Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
1st is Riku
2nd is Sephiroth
3rd is King Mickey
4th is Cloud
riku is cool w/ his cool sword the soul eater
sephiroth is so awesome and i have a hard time beating him his katana is strong the masamune
mickey is powerful w/ his keyblade
cloud is mysterious and look cool w/ his buster sword
Undoubtedly Kairi, she is so cool and down to earth, I even named my Guinea Pig after her !!! Cloud and Squall rock as well, tidus (as in final fantasy 10) was a complete waste of time I thought. Best villain was Cerberus though, unfortunately, Harry Potter ripped the dog of the underworld off big time (fluffy - what a crap name is that !!!)
I'm gunna be here all day thinkin about this, who is my favorite character? *long pause*Sora!!!(for those of you who know how crazy I can get about these topics, I just went crazy again!)^^ I never have good reasons for these things. I guess its just because, well, he's Sora!^^;; It might be his personality, it might be his looks heck I don't know! All I know is that he's my favorite character and he always has been.