I'm super hyped for the 35th anniversary! I have a wishlist of announcements I'd love to hear:
1. Dragon Quest X localization. Probably the least likely thing to be announced, as Dragon Quest 10 came out in 2012 in Japan, but it's most recent expansion was in 2019 and a man can dream. I've met up with some people on Discord who have some amazing translation tools to instantly translate the Japanese text to English, so I actually have that all set up on my laptop waiting for me when they don't announce this localization.
2. Dragon Quest 9 remake for Switch! Do it! Have all of the content there from the start and the online functionality!
3. Other remakes! Maybe the rumored Dragon Quest 3 remake? Imagine Dragon Quest 3 running the same graphics and engine as 11! That would be amazing! Even more amazing would be a remake of 5 in 11's engine!
4. More Switch ports! Port the 3ds version of 7 and 8 (or do a perfect package of 8, even better!), give us the Zenithian trilogy of 4, 5, and 6 on Switch! Make Switch the one-stop-shop for the main series!
5. I will take literally any more spinoffs, give us some more Monsters, port the old spinoffs (Yangus Mystery Dungeon please?), Builders 3, Heroes 3, you name it I'll take it! This series literally has the best quality spinoffs. Hell, PLEASE give us Theaterythm Dragon Quest, I hate that it exists and we never got it.
6. Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai: Infinity Strash PS4/PS5. God I hope this game gets localized, the trailer looked fun and I had a great time with that manga. Haven't watched either of the anime adaptations yet, but this game would be a really fun way to experience the story.
7. Dragon Quest 12: this is the bottom of my wishlist. Not because I don't want it! Just because I already know that it's coming, so I can be patient for that while I hope for these other more unlikely items.
Of course we won't hear most of these announcements, but if even one or two of them are in the cards for us, then that will be very exciting!