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Fanfiction ► Fate of A Hero: The Prequel to "The Road to Dawn"

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Kiwi +

Aug 30, 2009
Oh cool, you updated! It's been a little while Bell. :D

I'm curious as to where you will lead this story of to now seeing as last time, Akira wasn't in good state of mind. Either way, I await your next chapter!


is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Day 108
Hide and Seek Part 2:
Having Eachother's Backs.

Akira combed her hair by her bedside, smoothing it out over her fresh and new Organization coat. She didn't really need to take care of it. She wouldn't need it for much longer.

Xane walked into the room. Akira payed no attention to her. Xane came to stand before her, looking down at her.

"So are you ready or what?" She asked. Akira put down the borrowed brush, wiping herself off. She looked up at Xane.

"Of course. I don't remember anything but Roxas. The Organization is my sanctuary. I'm safe here. I'm not afraid." Akira drilled this line as if Xane knew her motives- which she probably already did.

"Let's not lie to each other here," Xane retaliated, "You and I both know what's up. Give me a reason I shouldn't just kill you now."

Akira smiled, standing up. She looked Xane straight in the eyes. "You're right. Go ahead. Do it."

Akira extended her arms, signaling for Xane to go right ahead. Xane did not move.

"If you do, you die. I know how this works, Xane." Akira began to walk for the door. She stopped, then turned to see Xane.

"I'm just a girl who doesn't know what's best for her. Remember?"

"Is that what you're going to tell Roxas?"

Akira frowned.

"That's what I thought." Xane opened the door for Akira, staring her down. Akira stared back.

"You and I both know Roxas can't feel. And you can't either. So Roxas concerns neither of us." Akira responded. Xane nodded slowly.

"So are you really telling yourself that?"

"Don't make me the bad guy, Xane. You and I both want out. Only I'm getting out faster."

"And I suppose the first time you ran away worked real well for you."

Staring each other down, Xane and Akira were challenging each other. Who would win?

"How did-"

"I AM you, remember?" She tapped her head knowingly. Akira watched her in disbelief.

"I thought we were on the same page, Nea," Akira grumbled, "But I guess I was wrong."

"Oh we are on the same page. You just need to understand. Namine isn't gonna solve ALL your problems. If you leave, I get the blame. Worse, Roxas gets the blame. And if Roxas gets the blame- let's just say that when they bring you back, there won't be a Roxas. Understood, 14?"

Akira flicked one of Xane's braids back. Akira laughed. "Here's the thing- Namine will solve my problems. You wanna know why?"

"Enlighten me."

"The thing you don't know about Namine-" Akira pushed Xane with her palm, "Is that she can clear me like this." Akira snapped. Xane stared at her, mouth agape.

"I am not this organization's concern anymore. You don't need to worry about me Xane."

"And what if I do?"

Akira stopped the walk that she had began. She looked back at Xane.

"Then we keep this between ourselves. Because that's what it's gonna come to."

Akira winked, stepping forward and walking away.


"Hey, Akira!"

Akira stopped as Axel called her from behind. She smiled genuinely.

"Hey, Ax!"

"Nice to see you up and walkin' like a normal person," Axel teased, putting his arm around his sunshine as they began to walk again.

"Yeah- it feels better to walk. And my arm is starting to heal too," Akira showed him her arm in a black sling. Axel squeezed her a bit.

"Well how about this, Roxas and I are heading over to the clocktower later tonight. Wanna come with?"

Akira stopped.


"Yeah- why, you have a mission or something?"

Akira looked around nervously. "Um no, I just- I had plans-"

"Oh well if you can't make it, it's alright-"

"No. I- I'll go. I'll see you guys later." Akira began to walk, leaving Axel in his tracks. He watched as she walked away, rubbing her slinged arm and pulling up her hood.


Kiwi +

Aug 30, 2009
I'm still rather curious as to what plans she has in store... I really hope to find out soon, hopefully!~ :)


is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Hey hey hey


Day 108
The Way Things Should Be.

How is it… not to feel?

Would that be better, in some sort- to never experience pain, hurt, deception? A life with no regrets, no fears, no negatives to how we want to live. And that is just it. We can live how we want to live.

But never experience…anything? Never experience joy, love, courage, and happiness? Pure heaven. Never?

When we call ourselves emotionless, that's an understatement. Those who cannot feel, do not live. And those who don't live- what's their purpose?

But there's those who try. Those who wish for a heart to call their own. Those who feel the need to fill the void they have. Are we wrong to defeat these beings that have no other choice but to cower in fear under those of us who have what they truly desire most? Are we right?

The darkness… it's the common enemy. Not only for the light, but for those on the opposing side as well. And who are we to judge those who fear the light, for we all equally fear the darkness?

Let us hope that in all essence, I am making the right choice. Because even if I'm alone in this fight, I'm not alone in this war.

And when I find the true Akira, I'll find them.

So I've decided. I may be the only ray of light in a shroud of darkness, but I'll fulfill the mission that has been bestowed upon me. From both sides.

I must surrender. Surrender to the light. Because if I surrender-

I'll save the "enemy" as well.


"….and then Marluxia went all 'Eeep! Don't touch that!' on me, and of course, knowing me, I just had to touch it." Axel winked as he told the new story for the day. He waved his ice cream around as he mimicked Marluxia's reaction. "No Axel, you heartless fiend!"

Roxas and Axel burst out laughing, falling backwards on the clocktower they had already claimed theirs. Akira smiled politely, biting into her popsicle quietly. She sucked on the piece of ice swirling around her mouth as Axel and Roxas continued on.

"So what did you do after that?" Roxas asked between laughs. Axel licked some more ice cream off the stick, then said, "So I said to him, 'Marly, it's just a flower. Don't you like flowers?' And right when I said that, the thing exploded!"

Again, they burst out laughing. Axel bent over with his fit of laughter, as Roxas held onto his stomach, laughing silently because he had run out of voice to laugh with. Akira chuckled lightly as she brought down her popsicle, staring at the sunset that never seemed to set. A cool wind tickled her face as the boys' laughter died down. They slurped on their sea salt ice-cream, staring at the sunset as well.

Roxas turned to Akira, who sat in between them. "Hey…you okay?"

Axel turned to her as well, noticing she hadn't spoken in quite a while. He continued, "Sunshine…you alright? What's the matter?"

Akira smiled, looking down. She bit off another small piece of her ice cream quietly, not responding to the questions. The boys, however, were concerned.

"Rira-" Roxas put his hand on her shoulder, shaking her, "Are you okay?"

Akira put down the ice cream. She sighed contently.

"If I was a traitor, would you all kill me?"

The boys were taken aback by the question, stunned speechless. Akira looked at Roxas with an ironic grin, adding, "Would you? Axel almost did it. But you?"

Axel pressed his lips together in the hostile question. Roxas looked around nervously. "Why would you ask that?!" He demanded, bewildered. She let out a small breath like a laugh, then looked out at the sky again.

"I'm different." She said. "And by what definition? That I have a heart….or that I make others feel like they have one?" She looked at the boys equally, then bit off the last piece of her ice-cream. She chewed on the wood for a while, then continued again.

"In all essence, I am a traitor." She smiled. "And by all definitions. So I ask you guys one last question."

She stood up and straightened her cloak,throwing the popsicle stick down on the ground lightly and impassively.

"Look at me. And…what do you see?"

The two stayed quiet. Akira slumped her shoulders and sighed. She put her hood up, a sad smile playing her lips as Roxas stood the follow her. Akira began her exit, when she stopped.

"Thanks for the ice cream-" She paused. She then continued. "Axel."

With nothing more, and nothing less, she disappeared.


"Akira wait!"

Roxas followed after Akira as she made her way to their bedroom door. She came to a halt expectantly. Roxas grabbed her free hand, turning her to face him.

"I wouldn't kill you. I wouldn't lay a finger on you!" He said valiantly. Akira smiled in thanks. She brought her head down to see their joined hands, and she squeezed it. After a few seconds, she let it go, moving into the room. Roxas persistently followed after.

"You don't believe me do you?"

The door closed with a click. Akira stiffened. She shook her head slowly.

Roxas came to her again. "Akira, you're not the traitor. If anything…I am."

Akira turned around, confused. She let her hood fall at the whip of her turn. Her eyes were wide in bewilderment. "What?"

Roxas took a deep breath. "I need- I need to tell you something."

"Roxas," Akira sighed. She backed away from him, "I know what you're doing. They told you too do it. But now you don't have to do it anymore because-"

"No!" Roxas silenced Akira with a frustrated snap. Akira cringed a bit. Roxas face palmed. "No, I mean no, this time I'm not pretending. I- I think I- I have these really weird feelings, these strong feelings-towards you."

Akira shook her head. "You can't feel Roxas."

He sighed in frustration. "I know, which makes this even weirder to explain!"

Akira looked away from him. She chuckled lightly. "Don't worry about it. It won't matter anymore."

Roxas raised an eyebrow. "What-"

Akira silenced him as she neared him. She put her hands on his shoulders and looked at him with a hidden message playing in her eyes. She then got on her toes and kissed his cheek.

As she pulled away, Roxas put his hand on the same cheek Akira had touched. He blushed. "Why is this sounding like…goodbye?"

Akira sighed. She stepped back further, and soon, dark wisps began eating at her from the bottom. She put her hood on, then responded.

"Because….it is."

And she was gone.


is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Pant, pant, pant.

Akira was running. She was practically flying. The organization had taken precautions. They closed every single portal leading out, and if she used a dark portal, they'd find her. But- there was one portal.

They were probably already on their way. They knew she was gone. They had to know. Roxas would tell them. And why wouldn't he? He had been brainwashed, just as she had been. But not anymore. She was sane. She knew the truth. And she needed to get herself to Namine. She couldn't disappear.

She couldn't.


"Again?!" Axel groaned,tossing the popsicle stick aggressively at the trash can in the rec room. He wiped his hands, stood, and headed to Xemnas's sleeping chamber. Roxas followed behind.

"This time, you're sure?" Axel asked, fixing his hood and hair. Roxas nodded. "Yes, she-she kissed me and then-"

"She kissed you!? And then she left!?!?" Axel shouted.

"Yeah, but- I had to talk to her, and then she kissed me-then poof! She disappeared and-and- AH! I messed up!" He stuttered out. Axel stopped. He raised an eyebrow.

"I swear, i didn't say anything for her to leave…she was leaving anyway!" Roxas defended. Axel sighed and began to walk again.

"This time, you're coming with me."


She was going to regret this. This was an insult to both her and them. She knew that well. And somehow, she knew she wasn't going to get through.

She looked up at the big white doors. A corridor, is what they were called. But it was nothing like those she used for missions. It was made of light, the very light she stupidly ran from. She was a hypocrite. That mouse she had seen a long time ago, he said she could change. Could she? Would she still be accepted? She needed something to bring her back to life. She was going back, back to the beginning. She was running, because she needed to run.

Akira tightened her grip on her keyblade. Keyblade. The name was acid in her tongue. How could she have been so stupid!? The signs, they were all there. How could she had been so ignorant?

Palms sweating, she twirled the thing in through her fingers, then held it in front of her like the others had done before her. She aimed at the middle, and closed her eyes tight. A beam of light ejected from the key's tip, and hit the middle of the doors. Akira opened her eyes.

The doors began to glow bright. Akira turned her head away, squinting at the sudden brightness. It burned her eyes. Had it really worked? Was she really welcome?

As if to response, the doors slowly came open, revealing a shining corridor. It was indescribable, with only one word in her mind: It was light.

And it had quite possibly forgiven her.


I can do this. I can get there in time. I won't disappear. I won't.

I can escape.


Akira tumbled out of the light corridor, and it shut quickly behind her. She brought herself upwards, breathing heavy. Suddenly, she felt a strange sensation. She put her hand on her heart, like if they could calm her pulse, then looked at the hand, checking it.

She gasped. Her hands had distorted for the slightest seconds, fuzzing out like a television without a signal. As her hand returned to normal, she balled it into a fist. She quickly got up and ran. She had landed back in Twilight Town, but to her dismay, at the other side of the city. She sped up, and for another second, her entire body fuzzed.


"How is it possible you didn't see this coming!?" Axel asked himself aloud, running through the dark corridor. Roxas ran beside him, panting.

"I'm sorry, its just- she confused me, Ax. It's- it was an accident-"

"Quit playing this down, Roxas! I swear, I can't believe this!" Axel shouted. Roxas cringed. Axel sighed.

"I'm sorry. Okay?" He said, slowing down. Roxas stayed silent.

"Where could she have gone this time?" Roxas asked quietly. Axel didn't answer immediately, thinking.

"Quite possibly…the last place I found her."


The streets were empty. The little trolley that carries the citizens to and from around the town was silent, not a single soul onboard.

Akira ran past the sandlot, the gravel making fog as her boots pounded atop of the ground. She grabbed a post to make a turn, trying not to lose her speed. The wind played with her long black locks, licking the sides of her face.

A million thoughts ran through her head. Roxas's disappointment. Axel's threatening words the last time she ran. Xemnas and Zexion and Saix, their evil plan and threading her in it. She wasn't alone, she had just chosen the wrong path. She needed to find Namine. That girl she'd seen so many times, her light blonde hair and creamy skin messing with her memories. She was the one who could fix her, and if losing herself was the answer, she was ready. She was running out of time, precious time.

The crack in the wall was visible, and that crack led to the forest. She slowed down a bit, bringing her hands together in front of her. Crouching, she went through the crack, swallowed in the darkness of the small forest blocking her destination. Her cupped hands then produced a small spark, and it lit the way. She zig zagged her way through the trees, her breathing the only thing breaking the irreconcilable silence in the air.

Suddenly, she tripped over a rock, and she landed, stomach on the ground. She slid a bit, but stayed still. Her thoughts stopped, and silence filled her. The leaves on the floor rustled, and her hair tried to follow.

She couldn't help it. After holding it in, she broke. The tears welling in her eyes spilled out, and she shouted into the ground, angry and ashamed and sad and relieved all at the same time. Her small crying fest ended quickly, as she wiped her eyes and got back up, dusting herself off. She summoned her keyblade as she neared her destination. The gates were in sight, and she slowed to an abrupt stop. Once again she aimed her keyblade before her, and the procedure repeated. The lock on the gates broke.

And Akira was allowed in.


"She's here." Axel muttered. There were scuff marks on the ground, and fresh gravel dust in the air. Roxas bit his tongue.


Akira walked slowly through the empty courtyard. The grass was fresh with dew, and the shrubs smelled like fresh rain. The stone steps on the ground were hard under boots.

She put her gloved hands on the double doors, feeling the cool mahogany under them. She pushed them open, and they slammed outwards. The wind howled inside this mansion.

Akira removed her hood. She shed her gloves, and threw them on the ground. The mansion around her was old, dirty, and forgotten. The foyer she walked through was alone and abandoned, stray papers flying around with the strange and unknown contact from the outside wind. The foyer led out to two sets of stairs, one leading to a library with no left door, and the other to a room. Akira moved towards the right set of stairs, leading her to the unknown room. The railing was drenched in dust, but Akira could care less.


Akira cringed and looked back, only to see the doors had shut themselves behind her. The room was dark. Bringing her hands together once more, a spark lit her way up the stairs. As she came to the hallway, she saw the two white doors. Those same white doors in her dream. Undoing the fire, she grabbed the two handles with precaution, afraid of breaking them with her nervous grip. She turned the handles, and with a click, they came open. A bright light emanated from the room, yet Akira did not squint. A small voice rang from the inside.

"I was expecting you, sooner or later."

She walked in through the crack of the door, then closed the doors behind her with a soft click.



is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Day 108

Akira closed her eyes in relief, smiling. She made it this far. And she was here. Perfect.

"Have a seat."

Akira opened her eyes, but looked down. She knew the surroundings: Long dining table with an elegant centerpiece, white walls covered in sketches and paintings, and two lone white chairs, one already occupied. Her hand slid across the smooth surface of the table, then found the other end, in which she calmly sat down. She then looked across the table.

Namine was present. She sat in a delicate ladylike position, her legs crossed and to the side under the table. She had her hands on her lap neatly over the white dress she chose as her uniform. Her blonde hair cascaded down her pale shoulder, and her bright blue eyes softened with her pink lipped smile as Akira looked at her expectantly.

"I suppose you know why I came?" Akira asked sheepishly. Namine nodded sweetly.

"You want to fix this." Namine replied. Akira nodded at that response.

Namine then frowned a bit. "Are you aware of the consequences?"

Akira stayed silent. "I- I'd like to be reminded."

Namine bit her lip. "Total and complete blanking of your memories." She began, "And everything that happened, you will not remember. Roxas…Axel…Xane… They'll be gone."

"I think I can live with that." Akira chuckled lightly. She played with her fingers under the table, then removed her bangs out of her face. Namine nodded her head once. Silence settled once more.

"Akira, are you sure?" Namine questioned.

Akira stood up. She walked over to the small girl in front of her, then replied: "I'm as sure as I'll ever be."


"Damn it, I lost her trace!" Axel shouted. They were by Tram Common, in somewhat unfamiliar territory, and totally lost. Roxas looked around for any clues, then froze.

"She's at the Haunted Mansion."

Axel's head jerked to him in bewilderment. "How would you know?"

Roxas's eyes met no specific focal point, and he answered, "She….she said that it didn't matter anymore. Anymore….?"

Axel's agape mouth closed, grunting. "Namine."

They began to run.


The walk to the underground pod was long, and it felt like everything was slowing. Namine walked dutifully in front, and Akira followed, staring off into space.


Maybe I don't have to do this.

Maybe I can just go on with life in the Organization. They treat me right.

….No. They don't. And if I don't get out now-

I won't be able to finish what I started.


As they walked through the computer room, a loud bang was heard from overhead. Akira and Namine stopped in their tracks, silently waiting. Another boom. They turned to look at each other, and Akira summoned her keyblade.

"I'll see what's up. Go to the computer room. If all goes wrong, I'll run and jump into the pod."

Namine nodded, eyes wide, and began to jog back to the computer room. Akira took another path, jogging as well. It wasn't until she smelled the scent of burning around her when she fully understood what was going on.


"Come on out, Sunshine! We won't bite!!!"

Akira quickly turned back, trying to break into a sprint, but had to duck when a flaming chakram came flying at her full force. She looked back, and sure enough, at the far end of the hallway, Axel and Roxas began their pursuit. Akira got up again and began to run, ducking when Axel's charm began to return. She looked around her for a way to delay them, and she sighed in relief when she saw her answer.

Panting, she hit the Emergency Close button beside the doorway she had just passed, and as predicted, the doors began to shut almost instantly. However, Axel would not have that. He outran the first door, then when he saw he couldn't make the second, he threw his right chakram at the raven haired girl who tried to outrun him three doors ahead. As Akira turned back to see their progress, her eyes widened and she cried out in pain and surprise as the chakram took her left arm with it and slammed her to a wall, pinning her to it. She panicked, and her breathing quickened, watching Axel's scowl turn into a grin. She kicked the chakram and scrambled herself up. Axel was closing in-

Akira looked before her and the White Room was in clear sight, almost at her fingertips! Only a few more steps-

No! The door began to slide down. Akira panicky sprinted faster and tried to get through. It seemed like eternity, and Axel's flame throws weren't helping her either. At last, when she was a breath away from the door, she began to get ready to slide when a huge mass of fire came at her.




is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Day 108


Akira ran and slid on the ground, speeding up to get to the white room before the door shut. Akira squeezed by just in time, and she rolled forward to stand up. She desummoned the keyblade she held in her hands, and dusted herself off. She stopped.

A crystal pod stood before her, glimmering in the brightness that was the Room of Awakening. She stepped forward, halting as the pod released air. She froze. The crystal pod began to open itself, shard by shard, revealing a small space where Akira was supposed to stay.

She stepped towards it, stepping onto the first step, when she was stopped yet again.

"Akira! Akira, stop!"

Akira summoned her keyblade quickly, turning to see the blonde with blue eyes. She tensed.

"No, Roxas-"

"Don't leave. Please. I can't lose you again!"

Akira shook her head. "I don't remember how many times you've lost me." She said quietly, "But…now I'll know. Don't stop me."

She quickly turned, about to jump inside, when a hand roughly grabbed her back, into a tight lock. Roxas had her tightly in his grasp, her arms beside her and in no position to move. Roxas held her hostage, against her attempts to break free.

"Don't do this, Roxas!" She shouted through her teeth. Roxas began to summon a dark corridor when Akira flipped him over her, using all the strength she had. Roxas groaned as he hit the floor. Akira once again summoned her blade.

"I'll fight you-" She whispered, panting, "If I have to, I''ll fight you!"

Roxas shook his head and stood up. "I'm not going to fight you, Akira."

Akira lowered her weapon, cautious.

"Then let me do this."

Akira desummoned her blade. She turned her back on Roxas, then-

"We can't let you do that, sunshine."

Akira turned, but not quick enough. In the blur she heard the hopeless attempt by Roxas's part ("Akira, wait!") Axel grabbed her arms and held them behind her back. Akira wasn't going down without a fight, though. She mustered all the force she could and flipped him over her, making him crash onto the ground. She summoned her keyblade again, waiting for Axel.

"Akira, don't-"

"Save it, Roxas!" Akira shouted, and Axel got up, irritated and seriously irked. He summoned his chakrams, ready to attack. He ran full force to her, ready to hit, but Akira retaliated quickly, striking him. He was about to pull the move that knocked her out the first time they had an encounter like this, but Akira was smart, jumping over him. She landed, sweeping him from the reverse, but Axel dodged, throwing his chakrams. Akira pulled out a forcefield, then threw her keyblade at him, then ran. Axel was angry.

"Enough!" He shouted, flaring flames around him. Roxas watched helplessly on the sideline, wondering which side to take. Axel growled, "We tried to look out for you- but I'm done trying to cooperate with you, kid!"

He went in for the kill, and Akira counted on that. She smirked, then sidestepped out of his hit, much to Axel's confusion, and they met eyes. Akira twirled the keyblade around her fingers, then aimed at Axel. She summoned all the magic she knew and the blast flew from the tip of her blade to Axel. He froze in the magical attack that mixed force, time, and fire altogether.

Roxas's stomach churned. "Axel!" He then summoned his own blade, and charged at Akira. She blocked, and they stayed in that position, keyblade against keyblade.

"Akira, you can't do this! We know what's best!" He said through gritted teeth.

"No, you don't! I would expect you, of all people Roxas, to understand! I thought you cared!" She retaliated, pushing forward.

"I never said I didn't!" He shouted.

"Then let. Me. GO!" She pushed him hard enough to fall back, and he scrambled back, panting. Akira panted as well, watching his defeat. Then a malicious voice cooed in her ear.


Akira was then in a headlock. She scrambled to break free, but Axel's grip was tight, and Akira found herself gasping for air. She choked out barely audible words.


"Roxas, summon a portal." Axel ordered. Roxas obeyed. Akira saw that Axel had lessened his grip, and she burst free from it, running. Akira ran, and Roxas and Axel grabbed her by her arms, when Akira decided to do what she had to do.

"NAMINE, JUST DO IT!" She shouted at the top of her lungs. Axel and Roxas tugged at her, then stopped when she shouted that.

But Akira, Namine said in her head. Akira silenced her.

"DO IT NOW!" She screeched, and then a wave of pain went through her. Her eyes turned a sickly white, rolling backwards. Roxas and Axel dropped her, and she fell to her knees, wavered a bit, then lost balance, falling to her side. The way her body was now, she could be considered dead.

Axel and Roxas ran to her side, kneeling beside her. Roxas shook her side. "Akira!" He whispered loudly. Axel sighed.

"We killed her, man." He said. Then a voice rang throughout the room.

"Let this be a warning, Axel and Roxas from Organization Thirteen. You try to bring her back, she'll be closer to dying. Maybe Xemnas wants her dead? Well tell Xemnas this, straight from the king. Akira is the chosen one. And you mess with her, you will destroy Kingdom Hearts! Why? Because she is Kingdom Hearts!"


Kiwi +

Aug 30, 2009
Oh my GOSH. You updated Bell! I was wondering when you would feel like updating again. You came back with lots of content this time too. ^^

Now, just when I thought a long time ago that maybe she would get a reprieve for at least a little bit, Akira is now worse off then ever! I feel so bad for her, being part of all that... I await to see what you will do next though. :D


is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Day 115
Are You Still Waiting?


"I don't understand."

Zexion stood behind a glass wall that only looked out, not in. He was standing besides Xemnas, Saix, and Vexen, watching Akira in a room before them. Akira was training, somehow, regaining strength with great speed. The heartless summoned to fight her were disappearing left to right, Akira attacking with finesse and control.

"I just…don't."

Zexion stared, wide eyed, watching. "Namine gave us a warning…that doesn't make sense. None of this does!" He turned away. "First, Akira loses all her memories. Then, Namine states a serious warning: Akira is Kingdom Hearts. Finally, Akira recovers in less than a few hours, not entirely empty. She's complying to everything, acting as if nothing has happened." He face palmed himself gently. "This is all…very strange."

"I don't think Namine's warning should be taken so literal," Vexen mused aloud, eyes on Akira as she dodged a larger heartless. She sliced it from behind, grinning at the triumph. "To say something of that magnitude- it wouldn't fit. It does not concur to the things we already know for sure about Kingdom Hearts."

"Rest assured, though, " Saix cut in, " While Namine may not have been clear, she only justified what we already knew. We can't lose Akira. She's too valuable."

"And we can't repeat what happened to Haruko." Xemnas stated grimly. Everyone turned to him, wide eyed, as if he had just sworn. Xemnas chuckled. "I still remember. All of you foolishly act as if I do not, and evade the subject." He turned to all of them, a scowl forming in his face. "But here is the truth to it. The old hag that had turned her over to us went back on her word. A very dishonorable thing to do. She got away, a mistake we've only made twice-if you count the other boy, the one we could not trace." He turned back to the glass, watching.

"Gentlemen," He concluded, "I do not like making mistakes."


A loud buzzer went off above Akira's head, and she grinned in relief. She desummoned her keyblade and wiped some sweat off her forehead. Lexaeus's strong voice rumbled above her. "Alright, Akira, you're time is up."

Akira nodded, and headed for the double doors at the end of the large room, enthusiastically leaving the area. The hallways were quiet, as everyone else was out on missions. Akira didn't mind, she didn't feel all that up to going out and fighting to the death yet. She rubbed her arm, cringing at the bruises that lined her wrists. She dared not take another look because, indeed, they weren't very pretty. She put up her hood, heading to her room.

She opened the door, and the familiar scent of her space wafted to her. It was a humorous smell, like shampoo and cookies. She must remind the boys to not bring food in here anymore.

The boys. They were out. Akira sighed, removing her gloves and tossing them to her neatly folded bed. She walked out to the balcony, feeling the breeze of the city. It wasn't raining, and that was always good.

The wind knocked over her hood just as she rubbed her forehead. She huffed, ignoring nature's gesture, and looked out. How strange these days have been, she thought to herself.

She awoke with great pain, but she felt manageable. She knew what was going on- somewhat. She somewhat remembered things, some completely, some halfway. Xemnas excused her, and Vexen said she'd be alright. Xane was being very secretive. Axel was very awkward. And Roxas-

"Akira, Xemnas sent me to get you."

Akira turned to see Xane at her doorway, looking away uncomfortably. Akira cocked her head to the side.


Xane bit her lip. "He wants us to go on a training mission."

Akira took the question well. "Alright…where are we going?"

Xane sighed. ''…Twilight Town."

With no recollection of her memories there and no hint at the edge on Xane's voice, she obliged, summoning her blade.
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Kiwi +

Aug 30, 2009
Hmm, I don't know why, but I feel like there is a slight feeling of betrayal coming soon. Or, everything is gonna go the way the rest of the members of Org want it to go.

Either way, I really want to see what happens next. All in good time, of course. :]


is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1

Well guys, its been months and I don't get on here as much as I would like.

However, this is not the end for Akira.

Akira's story will be re-upladed (and EDITED) on fanfiction.net before the end of November, because I need time to go through The Road to Dawn and edit and tweak. Also, Fate of a Hero will be uploaded and completed on Fanfiction.net as soon as Road to Dawn is posted.

For now, I apologize for the absence, as I've just moved to a different place, am going to a different school, and am trying to get the hang of things in a big city.

I'd also like to say that Bell's fanfictions are NOT DEAD, as I have been writing a new one called "Of Snow and Fire: The 76th Annual Hunger Games" on fanfiction.net.

The uploading process for my Akira stories should begin by next weekend. My pen name is Bellaisima358 (like here).

Now to end on a good note:
Akira's sequel and final story, "Skyfall" has been developing since this summer, and I have the first few chapters done and ready to upload, as well as character designs and the plot being figured out. So, look out for it because it should be up on fanfiction.net by Winter Break!

That is all.

/End Author's Note.
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