man instant coffee messes me up. I will never consume such peasant caffeine again as long as i live.
^Tea is less effort but you have to wait longer to steam it. Coffee is more involved but you can prepare it quicker.
There's been countless times I've made tea and forgot about it an hour or more later. I'm so wasteful.
Is this a club I can get behind, because damn, I think I can get behind it.
Hi there, my name is Noir. I'm a coffee addict. I've been a user for the past 8 or so years now. I know a lot of people say not to touch the stuff.
"It's addictive."
"Once you start, you'll never stop."
"£3.10 for a Starbucks? Are you for diddlin real right now."
Unfortunately, I was young. Rebellious. Had the tendency to stick it to the man. Just not the establishment 'cos I got the buy coffee somewhere
Now I'm probably landed for life.