I... I don't know what to really say to all this, but I do have a strong urge to wring nomura's neck.
All this doesn't make any sense.Waiting to be saved is pushing it. From the BBS secret ending they didn't look like they were in torment in the least,and unless Sora plans on stabbing himself and Kairi with the key-blade for a big asspull three of those people who said his name already are saved. As for Axel nomura is to hot for him to not be brought back as Lea. He has that little plot coupon thing nomura cooked up about nobodies coming back as humans going for him.
Namine is Kairi's nobody. That's it. Now said nobody is back inside her Other. Xion was never human. She's memories that took human form for a year, and now those memories are back in their vessel. Sora. Roxas is Sora's nobody. So he's exactly were he belongs as well. Their stories have been resolved.I will shit bricks if nomura pulls some deus ex machina nonsense in upcoming games concerning characters that should be gone for good. Bring Namine, Xion and Roxas back? Let's just destroy the point of three games then Nomura!
The only ones in the whole ending that need to be saved or Terra, Aqua,Ansem, and Ven.
Also now that I think of it how did data Namine even remember Xion!!! Ugh
Edit: How does she even know Terra,Ven and Aqua? This smells way to much like deus ex machina, fanservice, and makes Namine look omnipresent.