thanks kaptain kool, great to see you back!
aww, poor L337, i hope you get better soon <3 <3
i know, it's a terrible habit of mine DD ^^;
thanks for your comments gamergirl89, i know the chapters are really short ^^; i can't resist ending on cliffhangers. i'll try not to let it happen so often! there's gonna be more action soon. i swear. ^-^ thanks for your cc though, i need to know about the weak points
Chapter Twenty
"W-what?" Sora stuttered, her outburst shattering his peaceful state. He knew she wasn't feeling at her best, but this was completely out of the blue. He'd been happily enjoying being in her presence, relaxing as much as he could, knowing that soon, there may not be enough time for peace and quiet. While he'd been enjoying these simple pleasures, Kairi had been thinking herself into a deep, dark, inescapable hole.
"I don't know if it's such a good idea, Sora," Kairi said quietly, her tone almost unrecognisable to the usually bright and happy voice Sora loved to hear. "I don't think I should be there with you."
"Why not?" Sora asked, hoping that she'd reconsider. Perhaps if she wasn't sure why, he could help change her mind, make her see sense.
"I'll just slow you down," she said. "You need to get to Riku as fast as you possibly can, he could be in serious danger out there. Those guys might have already..." She trailed off.
"Yeah..." Sora said, his tone almost demanding for her to continue.
"I could never forgive myself if something happened to him before you could reach him," she explained, "and it's a lot more likely to happen if I'm there. I'm nowhere near as strong as you, Donald and Goofy, so you'd probably have to spend time helping me out, instead of progressing through Square-One. I'll just end up slowing you all down."
"That's not true, Kairi," Sora shook his head. "King Mickey's trying to get you a Keyblade. That'll help you a lot. And I'll be there to help you learn how to use it. And besides, the New Generation are after you, there's no way I'm gonna let you stay anywhere alone."
"A Keyblade chooses its own master," Kairi sighed. "I think I should just stay here, Sora." She began to mumble. "I doubt if a Keyblade would ever choose me anyway."
"Of course it would," Sora exclaimed. "Kairi, your heart is strong. You've made it through two years of lonliness, worrying about the two most important people in your life. You weren't even sure if they'd make it back, but you never for a second gave up hope. You were out on that beach every single day waiting, regardless of what your head told you. You listened to your heart. That's all that matters." He felt Kairi's shoulders drooping as he spoke. He heard her deep sigh.
"Sora..." she sighed. "That's sweet of you, but I doubt if any of that could make a Keyblade want me as its master. It's hardly a big deal." She hung her head. "I'll be a burden to you, Sora. If I stay here, at least you'll have more chance of Riku getting out of there, isn't that the main thing?" Sora wasn't sure what to say. It was the most important thing. But so was Kairi. She wouldn't be safe alone. He had to make her see that she just
had to go. Maybe she wasn't feeling well.
"Maybe you're a little scared about it after that Heartless attacked you," he said, hoping she'd see sense and agree. "Maybe you should sleep on it, I'm sure in the morning you'll see that..." He took her hand and tried to take her back into the room, to let her lie down. She pulled his arm away from her, stopped him from taking her into the room.
"You aren't listening, are you?" she interrupted. "Sora, you have to find Riku, and if I'm there, you might not get there in time. Why can't you see that? It's that simple!" She was starting to get angry for some reason. Frustrated. "Sora, I know you'll worry, but please, don't. If I stay here, I'll miss you. I'll worry about you. I'll be lonely. But at least I'll know that you're out there finding Riku, without anyone stopping you or slowing you down."
"Kairi, I..." he couldn't find the words. "I am listening, I just don't think you're in the right mindset to be making snap decisions like that." His words were quiet. He gently moved to take her hand again. She refused, pulling away. Disappointed, he closed the window. At least she was back in the room now.
"Please, Sora," she begged, trying as hard as she possibly could to make him understand what she was saying. "I can't explain it enough, all I know is that Riku needs you right now, and without me, you'll have an easier time reaching him. As much as I want to be with you and need you, I know Riku needs you more."
Sora stopped to think it over. She couldn't stay alone. He knew that she couldn't be left for the New Generation to find her. But, in an unusual way, she made sense. He wouldn't have to spend much needed time making sure she was alright, preparing her for battles, making sure she was strong enough to fight the Heartless, wondering how she'd react to the situation with the New Generation... the list went on and on. She was inexperienced, wether she'd have a keyblade or not. There simply wasn't enough time. Precious minutes had passed. For Riku, time may already have ran out. Sora sighed heavily, scratching his neck. He'd made his decision.
"Kairi, listen," he sat down on the bed. "I've thought about it."
"And?" she sat next to him, awaiting his answer.
"I can't make you come," he said quietly. "But I can't let you stay here alone. The New Generation are after you. Whoever they are, all we know is that they're really powerful. There's no way you'd be able to fight them off if they find you, and you'd end up trapped with Riku... or... worse. I don't want that to happen."
"Maybe he's right..." Kairi thought, looking away.
"I never thought of it like that."
"But..." Sora closed his eyes, tilted his head towards the ground. "The Kairi I love yould never give up so easily. She's stronger than this." He said it under his breath, without thinking of what he was doing. "She'd stay to fight. To help her friend." He suddenly jumped up, realised what he'd done. He'd never intended to say that. He'd done it without thinking.
"You're right..." she whispered. She hung her head in shame. "I can't give up. Riku needs all the help he can get right now. The more of us there are, the more chance we have of rescuing him."
Sora nodded. His unintended words had taken great effect on her.
"It sounds kinda stupid now," she muttered. "I just wanted Riku to be alright, I thought I'd be a burden."
"Of course not," Sora smiled. "You'd help us find Riku."
"I think I was just afraid of the Heartless..." she thought.
"Sora, can I ask you something?" she smiled. He nodded. "Aren't you afraid of the Heartless?"
"Nope," he shook his head. "Well, not any more."
"Why not?!" she was stunned. To her, the Heartless were terrifying.
"Because now I know that Dark never wins agains Light," he explained. "I always remember that, and you should too. It'll come in handy when we reach Square-One. Don't forget it, it really helps." Kairi nodded. It was good advice for her.
"Thanks for everything, Sora," she reached to hold his hand. He brought it up to his face, kissing it softly.
"No problem," he smiled. "So... you're still coming?"
"Yeah," she replied. "Riku needs all the help he can get."
hope that makes up for the horribly shorter chapters

let me know how this is, if there's anything wrong, let me know about it!