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Fanfiction ► Fate of A Hero: The Prequel to "The Road to Dawn"

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is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Alrighty, as I may or may not have stated before, this is the prequel to my first fan fic, The Road To Dawn. You all wonder what happened to Akira before that time, so here it is!



"So....the light is...bad?" A girl asked.

"Yes," A hooded man cooed. "They will try and get you, but if you come with me...I can help and save you...."

She looked around nervously. "If I come....Can I say goodbye to my friends first?" She asked, her big red eyes widening.

"Sure," the hooded man masochisticly responded.

".....Ok." Akira answered, frightened. The man smiled.

"Someone will come and pick you up tomorrow night, Akira" he said slyly.

"Hey, what's your name?" the girl asked. The man turned and smiled.

"Xemnas. I will be Superior, to you." he said.


"Hi there," A guy told the little girl. Akira turned to see a cute boy in the same clothes as the man the night before.

"Are you the one who's gonna take me?" Akira asked, frightened. The boy smiled and took her hand.

"Yes," he replied. Akira took her hand back.

"I need a few more minutes," she said. The boy frowned.

"Alright," the boy said. He turned back into the portal.

"Wait! What's your name?" Akira asked curiously.

"Roxas," he replied, "I'll be back in ten minutes."


"Akira...." Ichiro sighed. Akira and Ichiro were sitting next to eachother on the bridge. "Yeah?" she answered. Ichiro looked her straight in the eye.

"Akira, have I ever told you, your sorta, beautiful?" Ichiro blushed. Akira blushed too and replied, "Um, no. No you havent," she giggled. "Well, you are," he added. "Well, thank you," Akira rested her head on Ichiro's shoulder.

"Akira, do you like me?" Ichiro blurted out. Akira sat up straight and look at him. "You know I don't just like you," she smiled. "Well, do you like me enough to be more than friends?" he asked.

Akira was shocked. "Chiro...." she started. Ichiro turned. "Forget it." he said. "Let me talk," Akira insisted. Ichiro turned to look at her again. Akira took a deep breath. "Ichiro, I-"

A beeping sound in her head cut her off. Her time was up!

"Ichiro, I...I'm sorry." Akira walked away from Ichiro. Ichiro turned to her direction to stop her, but Akira wasn't alone anymore.

A dark portal formed from the ground, and a cloaked figure stepped out. It walked towards Akira, standing in front of her defensively. Ichiro's eyes widened.

Akira transformed. She wasn't herself. Her hair got blacker, her skin got colder, her eyes got bloodier. Her usual clothes were replaced with a long black cloak.

"I....I don't belong here Chiro," Akira stuttered. "I have to leave before they come and get me," she added frightfully. Akira huddled close to the cloaked figure. "Are you ready to leave?" the cloaked figure asked, removing his hood. Akira nodded.

"Goodbye, Ichiro," she sadly bade farwell. "Are you sure about this?" it asked. Akira sighed.

"Roxas, take me to Xemnas."


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is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Re: Fate of A Hero

Day 1: Fourteen

Akira was being led to a room she had never heard of. She was confused. Roxas was leading her through corridor mazes, holding her hand. Akira blushed a little.

Suddenly, Roxas stopped. He turned to see Akira.

"I have to go now," He said gently. He moved a stray strand of Akira's hair behind her ear. Akira blushed and nodded. Roxas put his hood on and summoned a dark portal.

"Put your hood on," he commanded, "and go through that door." He pointed to a large white door. Akira nodded again and put on her hood. Roxas dissapeared.

Akira took a deep breath. Why was she here? She could've stayed with Keiko and Ichiro...no. If she had stayed, the light would have come to get her. They were the bad guys.

The door slowly opened. Akira breathed in deeply and walked in.

"And now we have a new member in our midst," A man continued his speech. Akira walked in gracefully, or as gracefully as she could.

"Akira. She is the fourteenth." She stood silently. She could feel thirteen eyes looking into her soul.

"Superior, she is whole," A girl remarked.

"Xane, she is the key to our plan. And silence. You have no authority here," a young boy retaliated.

Shut up, Zexion, a voice said. Akira looked down.

"Remove your hood, young one," Superior commanded. Akira did so. She looked up curiously, and saw fifteen chairs. On the highest chair was Xemnas. On the lowest was Roxas. Zexion, the boy who talked at the girl, was next to a guy with flame red hair. She looked to see two girls looking at her in disgust.

"You will take your spot next to Roxas," Superior continued. Akira nodded, and was teleported to the seat next to Roxas. Akira looked down, still feeling all those eyes on her. She looked up for a bit, and saw Roxas smiling at her. Akira blushed and looked down again.

"Roxas!" The man shouted. Roxas snapped out of it and saluted at Xemnas.

"Yes, superior?" He asked.

"You are to be Akira's trainer and mentor." Superior announced. A girl with sandy blonde hair in two braids snarled.

"I thought Roxas was my mentor," she growled. Roxas rolled his eyes.

"No anymore. You and Larxene will be paired up now, Xane." He replied. Xane pouted and glared at Akira. Akira blushed, embarrassed.

"Meeting ajourned," Xemnas barked. All fourteen people dissapeared, leaving Akira and Roxas alone.

"You can relax now, the worst is over," He said, jumping off his seat. Akira looked down at him, shy.

"Do you talk?" He asked jokingly.

"Uh...yeah," Akira choked. Roxas chuckled.

"I think you'll be bunking with me and Axel," he said quietly. Akira looked at him confused.

"Just don't freak out, ok?" He said. Akira nodded. Why would I freak out? she wondered. Roxas was about to leave when he turned back.

"Are you coming?" he asked jokingly. Akira smiled sheepishly.

"Uh...how do I get down?" She asked shlyly. Roxas laughed.

"Just jump. I'll catch you," He promised, positioning himself. Akira nodded. She somehow trusted him. She closed her eyes and jumped.

Roxas caught her in her arms, and chuckled.

"You can open your eyes now," He said. Akira opened her dark red eyes and looked at Roxas in wonder. He was holding her closely, inches away from her face. He looked lovingly into Akira's frightened eyes. Akira's eyes softened as she blushed lightly.

"Um, what were we gonna do again?" She asked quickly. Roxas snapped out of it and put her down.

"Axel," he said, grabbing the twelve year old's hand. He whisked her off into another maze of corridors.


New member
Feb 8, 2009
Somewhere on the Beach
Re: Fate of A Hero

yay for the prequel! can't wait for the next chapter
but please tell me that the Road to Dawn isn't over yet, and if it is, then you had seriously better be making a sequel, lol


is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Re: Fate of A Hero

Day 1: Jealous

"Ok, Axel is a real hot head, so don't piss him off,'' Roxas warned. Akira smiled and nodded. They walked into a plain room with three beds. One was a bunk bed, the other was a regular twin bed. She saw some of her old clothes folded neatly on the twin bed. Akira saw there was a balcony as well.

Akira turned to see the guy with flame red hair. Axel, most likely. He smiled sadistically and got off the top bunk.

"Ah, the famous Akira. Roxas wouldn't shut up about you all morning," He said, kissing her hand. Akria blushed. Roxas suddenly got really angry.

"Akira, Axel, Axel, Akira." Roxas said quickly. He took her hand again and whisked her off before she could say anything. Axel grinned and laughed, waving bye. Akira lightly waved back, before Roxas shut the door on her. Roxas was a little angry.

"Um, where are we going now?" Akira asked quietly. Roxas was holding her hand rather tightly.

"Ow," She said as his grip tightened. Akira felt a burning sensation in her hand grow, and a flame erupted from her palm. Roxas let go.

"Ow!" He shouted. He rubbed his hand against his clothes.

"Oh I'm sorry," Akira said, grabbing his hand to see if she had done anything. She lightly rmoved his black glove and stroked her finger across his palm. A burn mark appeared.

"I- I'm so sorry," Akira apologized in embarrassment. Roxas sighed.

"No, I'm sorry," He said quietly. "I guess I got a little jealous,"

"Jealous?" Akira asked, confused. Roxas stuttered.

"Uh....nevermind, you wanna meet the rest of the organization?" He quickly changed the subject. Akira sighed and nodded. He took her hand gently, and held it for a few seconds. He felt...warm. Suddenly, a glow eminated from thier hands. Akira looked at Roxas, and Roxas looked at her. They let go.

"Um...follow me." He said, signaling her to follow. She smiled and walked off with him.



Pie Equals Friendship in YO FACE!
Jul 3, 2009
Re: Fate of A Hero

Ok i read it!!! lol better late than never......cant wait for the next one!


is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Re: Fate of A Hero

Day 1: New

Roxas led Akira into a lounge. There was a screen surrounded by a long couch. On the other side was a table and a small kitchen.

"Ok, Akira, this is Demyx," Roxas said, gesturing to a guy with a guitar looking thing. He smiled and waved.

"Luxord," he continued, gesturing to a man playing with cards.

"Xaldin," a man with long black hair nodded.

"Xigbar," a man with an eye patch looked up. Akira smiled sheepishly.

"Saix," a guy with a scar on his face waved nonchalantly.

"Marluxia," A guy (or girl?) with pink hair smiled and waved. Flowers came out of his hand.

"Lexaueus," A tall and built guy smiled. Akira blushed and looked down.

"Zexion," a young man with blue hair looked up from his book and nodded.

"Larxene," a blonde female smirked at Akira.

"And Xane," Roxas finished. Xane glared at Akira as she grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.

"Um...hi?" She said aloud. Everyone ignored her and went back to what they were doing. Akira blushed in embarrassment.

"Its ok, they're always like this," Roxas assured her. He smiled gently and took her hand again. Xane squeezed the water bottle, making a loud ripping noise. Everyone turned to see Xane freaking out.

"Er...what!?" She said, throwing the bottle away. Some smirks and giggles escaped the room. Roxas and Akira left.


Akira walked into the room she now shared with two guys. Wierd...Akira thought.

Roxas had left with Axel to go on a mission of some sort. It was getting late, so Akira went ahead and went to her room. The original plain bed now had a red comforter and black pillows. On top of it were some neatly folded clothes.

One was an organization jacket. Probably a spare. The other was a grey tank top with matching grey shorts. They were probably for sleeping.
Akira sighed and took the clothes. She walked into the restroom straight across from her side of the room, and locked the door.


Akira found some new stuff in the bathroom. A chest with her name on it was hidden behind some stuff. Akira touched it and it automatically opened. There were-um-female neccessities.

Akira quickly shut the chest and moved it under her bed. She walked back in and closed the door behind her. She changed quickly into her tank top and shorts and brushed her teeth with a new looking toothbrush. It was still wrapped up, so she guessed it was hers.

She stepped out of the restroom fumbling with her long black hair, tying it up in a ponytail. Her bangs covered her eyes, so it was guesswork to see where she was going.

"Oof!" Akira had bumped into someone. She finished her ponytail and looked up. It was Roxas.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Akira said quickly, moving her bangs away from her eyes. Roxas was about to change as well. He looked at Akira up and down, profiling her. Akira blushed as Roxas blushed cherry red.

"Um," Akira said, moving aside, "Again, I'm sorry." Roxas chuckled.

"Its alright," He said, walking to the bathroom.


Axel snored. Akira couldn't sleep. She stared at the white ceiling and sighed.

She missed home already. She missed Keiko and Ichiro and her own bed and-

No! She said to herself, pushing those thoughts away. This was where she had to be. This was the start of her new life.



is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Re: Fate of A Hero

Day 2: Morning

"Good morning," A gentle voice said. Akira groaned and slowly opened her eyes. Roxas stood over her, smiling. Akira smiled and rubbed her eyes.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty," Axel gurgled, his toothbrush in his mouth. Akira sat up and narrowed her eyes. He shrugged and walked back into the bathroom. Roxas sat on his bed.

"So how'd you sleep?" He asked politely. Akira shrugged.

"Axel snores," Akira joked. Roxas smiled and nodded an I-know-nod.

"Well, I believe we have a meeting in a half hour," Axel said as a matter of factly, zipping up his cloak. Akira nodded and looked at Roxas. He blushed and ran quickly to the restroom. A few minutes later, he was neatly polished and ready to go. Akira smiled and blushed.


"Hurry up!" Xane growled. Larxene would take forever in the bathroom purposely.

"What did you say?" Larxene said nonchalantly, checking herself in the mirror. Xane threw a silent fit outside. Larxene laughed.

"There ya go, shortie," She said, stepping out of the bathroom. Xane pushed her aside and slammed the door.


Akira silently put her cloak on, and brushed her teeth. She stepped outside, undoing her messed up ponytail. She tamed her tangled hair, brushing it on her bed as Axel and Roxas fought over who got the last chocolate muffin. Breakfast was delivered to the rooms.

Akira watched as they fought, and silently stole the muffin. The boys didn't notice a thing until she walked out the door.

"She just ate the muffin!" Axel said in disbelief. Roxas smiled.

"She's a better ninja than we'll ever be," He joked. They both left to the meeting room.


Akira walked through the empty corridors, chewing on the chocolate muffin. She was thinking.


I wonder if Keik and Chiro hate me now....I hope they don't...what if they miss me? What if they're looking for me?

No. You're here now. Number fourteen.


"Oof!" Akira bumped into someone else.

"I'm-" Akira looked up and saw the blonde and statuesque Xane glaring at her with her cold green eyes. Looking at her took a hit on her self esteem. She was beautiful, with her long blonde hair parted down the middle and flowing down her shoulders, and her light skin contrasting with her sandy freckles.

"Sorry," She gasped. Xane flipped her long braids and walked away.


(bye ya'll! and dont laugh that I say ya'll, traskix. *glares*)


Pie Equals Friendship in YO FACE!
Jul 3, 2009
Re: Fate of A Hero

Ahhh! i was gonna say it!! lol

"She ate the muffin!"<<,new fav line XD
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