
his attacks suck but i don't think he is pathetic (but he does sound a little childish though)
You're doing it wrong. Ventus' attacks are good. Very good.

Birth by Sleep was definitely the most solid and complete Kingdom Hearts title I've played since Kingdom Hearts 1.


Dec 22, 2009
The final world
You're doing it wrong. Ventus' attacks are good. Very good.

Birth by Sleep was definitely the most solid and complete Kingdom Hearts title I've played since Kingdom Hearts 1.
yes i know BbS is my favorite game in the series, but im just saying his attacks kinda suck thats all.


Bronze Member
Oct 4, 2009
my command deck with Ventus is:
1-Time Splicer
3-Ars Arcanun


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
but they did explain the war, it was people fighting to defend the light against those who wanted it for themselves, the war eventually caused the world to be consumed by darkness and one day be restored as several smaller worlds separated from each other by walls of light.

i mean really that's all you need to know.

No one was actually defending the light. Everyone wanted it for themselves.

Chrono Mizaki

Aug 19, 2008
Bradford, England
Well, I liked how me and The Light provided our argument, yet our little Alister-esque Slyfoxx hasn't replied <3

Though I am in some form of agreement with Shamdeo, I still believe that despite its design flaws, Kingdom Hearts does have the best design combination of platforming and combat, similar to the Legend of Zelda series. I'm just flat-out against the later series transforming it into some form of dungeon-crawler button masher instead of working what was best in the KH series.

Losing its magic is one thing, but reducing other elements in favour of a combat-flavoured game is certainly the last straw for me. It's why I hate Kingdom Hearts II and why I'm warming to Birth by Sleep. Now if any KHII-tards want to have it against me, do so, but screw you if you think KH1 and 2 are the same thing where it's certainly obvious elements were downplayed.


New member
Sep 6, 2010
It's leagues behind KHI and II, but still an amazing game. It's just that nothing can beat the original game. It's just not possible.

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New member
Sep 6, 2010
You know I get really sick of this forum every so often because it seems a lot of the members want to bash other peoples opinions, complain, and act rude to other people. I'm sorry but I have disregarded most of the posts I read here for these reasons. PEOPLE ARE ALOUD TO HAVE OTHER OPINIONS! Now then there are those who say "you have said nothing to back up your opinions." Yes this does happen but when it comes to something that is supposed to entertain there is really no set fact. Some people enjoy really easy 1 button games, some like lots of platforming, some like the open rooms, some like really hard strategy things, but that doesn't mean one is correct over the other.

I'm not trying to target anyone but seriously think about it, do you have to get angry or smart just because someone thinks differently?

I'm glad someone else feels the same way. I've been thinking that since I joined. And it seemed like people would get along better since they supposedly come here to share their love of something.


need some more candy cane
Jan 18, 2010
siegalblabla said:
You know I get really sick of this forum every so often because it seems a lot of the members want to bash other peoples opinions, complain, and act rude to other people. I'm sorry but I have disregarded most of the posts I read here for these reasons. PEOPLE ARE ALOUD TO HAVE OTHER OPINIONS! Now then there are those who say "you have said nothing to back up your opinions." Yes this does happen but when it comes to something that is supposed to entertain there is really no set fact. Some people enjoy really easy 1 button games, some like lots of platforming, some like the open rooms, some like really hard strategy things, but that doesn't mean one is correct over the other.

You're not going to change anything. Everyone is allowed to have opinions, but we also have a right to post how WE feel about their post. If we disagree with it, we will say it.

Who is getting angry? No one is getting angry. We are just discussing the game.

I'm not trying to target anyone but seriously think about it, do you have to get angry or smart just because someone thinks differently?

Chrono Mizaki

Aug 19, 2008
Bradford, England
You're not going to change anything. Everyone is allowed to have opinions, but we also have a right to post how WE feel about their post. If we disagree with it, we will say it.

Who is getting angry? No one is getting angry. We are just discussing the game.

I'm not trying to target anyone but seriously think about it, do you have to get angry or smart just because someone thinks differently?

Pretty much this.

This is a fucking forum. If you are going to express your opinion, then you automatically gave us the right to disagree and debate with you on why! And if you insist on presenting your opinion, then we do so back. That is one of the reasons we have a forum. You cannot expect anyone to share opinion and not have an argument. Everyone has an opinion but yet you, siegablabla, have the gall to say we're flaming each other because of a difference in opinion. It's called debating. Try it once in a while and if you can't deal with it, then don't bloody post and expect everything to be ho-de-hum... or post in a topic where there isn't a atmosphere of 'debate.

But otherwise. I have my opinion. You have my opinion. Everyone has a opinion.

But I can't stand fucktards who cannot hold their opinion and later on, complain because we're flaming each other, when in fact, we just have heated debates.

And you know what. I LIKE HEATED DEBATES. I LIKE ARGUING TO PEOPLE. Argue KHII and if you have a good opinion, I respect it. However so far, people who argued about KHII in my experience are retards who's opinion are wet paper bags easy to punch through.


New member
Sep 6, 2010
But I can't stand fucktards who cannot hold their opinion and later on, complain because we're flaming each other, when in fact, we just have heated debates.


It's just that when you really look at what you're arguing about, really think about it, and look at what you're saying... it seems so pointless and silly. Such a waste of energy.


need some more candy cane
Jan 18, 2010
It's just that when you really look at what you're arguing about, really think about it, and look at what you're saying... it seems so pointless and silly. Such a waste of energy.

Being on a fucking kingdom hearts forum could be seen as pointless and silly. Really, being on here in general is a waste of "energy". Wy does it matter that much to you anyway? Let us be pointless and silly/

Chrono Mizaki

Aug 19, 2008
Bradford, England
It's just that when you really look at what you're arguing about, really think about it, and look at what you're saying... it seems so pointless and silly. Such a waste of energy.

We're on a bloody KH forum. Living is pointless. Eating a pork rib is pointless where I could be eating rice since it's cheap. What is the meaning of life? Why should I be so god damn concerned with people's opinion? I enjoy it. It doesn't conflict much with my daily life. I could spend my time doing other things, but I enjoy doing this.

Tell me your hobbies? Tell me what you do in your spare time? I believe those are a waste of energy.


New member
Sep 6, 2010
Being on a fcuking kingdom hearts forum could be seen as pointless and silly. Really, being on here in general is a waste of "energy". Wy does it matter that much to you anyway? Let us be pointless and silly/

You're right, you're right, and you can be pointless and silly all you want. =D

We're on a bloody KH forum. Living is pointless. Eating a pork rib is pointless where I could be eating rice since it's cheap. What is the meaning of life? Why should I be so god damn concerned with people's opinion? I enjoy it. It doesn't conflict much with my daily life. I could spend my time doing other things, but I enjoy doing this.

Tell me your hobbies? Tell me what you do in your spare time? I believe those are a waste of energy.

Calm down, please. xD I understand you enjoy putting people down, and I understand that everything can be considered pointless. It's just that when you're putting someone down by insulting their taste in video games (especially video games involving Disney and Final Fantasy) and that's what you enjoy doing... You have to admit it's a little sad, and if not sad than kind of funny. And it's a little more of a waste of energy then, say, actually playing the game, which isn't making anyone feel bad, or at least debating in a civil way. I don't consider putting other people and their opinions down as "debating".
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The Troll
Feb 9, 2009
Sinking into the light with a heart of pure darkne
As for the Disney aspect, there has been a relative decline in involvement, but nothing consistent or particularly substantial. We had less involvement in CoM, more in KH2, less in Days, more in BbS.

I slightly disagree with this. Yes, the CoM Disney worlds were filler and the stories were bland (they have to be since they are memories, as in they happened before), but upon closer inspection you'll realize that most of the worlds are meant to foreshadow events to come and are very significant in terms of thematic structure of the overall story. They had INVOLVEMENT, as in they are tied directly (from a thematic point of view) to the plot. Same as BBS, due to its lasting impact on character development and the reinforcement of the overall themes.

KH2 IMO wasn't involvement. It was mindless filler, whereas in COM it was simply filler. Nothing you do in the Disney worlds have an impact on the overall story except for a select few, and the writers did not even try to foreshadow events to come (except for the 2nd half of Halloween Town and Port Royal, but it was already too late by then). Disney was literally slapped onto that game with no effort made into integrating it into the story. It all depends on your definition of the word though. For me, 'involvement' extends beyond seeing a parade of Disney cameos who add nothing, not even thematically, to the story.

The original story has always taken precedence, and if they expand on it, that as I see it is a good thing. Kingdom Hearts suffers from an identity crisis- it doesn't know exactly what it wants to be and its popularity hinges on two more popular franchises. It ought to make something of itself. And if you don't like what that is (inevitably, people won't- they'll realize they were only ever drawn to the Disney/Final Fantasy), I still see more merit in attempting to make a name for itself than relying on the crutch that is this "charm" you're referring to.

IMO, its identity is using Disney/Final Fantasy to further the stories of the original characters and scenarios. Taking that away IS taking away its identity. I agree with expanding the original elements, but it'll be exceptional if they can somehow blend it with Disney/Final Fantasy, instead of making it the main element and shuffling off the rest to the side. It'll be a REAL identity crisis at that point, like it's trying too hard to be its own series and that can be off-putting to some. And everything lies on execution. The series' track record of execution is patchy at best.


It'll be interesting what Nomura will pull of with KH3. In my opinion, KH3 will be on the same scale as XIII, or even Versus for Square, so obviously they really want to do a good job.

I'm really hoping that with the ps3 engine (or ps4 who knows?) they'll really be able to improve of the things that have lacked in all kh games to date. I hope to see disney worlds that look stunning. Perhaps some worlds that love very cartoonish, with bright pastel colors, while others going for a more realistic jungle look (say the jungle book, and having a lush Uncharted 2 jungle feel). I hope to see real towns, with various pedestrians. I really do think that they can create real breathing worlds, that feel ALIVE, and truely animated.

Once they do that, and take what they've learned from BBS (the complex, and addicting combat, oppose from the random button mashing in previous kh games, to Disney characters actually taking part in the plot, like in kh1.) then KH3 could truly be on the brisk of epicness.
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