I like its one piece lol xP Didn't the seal have an object on its head in game, or was that a different DE? If that is a spoiler or something really bad, don't answer it lol...<_<
I thought I read somewhere that all the dream eaters that are in the AR Cards can be gotten without the AR Cards. They are just a lot harder to find without the AR Cards. Does someone know if that is correct?
These "Dream Eaters" are going to be like our own Pokemon in Kingdom Hearts. You know everyone is going to try and "Catch Em All" lol.
These "Dream Eaters" are going to be like our own Pokemon in Kingdom Hearts. You know everyone is going to try and "Catch Em All" lol.
Oh, hey. Is there any chance that Squeenix could release special edition Dream Eaters throughout the year for different events through SpotPass? Vacation Seal just screams 'summer' to me... Maybe there could be special Hallowe'en Dream Eaters released in October, or festive ones for Christmas? *asking for too much again*
Certainly, for completionists like me anyway!I legit won't be happy until I have them all haha.
I personally hope Square Enix invested most of their time in designing royal/fancy Dream Eaters like Kingdanyan although that's just me and I'm not the one to decide. I entrust Square Enix knows what they're doing. XD
I highly doubt they'll release festive DE's because not everywhere some holidays, so why make a DE for an event that some might not understand? Seasons I could see them doing, but special holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving I cannot xP
This is true...if this becomes anything like Pokemon where you have to drive 50 minutes out of your way to go to an obscure location to get this one DE, I'll do it, but it'll piss me off a lot -__- I'm glad there are two seals though because now I can put both seals on one team and we'll attack with nothing but balls...BALLS EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!
I highly doubt they'll release festive DE's because not everywhere some holidays, so why make a DE for an event that some might not understand? Seasons I could see them doing, but special holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving I cannot xP