yup, there's waay too much crying dd lol, i didn't even notice until i typed it up here! ^^;
thanks KK, you rule!
thankyou for the cc, your comments can help me improve

and to be honest, i agree with all of it. except the comment from D_S about me needing to improve my grammar, there are no spelling or punctuation mistakes that i know about, i use a dictionary while writing, space out paragraphs, begin new lines when someone new talks... etc etc... im an english nerd lol.
i started writing this a month or so ago, i know the beginnning is unoriginal, sorry about it being so slow moving. i didnt want a fanfic that moved at lightning pace and crammed too much into each chappy. >.< if people continue to read, it's going to be pretty long. there's another chappy or two to go before it's different. (it's when the full storyline kicks off.) bear with me, though, because as far as i know, the rest of the storyline is completely original

heh, it's a crappy title for sure, k&s, i just couldn't think of a good title...im not so good with names.
seriously though, thankyou for your criticism. without it, my writing will go nowhere. let me know if there's anything else about it i can change ^_^
here's the next chappy. it's kinda long, but not too bad. let me know what you think.
Chapter 10
Alone in the Secret Place, Kairi wept for Sora. Only a minute had passed, yet she missed him as though he'd been gone for a lifetime. She missed everything about him, his touch, his scent, his eyes, even the sound of his voice. She took comfort in the fact that this time, she knew he'd return. It was just a matter of when. Weeks. Months. Even years.
Surrounded by her memories, she looked at the precious times preserved forever in the stone. She spotted another empty space.
"Well, it could pass the time..." She picked up a stone and began to carve the day into the solid rock. All the while she thought of Sora, and Riku, wherever he was. She hoped he was safe, and that he'd be ok until he was rescued. She hoped it wouldn't be long before they were all reunited, never to be parted again.
Her thoughts were interrupted by an enormous clap of thunder. It shook the cave, sending little pebbles and clouds of dust over Kairi's body. She dropped to the floor and protected her head. Her thoughts immediately turned to Sora.
"I hope the gummi ship is alright in this storm," she thought. The weather outside was terrible. She'd never known a storm like it. It was dangerous out there.
Another noise echoed through the cave. Kairi lay perfectly still on the unwelcoming stone floor.
"Hello?" she called out, still staying motionless on the floor.
It echoed again. It sounded strangely... familiar. Almost comforting. Kairi sighed, thinking it was her longing mind playing tricks on her.
"Wishful thinking..." she thought.
"He's going to be gone a lot longer than two minutes, Kairi, get used to it." she told herself, over and over again.
But there it was again. Closer now, as if it was moving towards her. And again. It was much clearer now.
"Kairi!" it echoed. Her eyes widened. She wasn't just imagining it. It was calling her name. She lifted her head from the floor and cautiously looked behind her.
"Sora?!" she gasped, her eyes fixed on him. She was immobilized with shock. "What are you doing here?!" He stood in the doorway, completely breathless, red in the face.
"We have to go, right now," he gulped down deep breaths of air. He grabbed her arm and pulled her up off the floor. "Come on."
Sora dragged her out of the Secret Place, where Donald and Goofy were waiting. They broke into a sprint. The storm was directly overhead, and challenging it was impossible.
"What's going on?!" Kairi shouted at the top of her lungs, trying to make herself heard over the terrifying crashes of the storm, and the pained screeching of the wind.
"I don't know," Sora yelled back at her. "I ran into these guys, and they told me to come and find you. There wasn't any time for them to explain either." Donald turned his head as he ran.
"Sorry, Kairi!" he quacked as loud as he could. "King Mickey didn't have time to tell us, but I'm sure he'll explain all of this once we've reached the gummi ship!"
They all struggled to run against the aggressive winds. Kairi found it increasingly difficult, she wasn't as strong as the others. A blinding bolt of blue lightning struck a palm tree up ahead. It screeched as it toppled over, as if the lightning was torturing it to death. It landed on the wet sand beneath it. The thunder rolled overhead.
"Look out!" cried Goofy, jumping over the tree, followed closely by Donald. Sora picked up Kairi as he approached the fallen tree. He just managed to leap over it, landing shakily on the other side. And there it was. The gummi ship. They all piled in, slamming the door firmly shut behind them. At least they were sheltered now, safe.
comments please, as always, cc is appreaciated ^^