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Fatal Fantasy

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Apr 21, 2005
Name: Storm
Age: 21
Gender: Male

Lv 1 Fighter

STR: 1
AGI: 1
INT: 1


Head: Sunglasses of the Can't See at Night
+ 1 to Charisma
- 10 to Perception

A simple pair of black sunglasses that make the wearer appear exponentially cooler then he/she is.

Chest: Jacket of 'Yes, I really do need that many pockets!'
+ %10 to chance to hit
+ 20 to storage space

A black jacket that's more zippers then it is leather. Useful for storing potions, phoenix downs, and other assorted loot.

Hands: Fingerless gloves of Fingerlessness
+ 1 to AGI

A pair of red gloves with black trims. Fingerless.

Accessory: Gravity Defying Hair Gel
- 99999 to Hair Gravity

Gel reknown for it's ability to make the user's hair spike out in all manner of completly physically impossible ways.

Weapon: Wristbreaker
Damage: 99999
Durability: 100/100
Ability: Cleaving Attack

A giagantic sword that's so heavy it would take every steroid known to man to lift it without breaking your wrist, hence the name.

History: Storm has a dark past that he dosn't like to talk much about, however, his dark past was inevitably revealed when he opened up to his party on disc 3 of an adventure he went on some years ago. Without going into too much detail, Storm and his party were thrust into battle, and entrusted with the job of rescuing a princess from a despicable villian. Through many hours of level-grinding , they all reached level 99, as well as amassing a veritable fortune in loot, which Storm carried the entire time in his left jacket pocket.

Suitably equipped with their ultimate weapons (After many, many hours of pointless minigames, which, as a direct result of, Storm now harbours an intense dislike and mistrust of chocobos), they confronted and defeated the villian in an epic battle, and rescued the princess. Storm and the damsel in distress instantly hooked up, and soon became an item.

It was not to be happily ever after, unfortunatly. As it soon became apparent, any girl who would hook up with a muscular, questionably dressed man she'd just seen brutally kill her captor with a sword bigger then he was did not make an ideal partner, and the relationship came to an end when he found her in bed with the party's white mage, who had seduced her with promises of 'spiritual healing'. After a brief but shocking glimpse of his former party member's 'white magic' on his true love's face (Also known as 'equipping a pearl necklace'), Storm , true to his name, stormed out, and vanished into the night, adding yet another chapter to his dark past.

He resurfaced years later, in the town from disc two, now a shell of the hero he once was. Having turned to 'potions of a different kind' to deal with his grief, he was destitute, with not a Gil to his name, having sold all of his experience and skill points to support his chronic alcoholism. Lost in despair, he spends his nights drinking away his loot in the 'Inn', often seen in the company of less moral local women, though he protests that they only hired the room so 'They could both restore their HP and MP without paying for two seperate beds'. He is currently under investigation by the royal guard for solicitation, and is suspected of being associated with a well-known thief, which he denies (Because the thief got a class change in disc 3 and turned into an assassin.)

Personality: Storm dosn't talk much, mostly due to the technology at the time of his adventure being unable to support any sounds more intricate then a series of beeps and tones. When he does, he comes off as very cynical and jaded, a direct result of his ever-present dark past always looming over him. He has a deep-set fear, boardering on hatred, of chocobos. When asked about this fear, he will merely respond: "The birds. The birds. If they hit you you lose time. Watch out for the birds."

He also has an obsessive compulsion to max his melee damage, to the point of placing all his skill points into STR and completly neglecting INT, which it can be theorised stems from a feeling of inadaquacy and a complex revolving around masculinity.
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Mar 2, 2009
Hopefully Upward Bound
Name: Lymar
Age: 32
Gender: Male

Lv 2 Blitzer

STR: 2
AGI: 2
INT: 0, Despite his constant claims that it's at max)


Skin of Sexy
+ 5 to Charisma
+ 1 to Defense

A fab, clean cut body of muscle that still exists after so long. Very sexy.

Sandals of The Slouch
+ 1 to Chillness
- 1 to AGI

A pair of flip-flop sandals made from what appears to be the skin of a Moogle, though probably isn't. They make anyone chill out a little bit, but they lose agility in the process. Some way or another, he is able to fight effectively with them.

Head Band of Sweating
+ 2 to Charisma
+ 10 to Perspiration Control

A sweat band worn to absorb the moisture of sweat, and keep it from getting all over Lymar's face. Worn on the head.

Dreads of The Lock
+ 10 to Exoticism

A series of hair strung into dreadlocks that make pretty much anything look more exotic.


+ 20 to Perception
- 20 to Perception

A small device used for the sake of heightening a person's ability to perceive, and imagine things that otherwise wouldn't be able to exist. For recreational purposes only.

Weapon: Blitz Ball!
+ 10 Charisma
Tier 1 - 5000
Tier 2 - 10000
Tier 3 - 50000
Tier 4 - 99999
Durability: 70/100
Ability: Super Mega Ultra Awesome Strike (SMUAS)

A Blitz Ball, of all the things that could be wielded in this amazing world map; For some reason, it does more damage than getting hit by a ball should logically be able to (except maybe a baseball). It is also more durable than most other items of the ball genre. Regardless, Lymar can chuck that thing like he chucks himself: With absolute ease. Sometimes it glows bright colors for whatever reason, which seems to do more damage. Having one at hand makes anything more fun.


From Humble Beginnings....

There was a point in time during which Lymar was a child, just as most naturally birthed people had once been. Even prior to being on any disc, he was a fan of the sport known as Blitzball, which he would go to just about any length to see in action. His usual weekend and summer routines often involved him sneaking into a stadium with his gang, the "Ey Mons", and watching the games all day from a noneexistent row of seats just above the nosebleeds. It was a fasinating idea to him, that people could swim so well and hold their breath for so long underwater. Even more amazing to him was that the players were able to kick the ball very far despite the resistance offered by the submerged environment. It was during these matches that he told himself that he'd be able to do that some day, and that he'd become the best of the blitzball players.

Whatever time he should have been spending reading, and doing anything productive, Lymar wound up using to train in 'The Art of Blitz'. It usually involed three or four people taking a hard kick to the head, and a few broken window (and sometime s jaws). But eventually, the little tyke started to grow into a true Blitzer, playing for a few B-Rate teams to start off his career. Of course, fame had ellude him throughout this endeavor, because no one wanted to bother with knowing anything about some shmuck ina B Team League. It wasn't like he cared that about it though. He was doing what he loved to do: Playing the game that had captured his eyes and interests as a child. It was his love, his passion, above even the most attractive women, and nothing, he often stated, could come between him and that massive, water-filled sphere. "Me and The Game are nigh inseparable," he once said to a friend.

... Into hubris-filled fame...
By the time Lymar ever appeared on any adventure, he was already running with a top notch professional Blitzball team. But in his earliest debute, he was just a rookie, no where even close to being worthy of having a name programmed in for him. Hence, he was just dubbed as 'that player'. Determined to change this negative outlook on his character, he worked at back-breaking paces between releases to make himself noteworthy at a player. When at long last he managed to become a named character, he was, arguably, the best Blitzer in the games, pumping out goals like they were just a love routine. Not long into his second appearance, his first one a name, he had come to have the highest offenseive record of anyone professional. He had scored more goals than he could even count to, and pulled more muscles than he knew ever existed within the relatively short gameplay time.

Unfortunately for his many adoring fans, his offensive record also gave way to a rapid growth in his offensive record. His language became vile, his methods of play became dirty, and his time behind bars became an ever looming plausibility. His love of the game had become second to his love of the fame. :iving in extravegance in his prosperity, he became a grandiose player. Each new day meant a new woman, in a new city, done in a completely new style. These excursions would lead to him developing what he called the 'Super Mega Ultra Awesome Strike", a title he would shift into various other mediums, especially Blitzing. Some people even passed around the 'rumor' that he had taken to abuse of various potions and 'enhancers'. So one could say that the man had become an overall crumby individual, who was feared by adults and children, both whom he treatened at times to eat whole.

.... Which culminated in a day of humiliation...
Naturally, someone who had gone so wrong as Lymar could not last too long int he public spectrum, not as he was anyways. He was always winning games for his team, and his ego moutned like a rider on a horse. But by the end of his second Disc appearance, the programmers decided that it was time for Lymar to learn his lesson. It would happen at the Blitzball Championships, in which he was again expected to pull his team out of the rut of defeat. It was one of those minute left sort of things, in which Lymar had to both intercept the ball, and get within scoring range, and then score. He believed he could do it, as he had done before. And his Super Mega Ultra Awesome Kick had never failed him before. He spread out from the last timeout huddle, and set himself into action.

((Will Complete Later))

Will Edit Later

((If I've taken the humor of this too far, or made it too overt, just let me know. And also, the character is original with canon influence, if that's alrgiht)).
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