^This was the first thing that I came across while browsing Forum Insanity-How nice. Anyway, 212-Your future has already long been determined due to how you 'present' yourself on these forums. Internet or not, let's just say that the majority of us have more of an idea here.
Now, just to make this interesting-I'd like to see how you'll foresee this supposed future of mine, or so you say, as well have claimed.
I'm looking forward to see how much love or hatred that you'll use within this prediction.
The very best of luck to you.
And as a helpful side note {in much reference to one thrown by Fatal Advent}-
Inner Demon, for once-Can you please attempt to provide a comment that doesn't automatically dictate that you are lacking in the creativity within it all together? You have honestly been giving us the same, if not similar insults quite often lately.
It gives us an impression that you can not seem to find anything useful at all to say. Remember if you 'do' choose to insult, the least that you can do for us in return is to find something original that we have not seen come from you time and time again.
Do not consider this as an attack on you, but rather as generous assistance.