Here you Go!
Chapter 7 ~ Our Past Life…
“K-Kairi? Your not going to break up with me are you?” Sora stuttered with a worried face.
Kairi’s face turned from a frown to a smile, she walked up to Sora and held his hands, she looked up at him and said “Of course not! …But there’s something we do need to talk about though.”
Kairi pulled Sora out of the room; Namine followed and gently dragged Roxas out of the room too.
The foursome wondered around the school until they got to a empty Music classroom, they went inside and locked the door.
The two Twins sat on the tables while the Girls stood staring at them.
“The reason we haven’t been to you much is…” Namine turned to Kairi, wondering if she should tell them.
Kairi nodded at her Best friend.
“Those boys, the ones who beat you all up, there a gang called ‘The lonesome Doomsdays’ and Well before me and Kairi moved here, we lived at a place called Radiant Garden…” Namine stopped for a moment “Kairi, you say the rest, I don’t want to have to say those painful memories…”
Kairi nodded, “And The lonesome Doomsdays were the main gang there, Y’know, the one everyone hates? Well anyway, one day me and Namine were walking through the town and, there they were, sitting on the wall staring at us.”
“We knew we couldn’t run, because they had already seen us, anyway, they came over to us and happened to get chatting, and we found out they had only created this gang because there parents had died so all they had was each other!” Kairi rambled on “Well anyway, it seemed the two Leaders, Tai and Jon had taken a liking towards us.”
Roxas and Sora stared at the girls in confusion “What’s this got to do wi-“ Sora was cut off my Kairi’s words.
“Well, me and Namine felt really sorry for them, so we went out with them for a while” Roxas and Sora just sat there, there face’s were completely shocked. “ But after about 2 weeks they abuse us, and acted as if we were for slaves than girlfriends, Soon enough, our Parents found out and moved us here.”
Namine quietly said “But it seems they have found us, and now they wont give up until they have us, even if it means destroying you two…”
Sora and Roxas both got up and looked at the girls, “Trust us, we wont let them lay a single finger on you ever again!” Roxas said.
They girls looked up at them smiling.
“So It was those guys who sent me the email?” The trio looked at him confused “Well, I got this email threatening me, saying I better look after you all or you will get hurt…But the weird thing is, I thought it was Siefer who sent it, seeing as he called me straight after I got it and was being nice to me…”
Roxas scowled at Siefer’s name “And he was being all nice to us this morning! Do you think he’s got something to do with it?” Roxas asked.
“I don’t know” Namine said.
“But I’ll tell you one thing” Everyone turned to Kairi “The Lonesome Doomsdays wont get help unless they really need it, so I don’t think Siefer would be helping them now, seeing as they think they already have us.”
The other three nodded “But we better watch out for Siefer just in case,” He turned to Roxas “Because you know what he is like, he’ll do whatever he can to get his own way.”
The four looked at each other, they quickly ran out the door and too there homeroom.
They opened the door to see there teacher already standing there, Sir turned to them, “Nice of you to join us! Now Sit Down!”
The four all sat in there places.
“Now today class, we have two new students!” Sir held out his hand “Tai and Jon! Please come in!”
Two boys walked in, one had blonde hair and the other had dark brown.
Kairi and Namine froze, it was them! Sora and Roxas had noticed too, the four bent down as low as they could in there chairs, trying not to be seem by the two people that had tried to kill them.
The One with Blonde hair spoke out “Im Tai! And this is Jon!” He said pointing at the brunette beside him.
Tai seemed nice, thought Roxas; you wouldn’t think someone like him would beat up a girl…But Jon on the other hand…
Jon had large snake shaped tattoo twisting up his arm, and when he had walked into the class room it seemed he had something like Devil wings on his Back.
“Ok, you two can sit there at the front!” Sir pointed at the two seats at the front next to Hayner and Riku.
The Four sighed in relief, hopefully the two boys hadn’t seen them.
But then it happened.
Tai and Jon turned around it there seats and stared at the four, there beady eyes, they evil grins.
It was enough to make you sick…
OoOoOoOoOo What will happen next?
Its half term here so I have a week off, so I will write more chappies, ok?