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Help/Support ► everyone HATES me!!!

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Married to Crimson ♥
May 17, 2007
yeah... but socalizing to people who never listens to you in class and they do just laugh?

As I said, it takes time to change the impression others have of you. It takes time, but if it works some time eventually, it's all worth it.

And if you changed schools and started over all new, then it should be no problem, given you're willing to try to socialize.

rockin riku

New member
May 5, 2007
the land of rainbows and marshmallows
Well i know u don't want to hear wat i think but you have enough friends at skool and i do appreatiate you i try to help u out but you don't listen to me. You are not movings skools by the way.

Some people may think i'm being mean and i proboly am but i think you should suck it up and stop being such a moan, i think everyone has been bullied at least once in their lives and most of them have turned out fine, people call me names all the time because i'm diiferent and have red hair but i don't care becuase i have a good sence of humour and if anyone laughs at me i always think of a good comeback and tell my friends it then it makes me feel better. think of the goods things about you and try to make them bettr like you are funny sometimes work on that and you could make some friends.

you should try to get along with people bost up your confidence a bit. if you need anyone to talk to remember that even though i am a really bad speller i am ere to talk to.


I'm lost...
Apr 23, 2004
yeah... but socalizing to people who never listens to you in class and they do just laugh?

I cant say this enough. Id like you to respond to this, as it seems you dont read people's advice on confidence. It's like it goes into one ear (eye) and out of the other. Take it in for a second.

People dont listen to others that talk without confidence (vibration in the voice, soft, quiet, silent) because people without confidence dont catch attention. When you dont show off confidence, you give people the feeling you arent confident about anything about yourself and what you have to say, so why would they want to listen to you.

Next time someone asks you something in class, talk loud and confident. Just try it, just for fun. See what will happen.

I can guarantee you that it'll leave you in awe. And them too.

teach them some respect and stop taking crap from people...fight back if you must just never let them get you down...stay positive not negitive^^
Girls that fight arent popular.

Danica Syer

Trivia: Love ღ
Apr 7, 2005
Well that sucks. There's no solution to this problem then?

Have more self-confidence. Self-confidence is the key.

Ask them why they are picking on you. Find out first why they are teasing you and all!

Ignore them if possible. If it gets

Maybe many of them are insecure and are jealous of you because you have something they might have.

It happened to me when I had somebody gossip about me during Freshmen year and teased me in my junior year.


lately, lovely
Mar 17, 2007
If you're going to assume and act like things will never get better, then they won't.

You have to have some measure of confidence for anything to change.

Ip Man

Jan 5, 2006
Like I said already, bitch slap them.

Seriously. I was you up until 6th grade. I was called nerd and made fun of every time, and it only got worse when I got plastic glasses. So what I did one day was when this kid called me something, I grabbed my heaviest book, slammed it on his head and got into a fight. Sure I got detention and a big lecture from my parents. But from that day forth, that guy didnt hate me because I was a "nerd" or anything, but because he knew I wouldnt take his sh*t anymore. Instead of starting things with me, he would only give me dirty looks. But he never ever did anything to me because he knew I wasnt gonna keep my arms crossed.

That's how bullying stops. When you give them a taste of their own medicine and they realize people wont take their crap anymore. Once they know they'll be consequences if they bully you, they'll think twice.

However, if you dont do anything, if they know there wont be consequences, if you ignore them like some people keep saying here... they'll just keep going.

Not only will you be challenging the bullies, but you'll also get respect from other people if they see you standing up for yourself. And there's no better way to gain people's respect in school than be kicking someone else's ass.


Bronze Member
Mar 1, 2008
Don't let them push you around. Stand up for yourself.


lately, lovely
Mar 17, 2007
Like I said already, bitch slap them.

Seriously. I was you up until 6th grade. I was called nerd and made fun of every time, and it only got worse when I got plastic glasses. So what I did one day was when this kid called me something, I grabbed my heaviest book, slammed it on his head and got into a fight. Sure I got detention and a big lecture from my parents. But from that day forth, that guy didnt hate me because I was a "nerd" or anything, but because he knew I wouldnt take his sh*t anymore. Instead of starting things with me, he would only give me dirty looks. But he never ever did anything to me because he knew I wasnt gonna keep my arms crossed.

That's how bullying stops. When you give them a taste of their own medicine and they realize people wont take their crap anymore. Once they know they'll be consequences if they bully you, they'll think twice.

However, if you dont do anything, if they know there wont be consequences, if you ignore them like some people keep saying here... they'll just keep going.

Not only will you be challenging the bullies, but you'll also get respect from other people if they see you standing up for yourself. And there's no better way to gain people's respect in school than be kicking someone else's ass.

Don't do this.

12 Roses

~<3 Blossoming into exsistance <3~
Oct 2, 2008
In a beautful garden full of new people, placses,
hey i was picked on not to long ago and the names that they called my really hurt my fellings even my bff so i kinda know what to do. You just ether tell someone about it or raise hell to the princapal tell you parants if you have to thats what i did and they fixed the problem.


With Love
Jun 12, 2008
New York
Well, seriously I don't know how to help you. In my school I'm the most popular person. Took awhile to know a lot of people. Whenever I would see kids pick on another kid, the kid that got picked on. Would go to the princepal and explain to him detail by detail, what they exactly did. After then, the kids got suspended for bullying.
May 17, 2007
Yeah, I'm pretty sure everybody here has been bullied at least once.

I'm bullied a lot. By my friends. Which sucked.

So, uh, I found new friends.

Also, I would not recommend actually getting into a fight. If you can help it.

At most schools(Here, at least), getting into a fight gets you expelled. Which would suck.


New member
Aug 9, 2008
In my House
6th grade, yeah, i was the most picked on, even by my best friends, but now
I stood up by myself, they didn't pick on me any more, beacuse they know that i can kick their @sses, try to change your attitude a little, be a more courageous kind of person
try to meet new people that would accept you.
If you keep ignoring them, they would try harder just to make you more mad, just show
them that you could fight them.


Sep 2, 2008
everyone in class makes fun of me at school, they just never stop, if i tell the teacher, they'll all make fun of me even more, or else i'll get moved down a class

as my brother always say to me


look the reason why they pick on you is because they wanna feel good about themselves, because they know deep down that they are the real losers.

Dude just ignore them, who cares what they say to you. You do know that telling the teacher is probably the worst thing you possibly could do, it would make you more of a loser, because knowing how kids are these days they think when you tell on them, it shows that you can't be trusted. There either testing you, or really do hate you, just ignore them.


Bronze Member
Aug 8, 2004
Dude, honestly, you have to tell them ot fuck off. or fuck with their mind so bad that they go home and questino who they are.... but I doubt you can do that.


New member
Jan 30, 2007
Well, have you ever tried talking with them? That should be step 1.
If they make fun of you after a nice long talk, than, go to step 2, try to get them to like you. Find out somehow what things you both like. I'm not saying find out what everyone likes and like it, but, see who likes the same stuff as you do.
After that, if you become friends. Two things can happen.
-They'll stand up for you.
-They'll try to pretend they are not and continue ignoring you.

If it's the second one, than go to step 3, try to be kind to them and ignore them. If someones bullies you, don't make a mean come back or tell them to screw off, ask them what they see in bullying you and what good it will do.

They continue, than, go to step 4, and only do this if all the other steps don't work. This step is telling them off, as everyone says. Don't curse them or anything, that'll just piss them off and start up a pointless fight. But, confront them when they are alone and see what their problem is.

If it STILL continues, you may have to use step 5, which is talking to the principal and your parents, and having meetings with the kids parents and stuff... Although I wouldn't reccomend step 5 unless all previous steps don't work, since it may get you hated, but, if all steps don't work, you might as well do it, it's not like it'll change anything. They'll bully you either way if those steps don't work.

If it still continues, than, I guess you should seek professional help. That's all I can say.

Hope this was useful. :D


Put on your courage and fly
Sep 1, 2007
In a cereal box
^ Most of the above.

Don't just let them keep pushing you around. "Stand up for yourself even if you're alone"

Those idiots will have what's coming to them soon enough, but just standing around and letting it happen more and more doesn't help.

And don't say that it's your fault or that if you try it won't work out because you don't know if it will or not.
Talk to them to get it out. Let it out in there faces. You don't like it and you want it to stop. They need to grow up, seriously.
If you have to get to the point of transferring to a different school, then make friends before you make enemies. Even if you're not social, people will talk to you and you will need to talk back.


New member
Jul 8, 2008
Kill them.

But don't make it so obvious.

Pick out the leaders. If absolutely everyone seems to take it upon themselves to make your life a living hell, then I suppose you have a lot of work to do. But if it's only select people who inspire the torment, they'll have to be removed systematically, or in believable groups if possible.

The deaths will need to appear unrelated, unless you intend to frame one of your victims. If you can manage to conjure the notion that people are dying because they've been bullying you, an aura of fear will render you immune to future confrontations,

However, it's especially important that you maintain the guise of inferiority, because you want people to think that someone is killing for you out of some twisted act of vigil impulse. The less capable you seem, the less suspicion you'll muster.

Burn corpses, or despose of them in lake beds and other heavily moisturised areas to hasten the decomposing process. Of course burning is the preferred option as traces you might leave behind are conveniently erased, as well as the identity of the corpse, if the burning process is properly implimented and the mouth and teeth sufficiently mutilated to prevent recognition through denture examination.

If it turns out there's only two or three that "need" to die, then it is possible to skip the above process by making the deaths appear "accidental" in nature.

If you're the theatric type, you may prefer to induce a sense of irony upon your victims by exploiting a personal flaw of theirs, or by subjecting them to the same torment you received before killing them.

But if it is your first time, then just make it quick and clean. Pick an easy target before tackling the higher game.

Good luck.
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