Re: Eiohas Drawing Thread!: Wickerchild..
Thanks you two for the comments! It encourage me to even draw more, than I already does! It really does!
@Xblade: Of course there will be more drawings!
@KingdomKey: Thanks for your comments, I'm really happy that you too like my drawings, and I'm very sorry that I hadn't responded!
The Ressurected Hero; There was one reasons why I hadn't inked it: 1) I've never tried it, and would probably fail big time, lol
- This work was just to portrait him, to get his face down on paper. But I've been thinking about redoing his face, so there might be changes. But if you guys find him just fine, then I guess there isn't the need for change?
I already have a good idea of his outfit, of how he'd look, and you'll surely see more to him!
Wickerchild; Now that you mention it,.. he does! Lol! But this came from a dream of mine so I know it's not ViVi
But I still do not know him, though.. I do somehow regonise him.
Due to my bussiness I hadn't really have any time to draw, and the reason I didn't post a drawing for a little while! BUT! I've started one, and it seems like it can end up pretty good. I'll hopefully get it done tomorrow, so keep an eye out on my thread!