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Everything We Know About 358/2 Days | Xion So Far

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[size=+2]-358/2 DAYS UPDATE-[/size]​

The main post has now been updated with an 'Interview Section'. I will be posting translated interviews after this point that will be linked to in the main post. I may have to double post to do this, but hopefully you can all understand. :3
Also, the main post may have to go through a rewrite due to some false info from KH-Vids that was used. Hopefully it will all be ready in time for TGS when it starts next Wednesday. :3


[size=+2]KINGDOM HEARTS: 358/2 DAYS[/size]
[size=+1]-Famitsu Interview: September 2007-[/size]

[size=-2](Translated by Xaldin of KH-Vids)
NOTE: KH-Vids do not have the best translations, please take all translations with a grain of salt.[/size]​

---Is the beginning of 358/2 Days going to focus on Roxas' birth?
Nomura: Roxas' birth will be covered in the game's prolouge, however the game really begins at the time in which Roxas enters Organization XIII.

---Will this game have an ending that has already occured, like Crisis Core?
Nomura: Where do you think the end is? The point is, how did it get to the point where Roxas left the Organization? The details of that will be discussed within the game.

---Will we be going through Disney worlds in this story, like previous Kingdom Hearts games?
Nomura: The story does not entirely progress by going from world to world, but there is a form of progression in the story.

---Is the 14th Organization Member a new character in the Kingdom Hearts series? It appears as though the character is... a woman?
Nomura: I should bring it up now, that the XIVth Member is not Naminé, since some people believed it to be her by seeing the trailer. However, it will be explained as to why there's no pillar for this character, as well as why she never appeared in Kingdom Hearts II.

---In the trailer, four characters are shown playing simultaneously. Is this possible in the game?
Nomura: Multiplayer can be played with up to four people. Not only that, but multiplayer gives a sense of freedom, as this mode has no effect on the story. But it is possible to choose less than four, for the multiplayer content.

---How does the multiplayer mode progress?
Nomura: The point is to basically complete given missions. For instance, defeating an enemy or whatever the goal of the mission is. There are various goals, both big and small. There is a constant feeling of competition in multiplayer, so sometimes the player may forget just what the goal is!

---Is multiplayer mode possible for one player only?
Nomura" Multiplayer mode is rather complicated; we had to design a growth system. For example, when Axel is used in Multiplayer mode, Roxas will gain some extra experience from this as well. Also, you are able to customize your character freely.
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Byronic Hero

Resonance of Darkness
Jun 29, 2008
No double posting R-K :3 XD Yay a interview section. Oh what false info did KH-vids give?


No double posting R-K :3 XD Yay a interview section. Oh what false info did KH-vids give?
It was just some bad translation on their part. They aren't good for translations and one of the translations they did i used a lot in the thread, only to find out that basically what they reported on had a lot of contrary information to the truth. So, later bittermeats is translating it so i can get the correct info. =/
In short: KH-Vids = bad translations and as such, false info.

But since they are the source of a lot of interviews around when the games first came out, they are the only translations out there (as seen in the above posted interview). But, just remember that when you read a translation from KH-Vids to take it with a grain of salt, lol. KHI = the best translations. So yeah. lol.

Byronic Hero

Resonance of Darkness
Jun 29, 2008
More like, bittermeats = Best Translations lol. Last question, What was the false info though?


[size=+2]KINGDOM HEARTS: 358/2 DAYS[/size]
[size=+1]-(2ch): October 2007-[/size]

[size=-2](Translated by Xaldin of KH-Vids)
NOTE: KH-Vids do not have the best translations, please take all translations with a grain of salt.[/size]​

---Does the XIVth member fight? What kind of weapon does she use?
Nomura: We've already decided, but we can't tell you right now.

---Is the battle system the same in this game as it was in the other games? I'm curious because there is no command menu there.
Nomura: The actions of the characters and the controls are different from the past games. This is because of the screen size, however there is no need to worry. For now there is no command menu, but we may decide to add one.

---If there is no command menu, would it be because each action is added to a different button for the DS?
Nomura: Yes, but how the controls feel is different. The method is still being thought on.

---Will there be a function where you can use the stylus, with the lower screen?
Nomura: For now, there is no function where you can use the DS Touch Screen. If we do that, the entire feeling of Kingdom Hearts may be ruined. The top screen will mostly be used for the story telling, when the lower screen isn't available. However, there will be some points where both screens will be used. Who knows, maybe later on we'll have a surprise for ourselves and for our audience!

---About multiplayer mode...
Nomura: Here's an interesting feature. Whenever you complete a mission, the Organization member's chair will rise. Also the lowest ranking member's chair will lower more (laughs). I wonder what will happen if you lose with Xemnas? (laughs). The strength and gameplay of certain members have also been altered. Such as: Xigbar's attacks have a high range, but he has slow reloading time. Lexeaus has slow movement, but very high attack power. There is still one mysterious character though.

---Is it Zexion?
Nomura: Yes, because he uses a book as a weapon. We're aiming to have Zexion absorbe other enemies attacks, and use their own attacks against them.


[size=+2]KINGDOM HEARTS: 358/2 DAYS[/size]
[size=+1]-Famitsu Interview: October 2007-[/size]

[size=-2](Translated by bittermeats)[/size]​

---Please tell us the meaning of the title, "358/2".
Nomura: We made it more like a code on purpose. After clearing the game for the first time, you'll understand it. The title also has the word 'Days', but the game progresses by playing day by day, revealing the daily life of Organization XIII.

---At this point in the story, Roxas has entered Organization XIII, will it tie into Kingdom Hearts II?
Nomura: We're planning to cover his entrance into Organization XIII briefly. The central story takes place over about a year during the time Sora is sleeping. Roxas is given a mission daily by Organization XIII, but since he just joined them, he does not understand much about the Organization. As the story progresses he starts questioning them, finally he leaves Organization XIII. The reason for his falling out is the main topic of the story.

---Will we go around the Disney Worlds in this game too?
Nomura: The worlds appear, but the relationships are different this time.
Hasegawa: In the circumstance of Roxas, if he associates with too many people, then it becomes inconsistent with KHII, so I'm thinking of putting in a different play dynamic for each world. The appearing worlds will mainly be from previous games, but we'll choose the ones that are best suited to the game.

---This screenshot is interesting, it's of the 14th member of Organization XIII, but it looks like Naminé
Nomura: No, it's not Naminé.

---So has this person appeared before?
Nomura: It's a secret (smiles). The story takes place before KHII, but in KHII it was Organization "XIII", not "Organization XIV". Though the 14th appears, the 14th is not the reason for this game. Her point is that she is a key character.

---Will Sora and Riku appear at all...?
Hasegawa: Because I think the players know that Riku is destined to fight against Roxas, that scene will appear by all means. And about Sora's situation, he's sleeping and rebuilding his memory, so we're considering a system that shows every important point of his memory. It's still in an idea stage, but we want a system to emphasize the surface connection of Roxas and Sora.

---Will the basic game system operate in the traditional Kingdom Hearts sense?
Hasegawa: That's right. It's important to keep the natural Kingdom Hearts feel. But, the problem is with the number of buttons.
Yamamoto: The problem is, the Kingdom Hearts games until now made full use of the analog stick, control pad, and L & R buttons, but the Nintendo DS has only a few buttons. We're considering the various ways of utilizing the buttons it does have.

---Does the story link between the single mode and multiplay mode?
Nomura: No, the multiplay mode doesn't. It would become too hectic, and the story's progression would become out of order. However, we're thinking about an item and growth element that will operate together. This growth component has the freedom to customize and makes common use of both modes to the maximum. But, it's not just the actions in multiplay mode that affect the growth of Roxas.

---So in multiplay mode all of the Organization XIII members are playable?
Nomura: Yes, that's how it'll be.
Hasegawa: Treat it like a parallel universe. Since as the story progresses, some members are terminated from the story line.
Yamamoto: Since every character's attributes and skills are different, it'll be enjoyable. Everyone's weapons are different too. Zexion's book and Demyx's sitar are the highlights.

---How will the multiplay proceed?
Hasegawa: You receive and clear various missions. Naturally there is something like a boss to defeat, or escape using teamwork, a map to keep track of things, and a lot of gimmicks and puzzle solving.
Yamamoto: Many are prepared for short play throughs, and can be played many times. Scores are kept of things suck as 'attack'. Working together is not the only thing you can do, it has great potential for waging a competition or contest.

---Will the missions be given by Xemnas?
Nomura: Yeah, but not only from him, I'm thinking about various methods.
Hasegawa: With that, the talk went in strange directions. We were thinking if you accomplish the mission, then the chairs the Organization sits upon in the white room could become taller (smiles).
Yamamoto: In this stage of multiplay, the result indication thing really accommodates.
Nomura: This really seems to need work (smiles).

---What are the other elements of multiplay?
Yamamoto: You can draw on the lower screen. Because it's in real time synchronization, someone can be drawing something and then have it quickly erased by someone else, it's fun (smiles). We want to think of mission that implement this element.

---Any last messages to the reader?
Hasegawa: In this announcement there are other KH titles too, but since this is the only one with multiplay capabilities, please look forward to it.
Yamamoto: What kind of game gives you 13 characters to choose from in multiplay, it's unusual. Because each character is unique and interesting, please look forward to playing them.
Nomura: Naturally the multiplay is one of the concepts, but the elements of the Kingdom Hearts story characteristics are important too, even for a casual player. It's not just single play, but because multiplay is possible, one can only achieve so much playing singularly. This game features many elements, I'm happy with it.

Byronic Hero

Resonance of Darkness
Jun 29, 2008

Thanks for the revised interview.


[size=+2]KINGDOM HEARTS: 358/2 DAYS[/size]
[size=+1]-Famitsu PS3 Interview: August 2008-[/size]

[size=-2](Translated by bittermeats)[/size]​

---This time the trailer revealed the name and voice of the 14th member!
Nomura: The timing of revealing her voice to the public was a mistake. (Smiles) In fact, it was not intended to be released. It's because her voice becomes a hint.

---Riku has officially seen the face of Xion, did he recognize it?
Nomura: That's a secret.

---The place the two met at was Beast's Castle?
Nomura: Seems so, doesn't it? Roxas is the hero this time, Sora doesn't have any active involvement with the Disney characters. But for example, look at Belle and the Beast, they're interested in discovering what love is; the players will learn about the character's hearts. Roxas learns various things from the Disney characters and before long he becomes doubtful of the Organization.

---Axel yells at Xion, "I'll bring you back no matter how many times it takes", but why does the word "you" refer to multiple people?
Nomura: That's still a secret as well. But Axel's determination here of "bring you back no matter how many times it takes" is connected to when he said he would bring Roxas back in Kingdom Hearts II.

---The keyword "memory" also appears, but what in regards to this?
Nomura: The catch copy* of this game is "I can't remember, something important". Though in the original Kingdom Hearts the concept was to "illustrate the heart". In regards to the relationship between one's heart and one's memory, it is intimate. In this game the main characters are nobodies who don't have hearts, therefore the theme of memories is featured.

*A 'catch copy' is in copywriting, large text that appears in ads or brochures to catch the reader's attention.
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[size=+2]KINGDOM HEARTS: 358/2 DAYS[/size]
[size=+1]-Dengeki PS Interview: August 2008-[/size]

[size=-2](Translated by bittermeats)[/size]​

---How is Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days coming along?
Nomura: On the DS title, we wanted the multiplayer mode to be enjoyable for many people, not to become simply omake*, therefore it's become something everyone can play together. Even the opinion of the people who played the demo at the events was that the multiplayer mode was popular.

The keyword of this story is "I can't remember, something important." It's not mentioned very much, but the memory is very important to the members of Organization XIII since they don't have hearts, this story draws on that part since it's similar to the heart.

*Omake means extra or bonus in Japanese, it refers to a free gift or feature that sometimes is more desired than the actual product it comes with


[size=+2]KINGDOM HEARTS: 358/2 DAYS[/size]
[size=+1]-Dengeki Wii + DS Interview: September 2008-[/size]

[size=-2](Translated by bittermeats)[/size]​

――-First let's talk about KH 358/2 Days, it features the nobody Roxas as the main character?
Nomura: The KH series has consistently revolved around the theme of the "heart", but now Roxas is the main character who joins up with Organization XIII who are said not to have hearts. Since the original KH, heart and memory are thought to be closely linked, therefore the theme drawn in this title is that of "memories". So this time the catch copy of the title also becomes keywords: "I can't remember, something important."

――-Will the adventure of Roxas proceed the same as Sora did by traveling from world to world?
Nomura: It'll be a little different. The main concern is the sticky situation with the worlds Sora has been since it can't contradict with the story of KHII. This time the objective of the events happening in the Disney worlds is to influence Roxas, gradually producing some sort of change in him. For instance, in the Beauty and the Beast world, upon seeing the Beast and Belle, is Roxas able to recognize their love?

――-Will the content of such scenarios move the player to tears?
Nomura: I write the base scenarios for KH every time, but this time I think the surprising content is really being able to get a feel for their quiet everyday lives. (Smiles) Personally, I don't want the contents to resemble that of previous developments. When I'm writing, I never think things like, "Oh, this'll make the player cry." That process is really up to the players, right?

――-Does the connection between the titles become a matter of concern?
Nomura: Naturally, there's much to keep in mind. There are various parts to think about, like "this thing has to be connected with that kind of thing," or fussing over things like the sea salt ice cream. (Smiles)

――-So we heard the lines spoken by the 14th member at the private event held in August.
Nomura: Really it was planned to reveal her voice in the scenes at the next event. (Smiles) It's a curious thing, everyone is wondering which character her voice connects to. Already people are guessing she is the nobody of some character, but then who is Xion really? What becomes of her heart? This will be explored more at Tokyo Game Show this Fall, so please look forward to it.

――-Multi player mode is prepared for this title as well, what kind of concept were in mind?
Nomura: We wanted something simple that 4 players could communicate and enjoy together, but not be something that was just going to steal the game's attention. The experience made in the main story can be utilized in multiplayer mode, likewise the experience made in multiplayer mode is useful in the main story, this system reflects them mutually.

――-Because the player can choose from the members of Organization XIII in multiplayer mode, it seems like an adjustment to balance them would be needed...
Nomura: Indeed. But growth among them will be a common element. In the multiplayer mode, the characters can be customized based on the progress made by Roxas in the main story. That growth is based on the parts of data being transfered, it's a fairly bold thing to do.

――-Speaking of boldness, in the demo version, the player could operate the camera using the lower screen, that was also a bold idea.
Nomura: Moving the camera by directly moving one's finger across the touch screen made sense, even for players who generally aren't used to that sort of thing. It was also popular among staff, though it was their opinion that "it was difficult to operate with the stylus." Therefore operating with the stylus is optional. (Smiles) Still, some people will resist touching the screen with their fingers. In the current version you could only survey left and right, I though that you wouldn't need to look up or down, but the opinion of the staff was that "it's inconvenient unless the player can look up." Will there be room for improvement? (Smiles) The current demo is only one part of the game. At this time there are more cool things to do, so please look forward to it.


adios motherfucker
Apr 4, 2008
Yessss interviews.
It makes me sad to know that I never read them. Having them in one place remedies this, though.


spams bombs, not posts
Dec 22, 2007

Thanks for the revised interview.

Lol.. why would you mesh the interviews into only one post? I think that would of looked kind of say... awkard..

Anyways, I agree with Keybalde_Masta and say thanks for the revised interviews. To have a correctly translated version of these interviews is great.


Oct 28, 2004
Forgive me if it's being discussed elsewhere, I can never find anything with the search engine here. Anyways, 1up.com is reporting that DSi games have region lock. Hope this doesn't effect 358/2, I was thinking about importing it.


Oct 28, 2004
Days is not a DSi game.

The DSi was just announced. Given Nintendo's track record, I doubt that Square Enix is programming in specific DSi related material but it's something to think about.

Then again, does that mean DSi software doesn't work at all on the old DS? I was a little confused by that part of the story.


No, DSi software does not work on the DS.
But All DS games work on the DSi.
Days is a normal DS game. It will work just fine.
And the only part of the DSi that is region-locked is the DSi Software (exclusive for the DSi). So Days will still be able to be played on it, regardless of the region.


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
I don't understand why they need to make new DSes? A lot of people have bought the original so why a new one?*whoot* over 500 posts!
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