Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
dearly beloved
sacred moon
organization XIII
fate of the unknown
riku's theme...oh my gosh, there's just too many, but the most important thing is that they are all good ^^
Dearly Beloved
Kairi's Theme
The Other Promise ( Roxas' Theme )
The 13th Anthology
Riku's Theme
The 13th Struggle
Simple and Clean
Schierzo Di Notte
Treasured Memories
( Oh my god my list is endless. o3o )
A walk in Adante, Missing you (it help me write the depressing parts in my fanfics), Riku, Organization XIII, Courage, Dearly Beloved, Destiny Islands, Friends in My Heart, Reviving Hallow Bastion, scherzo Di Notte, Show down at Hallow Bastion, Swim this way (japanese), Sunset horizions, the opening and credits song/music, and One Winged Angel. Yeah I liked the backround music from all the worlds as well but not as much as the one's listed.