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Geez, this game's story is even more flawed than I remembered.

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Silver Member
Nov 28, 2005
5 hours into 2.5 & I don't think there's been a single scene that didn't feel forced in some manner. I always knew KH2 was in need of more rewrites but I'm amazed at the sheer volume of baffling scenes that I've overlooked or let slide before just in the 1st few hours alone. Seriously, can anyone explain to me why:

1. They can't say the word photo? 1st of all that's just a dumb idea in general & 2nd what about saying similar words? Picture? Pic? Image? Making up a new slang term to replace the word the can't say? Looking up foreign words that translate to photo & trying those? Writing the damn word on paper? TRY SOMETHING!

2. Dusks can't tell the difference between photos & real people because it's all data? Roxas doesn't have any issue identifying different objects when they're all data & the same applies to SDG in Tron's world.

3. Insults, the true sign of a deep, long lasting friendship! (seriously this is always used as the method of causal chit-chat in this series, Nomura had problems as a kid)

4. If Sim-Hayner/etc. didn't believe Roxas' story about being mugged, then why don't they go looking for the munny bag themselves? They wouldn't find it but that's not the point, they completely write the munny bag off as lost when they saw themselves where Roxas fell on his face.

5. Setzer is a gambler in FF6 yet wants a sure victory in KH2. Very consistent.

6. Ugh, I forgot about the bloody trophy macguffin. Watch this super meaningful scene of characters meaningfully staring at meaningful marbles of meaningfulness.

7. Olette's "How DARE you nearly fall to your death" face on 5th Day. Even if she's upset about homework, it's not the right time to have an attitude with a guy that just yesterday almost died.

8. Pretty much every word out of Seifer's mouth is groan inducing. "They've already crossed the line!" Yes, it is clearly against TT law to wiggle about in the air.

9. And how did he get the scar in this universe? Foam bats are apparently quite dangerous.

10. The nature of the stations of serenity aren't explained in-game. Because it sure ain't a dream sequence this time.

11. Diz's idea of throwing Roxas a bone is to make everyone think he's suffering from constant hallucinations of a ghost train. Personally I would've gone with reprogramming Fuu to have the hots for him, but I guess looking like an escaped mental patient to one's only friends works too. Somehow.

12. They had a FF6 character & a ghost train & somehow didn't make the obvious reference. I mean yeah, Setzer wasn't there for that boss but still they could've worked something out.

13. Not remembering Xenmas' name equals death sentence. Even when it's obvious the memories are slowing coming back to Roxas & he'll probably recall the superior if given a little more time. Plus Axel still had the knock-him-out-&-drag-him-back option but frankly he would've had far better results convincing Roxas to come back by not being hostile every time he shows himself. (people needlessly being jerks to Roxas seems to be a trend with this prologue)

14. Xenmas' allegedly has the ability to turn human-like nobodies into dusks but this has never been seen at any point in the series. It's an empty threat if it can't actually be confirmed for a fact he can do that.

15. Confused by the meaning of "Thank Namine"? Gee, maybe you guys could've tried writing more than 2 words!

16. Actually scratch that, I got a better question. Between Namine, Diz, & Rikunort, why is NO ONE THERE WHEN SORA WAKES UP TO EXPLAIN SHIT TO HIM?!?! Did Diz seriously leave his secret weapon against the org unguarded without any given reason to do so?

17. Speaking of the munny bag, why don't the real HPO press the issue of the duplicate bag when it first comes up? Why wait until later in the game to address it?

18. Speaking of the munny bag AGAIN, why doesn't Mickey stick around longer? Oh, because he's busy. 9 years later & we still don't actually know with what. Perhaps, they could've tried explaining it right there & then instead of waiting on some potential spin-off that may never ever get made.

19. Pete didn't know Maleficent died but seconds later speaks as if he did.

20. Then there's the gold standard of clumsy writing, "Nobodies don't really exist". Considering that I'm being physically wounded by these things, I'm gonna ahead & say that yes, yes they do. Perhaps you wanna take the time to clarify what you mean by "exist" to begin with, Game? Oh you aren't going to? Oh well.

21. & the runner-up: Maleficent's resurrection not getting explained. It would only take like 1 line: she placed a curse on the fairies in the past as precaution in case of her demise. Boom, done. Not like bringing her back even mattered, Pete could've done everything the same without her & we don't even get a bossfight.

22. The heartless are fewer, except for it being the complete opposite. Even in RoD in KH1 there weren't that many heartless as there are clogging up HB.

23. The fairies being oh so gosh darned shocked at the extremely high concept suggestion they actually do what they were there for.

24. So does the Hollow Bastion defense system work indoors? Heartless can spawn anywhere they want, in theory people wouldn't be safe in their own beds (try getting a night's sleep with THAT thought kiddies!). If it does work indoors, that'd probably make sleeping just as difficult with the teleporting bombs going off. Why even move back into a world that is so clearly still plagued by the very thing they ran from?

25. Why do we need to protect those gates from nobodies? Both heartless & nobodies can spawn within the town already. If its to keep the big army out, well shouldn't 1000 heartless bash them down a whole heck of a lot quicker than about 2 dozen nobodies? & why is Donald & Goofy absent for this fight? I just got this newfangled drive form stuff, let me use it for something!

26. "Oopys Daisy" & you said that why, Xigbar? In fact what was the point of any part of your scene for other than flimsily establishing your character that won't be seen again until Mulan act 2? (& for all of 5 seconds at that)

Christ, I'm actually glad now the Disney worlds were irreverent filler, they got spared most of this nonsense.


New member
Jul 2, 2013
26. "Oopys Daisy" & you said that why, Xigbar? In fact what was the point of any part of your scene for other than flimsily establishing your character that won't be seen again until Mulan act 2? (& for all of 5 seconds at that)

We see/hear him again a few more times throughout the final mix version, but it's still funny how little we actually saw of him in vanilla KH2 considering he will be one of the main bad's in KH3. It's no surprise to everyone the mess they made with this game, but we're all still here as excited as ever for KH3, so they can't have done that bad of a job fixing it up really. Saying that it should not have took 4 "spin offs" (they're not spin off's but you know what I mean before someone gets all butt hurt and literal on my ass) and 2 remix collections to clean up what one game did to the series.


Jul 24, 2012
S. California, USA
I agree that both 1 and 4 are really ridiculous. My little sister was only 4 when we first played KHII and even she acknowledged that they should've just went to see where the munny went themselves. Especially because it's literal, valid cash, why would you just say "oh well its gone forever" without checking the area at all? Maybe being a simulation makes you stupid.

18. Speaking of the munny bag AGAIN, why doesn't Mickey stick around longer? Oh, because he's busy. 9 years later & we still don't actually know with what. Perhaps, they could've tried explaining it right there & then instead of waiting on some potential spin-off that may never ever get made.



New member
Apr 19, 2013
I knew Kingdom Hearts fans were really nitpicky but this is something else, lol. Well done.


Phantom Gigaplex
Feb 10, 2012
Hahaha I feel you. My brother and I were watching ReCoded last night when he made the comment "I think that a f**king 7 year old wrote this". And I can't believe that they would use Pooh's voice actor to do the Cheshire Cat. (If it's not the same person it sure as hell sounds just like him.) They ruined it for me because all I heard and thought was Pooh Bear.


baroque bitch
Jun 4, 2010
Hahaha I feel you. My brother and I were watching ReCoded last night when he made the comment "I think that a f**king 7 year old wrote this". And I can't believe that they would use Pooh's voice actor to do the Cheshire Cat. (If it's not the same person it sure as hell sounds just like him.) They ruined it for me because all I heard and thought was Pooh Bear.
Have you ever actually seen Alice in Wonderland? Winnie the Pooh, Cheshire Cat and for that matter Kaa from the Jungle Book have always had the same voice.


Phantom Gigaplex
Feb 10, 2012
Have you ever actually seen Alice in Wonderland? Winnie the Pooh, Cheshire Cat and for that matter Kaa from the Jungle Book have always had the same voice.
When I was very young and I have no memories of it, so basically no. The same goes for the Jungle Book, I was very young but I do have some memories of that one. Still, I think that doing that was a poor choice. At least try to make yourself sound different.


New member
Sep 9, 2014
keyblade graveyard waiting for the war to begin
Hahaha I feel you. My brother and I were watching ReCoded last night when he made the comment "I think that a f**king 7 year old wrote this". And I can't believe that they would use Pooh's voice actor to do the Cheshire Cat. (If it's not the same person it sure as hell sounds just like him.) They ruined it for me because all I heard and thought was Pooh Bear.
Winnie the Pooh and Cheshire Cat have the same voice actor you should watch alice in wonderland

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Your nitpicks are honestly why KH2 is my least favorite title. (But I have to admit the nostalgia is making me love it again.) This is what happens when you let Nojima do his thing on his own without a buddy and things are on an impossibly tight development schedule. As you can notice, pretty much every game following KH2 has attempted to fix what it could of KH2.

I will address a few, though.

Olette and friends don't remember Roxas almost died because DiZ changed their memories. They are just data so he can manipulate the parameters of the world as they fit his needs.

Also with Setzer, rather than a true gambler, he is instead a cheater. It's a subtle change but it is what makes him and his FF6 counterpart different. On purpose.

Also, Mickey does follow after SDG sometimes to watch over them. That is why in some world's during a boss, if you die Mickey appears. He also was running off getting info on the Org, but he definitely wasn't always gone. Riku also presumably followed SDG a couple of times.

I'm just more bothered about where the hell Namine went.

Hahaha I feel you. My brother and I were watching ReCoded last night when he made the comment "I think that a f**king 7 year old wrote this". And I can't believe that they would use Pooh's voice actor to do the Cheshire Cat. (If it's not the same person it sure as hell sounds just like him.) They ruined it for me because all I heard and thought was Pooh Bear.

Um, he's always been voiced by Pooh. Go rewatch Alice in Wonderland!
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Phantom Gigaplex
Feb 10, 2012
Um, he's always been voiced by Pooh. Go rewatch Alice in Wonderland!
Unless you were writing your post and didn't see… but I've already been informed of this! This doesn't change anything for me though. I still view it as a flaw for this reason: I'm supposed to be thinking about the character you are presenting, not another one. To find a character to be reminiscent of another one is fine, but if I can't view that character without being reminded exactly of another, I think that is a flaw to an extent. That's why I said that if you're going to use the same VA make sure he/she isn't doing the exact same thing that they just did for another character. I'm forced to think of Pooh when I hear the Cheshire Cat and I personally don't view that as a good thing.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Unless you were writing your post and didn't see… but I've already been informed of this! This doesn't change anything for me though. I still view it as a flaw for this reason: I'm supposed to be thinking about the character you are presenting, not another one. To find a character to be reminiscent of another one is fine, but if I can't view that character without being reminded exactly of another, I think that is a flaw to an extent. That's why I said that if you're going to use the same VA make sure he/she isn't doing the exact same thing that they just did for another character. I'm forced to think of Pooh when I hear the Cheshire Cat and I personally don't view that as a good thing.

It certainly isn't a good thing, but that's practically complaining about a tradition at this point. Don't you think maybe they did it on purpose because that is how Disney wants it to be?


Trapped in the Source Filmmaker
Aug 5, 2013
In my room, fighting off the Nightmares
Hohoho, WOW.

You know...I've never been one to pick on games. Even the dumbest, most horrible game I've ever played *coughdragonragecoughcough* didn't really warrant so much as a 'why did you- HOW did you-' from me. I'm just placid I guess.
KH2 was fun for me. As the first title in the series I completed, I just...enjoyed it. Everything you say has a point. It's all true. Even I can see how Roxas is treated like a petulant child (though innocent, kinda) and how I just love to stare at marbles in the sense- er, I mean; twilight.

I know enjoying a game doesn't condone what is bad about it, but...That's what I do. I'm in it for the enjoyment. Perhaps a cutscene is so corny I actually laughed, or I hafta explain some strange plot point to my younger siblings and I end up only confusing myself. But that's fun. I like it. The game itself isn't great, but the GAME - the action of playing and reacting - is always fun for me. No matter what!


Bronze Member
Oct 18, 2009
Just wandering around
It's fair to say KH2 had a lot of flaws. And about that first point of yours, I realized what an odd choice it was to take away their ability to say the word too. xD And I would imagine they wouldn't be able to write it down either (that actually would've been really funny to see now that I think about it).

It certainly isn't a good thing, but that's practically complaining about a tradition at this point. Don't you think maybe they did it on purpose because that is how Disney wants it to be?

Disney does this with a lot of characters. Off the top of my head, the voice for Baloo in Jungle Book, Little John in Robin Hood, and O'Malley Cat in Aristocrats are all the same voice. Alice and Wendy from Peter Pan share the same voice actor as well.

Some guy

May 10, 2014
I do agree KHII has writing issues (that all KH games have to an extent), but this is just nitpicking over nothing; and this here is why I've come to find the KH fanbase irritating at times.

But let's say you're actually bothered by these points, I'll try to clear what I can.

1. They can't say the word photo? 1st of all that's just a dumb idea in general & 2nd what about saying similar words? Picture? Pic? Image? Making up a new slang term to replace the word the can't say? Looking up foreign words that translate to photo & trying those? Writing the damn word on paper? TRY SOMETHING!
They understood what Pence meant as soon as he spoke, so they really didn't need a synonym ... If that's not enough for you, let's just say data people can't think for themselves (unless they somehow get a heart).

2. Dusks can't tell the difference between photos & real people because it's all data? Roxas doesn't have any issue identifying different objects when they're all data & the same applies to SDG in Tron's world.
Dusks have minimal intelligence.

3. Insults, the true sign of a deep, long lasting friendship! (seriously this is always used as the method of causal chit-chat in this series, Nomura had problems as a kid)
Does this really bug you that much? I fail to understand why.

4. If Sim-Hayner/etc. didn't believe Roxas' story about being mugged, then why don't they go looking for the munny bag themselves? They wouldn't find it but that's not the point, they completely write the munny bag off as lost when they saw themselves where Roxas fell on his face.
They wanted the munny to go to the beach, I think they gave up on it because the train was already gone (according to my memory). And it took them only one day to gather that much, so it wasn't really a great loss.

5. Setzer is a gambler in FF6 yet wants a sure victory in KH2. Very consistent.
I saw it more as him gambling on whether or not Roxas would accept his offer. And remember, the FF characters in KH are different from their "original" counterparts.

6. Ugh, I forgot about the bloody trophy macguffin. Watch this super meaningful scene of characters meaningfully staring at meaningful marbles of meaningfulness.
Your point?

7. Olette's "How DARE you nearly fall to your death" face on 5th Day. Even if she's upset about homework, it's not the right time to have an attitude with a guy that just yesterday almost died.
They didn't remember ... remember? Data is easy to manipulate, at least for DiZ.

8. Pretty much every word out of Seifer's mouth is groan inducing. "They've already crossed the line!" Yes, it is clearly against TT law to wiggle about in the air.
Weren't Rai and Fuu badly damaged at that point? So ...

9. And how did he get the scar in this universe? Foam bats are apparently quite dangerous.
It's anyone's guess, we can be certain Leon has nothing to do with it this time. As I said KH Seifer =/= FF8 Seifer.

10. The nature of the stations of serenity aren't explained in-game. Because it sure ain't a dream sequence this time.
It is believed either Namine or DiZ is responsible for the "awakening" (I could be wrong). And he was still in the data world (isn't data convenient?).

11. Diz's idea of throwing Roxas a bone is to make everyone think he's suffering from constant hallucinations of a ghost train. Personally I would've gone with reprogramming Fuu to have the hots for him, but I guess looking like an escaped mental patient to one's only friends works too. Somehow.
DiZ isn't really good with kids: He used one to capture another one to wake a third one and use him as a weapon ... yep.

12. They had a FF6 character & a ghost train & somehow didn't make the obvious reference. I mean yeah, Setzer wasn't there for that boss but still they could've worked something out.
Even if it was Sabin there instead of Setzer, why would they even have to make a reference?

13. Not remembering Xenmas' name equals death sentence. Even when it's obvious the memories are slowing coming back to Roxas & he'll probably recall the superior if given a little more time. Plus Axel still had the knock-him-out-&-drag-him-back option but frankly he would've had far better results convincing Roxas to come back by not being hostile every time he shows himself. (people needlessly being jerks to Roxas seems to be a trend with this prologue)
I believe Axel's orders were to capture Roxas, not kill him? And since words are useless ...

14. Xenmas' allegedly has the ability to turn human-like nobodies into dusks but this has never been seen at any point in the series. It's an empty threat if it can't actually be confirmed for a fact he can do that.
As it can't be confirmed he can't do it. Nodoby (no pun intended) wants to be the guinea pig.

15. Confused by the meaning of "Thank Namine"? Gee, maybe you guys could've tried writing more than 2 words!
Thank Namine 'cause she messed with our memories, but she put it back somehow ... Yeah, so less confusing.

16. Actually scratch that, I got a better question. Between Namine, Diz, & Rikunort, why is NO ONE THERE WHEN SORA WAKES UP TO EXPLAIN SHIT TO HIM?!?! Did Diz seriously leave his secret weapon against the org unguarded without any given reason to do so?
The organization/ DiZ wanted Namine dead, so she stick with Axel/ Rikunort (Someone who actually knew who she was, and cared); Rikunort was too ashamed of how he looked to show himself before Sora (but I believe he still monitored Sora's come and goes from the shadows: Land of dragons); DiZ had to work on his deus ex machine and I don't think he would waste one year of his life if he didn't believe Sora would be able to protect himself ... I'd like to add the King also kept a close eye on Sora (for obvious reasons).

17. Speaking of the munny bag, why don't the real HPO press the issue of the duplicate bag when it first comes up? Why wait until later in the game to address it?
Plot convenience, but if you really want a reason, here comes: it was hard even for her to acknowledge that an unique pouch (she made herself) had a double. She didn't even think it was that important, but she decided to tell Sora before he left anyway (is this before or after the crystal duplicate showed up? That may have something to do with it).

18. Speaking of the munny bag AGAIN, why doesn't Mickey stick around longer? Oh, because he's busy. 9 years later & we still don't actually know with what. Perhaps, they could've tried explaining it right there & then instead of waiting on some potential spin-off that may never ever get made.
In BBS, he took his mark of mastery (by investigating worlds I believe); in KHI, he looked for a way into the RoD (which he found in traverse town) to find a keyblade from there and seal the DTD from both sides; in CoM, he was looking for a way back into the RoL and helped Riku face his darkness; in post CoM (Days) he looked over Sora while investigating the organization; in KH2 he kept an eye on Sora while continuing his investigations; in Coded, he ... tried to unravel the journal's mysteries, narrating at the same time; in DDD he oversaw Riku and Sora's test while caring for his kingdom's problems.

19. Pete didn't know Maleficent died but seconds later speaks as if he did.
I might have to watch that scene again, because I don't remember this.

20. Then there's the gold standard of clumsy writing, "Nobodies don't really exist". Considering that I'm being physically wounded by these things, I'm gonna ahead & say that yes, yes they do. Perhaps you wanna take the time to clarify what you mean by "exist" to begin with, Game? Oh you aren't going to? Oh well.
You have to read between the lines ... an existence revolves around the heart in the KH universe, as it defines all you are, therefore nobodies don't "really" exist. That is my personal take on it anyways.

21. & the runner-up: Maleficent's resurrection not getting explained. It would only take like 1 line: she placed a curse on the fairies in the past as precaution in case of her demise. Boom, done. Not like bringing her back even mattered, Pete could've done everything the same without her & we don't even get a bossfight.
After her defeat in KHI, she was plunged in a state of sleep from which she couldn't wake by herself; however, the three fairies brought her back by remembering her. And not having a bossfight doesn't mean she irrelevant, if that's what you mean.

22. The heartless are fewer, except for it being the complete opposite. Even in RoD in KH1 there weren't that many heartless as there are clogging up HB.
The heartless should be fewer; however, due to their ambitions, the organization brought them to the RoL en masse. HB's case, in particular, had both Maleficent and the organization gather heartless.

23. The fairies being oh so gosh darned shocked at the extremely high concept suggestion they actually do what they were there for.
I don't understand what you're trying to say here ...

24. So does the Hollow Bastion defense system work indoors? Heartless can spawn anywhere they want, in theory people wouldn't be safe in their own beds (try getting a night's sleep with THAT thought kiddies!). If it does work indoors, that'd probably make sleeping just as difficult with the teleporting bombs going off. Why even move back into a world that is so clearly still plagued by the very thing they ran from?
It does work indoors, as seen with the underground passage leading to the research "lab". They came back because it's their world (which was restored to how it was before it fell) and they kinda want to restore it?

25. Why do we need to protect those gates from nobodies? Both heartless & nobodies can spawn within the town already. If its to keep the big army out, well shouldn't 1000 heartless bash them down a whole heck of a lot quicker than about 2 dozen nobodies? & why is Donald & Goofy absent for this fight? I just got this newfangled drive form stuff, let me use it for something!
To keep the enemies that spawn outside at bay. Goofy and Donald are absent because you have to admire the awesomeness that is Leon, that or they're busy fighting their own battle (just like with the 1000 heartless)

26. "Oopys Daisy" & you said that why, Xigbar? In fact what was the point of any part of your scene for other than flimsily establishing your character that won't be seen again until Mulan act 2? (& for all of 5 seconds at that)
It's the first time I see someone complain about actually having an organization member onscreen (because most of the time they aren't, as their plans are already on track). Well, as you said, it must have been to establish his character ...

Christ, I'm actually glad now the Disney worlds were irreverent filler, they got spared most of this nonsense.
That's what the revisits are for: original relevant story (though they come a little late).
Chirst, I'm actually glad I'm done with this ...
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Master Sora

New member
Mar 1, 2009
Destiny Islands
There's a lot about KH2's story that stirred up confusion and controversy. I think a lot of us already knew, but came back and found out how ridiculous it really was, making us love it even more (lol). I think the manga improves on it and gives the characters more depth while also providing comic relief, not being afraid to stray too far.

I do agree with most of your points, but I think there's some reasoning on a few. At least I can assume why this happens.

• I do think it's rather dumb that they couldn't find a new word to replace the one that was ripped from their mouths, but this is Diz's simulation right? Any bugs could happen and maybe the nobodies tampered with the programming somehow causing the gang not saying it. I think they already knew what it was they couldn't say, so they had no need to write it down. They wanted to focus on finding out who this thief is and how they managed to steal the actual word. I guess Diz didn't have time to Recode everything haha--

• The scene about the marble trophy and everyone admiring them is a pretty good scene to look back on. I'm pretty sure the meaning behind is that friends can always find something to treasure and value as their reflection of spending time with each other and what an incredible journey it was to get here. They can look back on it and be reminded of their friends, emotions, and all the memories that ended up getting the treasure in the first place. I know, it's a bit cheesy honestly, but it's KH. The beach was what supposed to be their ideal memory of each other, but since the plan failed twice, the prize from the struggle match they promised to win would be good enough as a substitute.

• Seifer is a jerk, but he's probably that type of guy that wants to be the sheriff of this town and beat up punk-nosed brats.

• Setzer probably had matches with real weapons as his career, thus receiving all the scars he had from previous underground fights. He gambled all that he had, lost, thus having his career take a downward spiral. He doesn't want his life to end this way, so what does he do? End up playing a child's sock n bop game.

• I dont know if the stations were explained in the first game either. Assuming they were just a dream of Sora's, it still felt real and impacted on the real world. Probably just preparing him for the battle to come. Since Roxas is holding half of Sora's heart, he experienced the memory of Sora's station at first, then ended up on his own yet still having the appearance of Sora's. The Boss merely showing a reflection of what Roxas truly is. I don't think Diz would simulate this as nobodies were interfering in the first place, right? Roxas was falling into darkness, but Namine had to quickly save him because they didn't want to lose him.

• Axel had no other choice other than to apply force to bring Roxas back since he was being threatened to be killed if he didn't follow orders. The organization's original plan needed Roxas in the first place as he was the only survivor in the organization to still wield the keyblade. Axel did try to convince him to come back so he can tell him what's really going on, but Roxas decided to be stubborn, confused as he is, and fight back because just wants to live his normal life. He is part of Sora, so his stubbornness shows here like how Sora encountered Leon. He doesn't know whats going on, he just wants to find his friends, why go with someone that looks intimidating?

• Diz was a coward and felt like he had no right to speak the truth and what he did to Sora in the first place. So he ditched for his revenge to come into motion. Rikunort didn't want to face Sora remember? He was afraid of meeting his best friend, looking like the enemy they once fought and had control over Riku in the first place. Namine was busy knitting Axel's coat I think, but also felt bad of messing with Sora's memories. Basically they all had fear of showing themselves to Sora after what they did, thus waiting til the last minute after everything is nearly over to tell him.

• The outdated THEORY on Nobodies dont truly exist was nothing more than blind judgement. It wasn't until after DDD they figured out that even nobodies can exist given time to grow hearts of their own. Xemnas probably knew beforehand, but wasn't truly sure or didn't have the need to explain it as Kingdom Hearts was the most important goal.

• Well they wanted to save Hollow Bastion. Return it to it's proper state since this place is also very important in some way. I think it maybe another Traverse Town. Place where people can move to if they lose their own worlds. Or at least they wanted to make it a refuge for everyone. They moved on from Traverse Town somehow and decided that with enough hard work, they can make Hollow Bastion as their new home. Merlin probably put a magic barrier on all the houses to prevent any heartless from getting in. That's where the defense mechanism comes in to secure outside.

• At least you can use Limit form in the fight. It's really really fun xp
I guess Donald and Goofy decided to fight the rest of the hoard in a different area, but only showcased Sora fighting this hoard by himself. I also guess since they couldn't add the Two Behemoths in there because of space issues, they removed Donald and Goofy just so it wouldn't crash the game? Haha!!
The gate would have been destroyed if the millions of heartless that spawned from the battle went for the town, but in this case they destroyed half of the roadway moving to the Researching Lab for whatever reason. The organization didn't have any control of heartless til then after realizing their small nobody army couldn't get through the gate at first. Even then the gate wasn't important anymore because of the shi* storm halfway through the game. Whatever manipulated the millions of heartless to go battle mode had to be the Organization (I could be wrong) after learning to control the heartless.

Really there's a lot of flaws with KH2, but that's why we got the other games to compensate for it, right? I still love this game no matter what and that's because I accept those flaws. It still sucks they couldn't make it better, so it probably was a bit rushed, but Nomura had to pull something out of his head since Sora was asleep in CoM. I do suggest reading the manga though! I enjoy it a lot more story wise and enjoy KH2 for it's gameplay elements.
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Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
I do agree KHII has writing issues (that all KH games have to an extent), but this is just nitpicking over nothing; and this here is why I've come to find the KH fanbase irritating at times.

I don't disagree, but I don't really agree. There is nothing wrong with criticizing and critiquing the writing of a body of work, especially one like this that is riddled with flaws. A lot of his nitpicks do make good points. I think you should steel yourself because there will likely be a resurgence of KH2 complaints as more people get through the game this month.


Staff member
Sep 23, 2010
Not that I don't agree with you on the whole but...

5. Setzer is a gambler in FF6 yet wants a sure victory in KH2. Very consistent.
And Yuna is a fairy, come on. What they are in FF is irrelevant to what they are in KH. xD


New member
Oct 10, 2010
The Time Vortex
Most of these complaints seem like nitpicks to me. KH2's story is probably the worst written in the series. But I quit trying to make sense of KH's story a long time ago. Hopefully they get multiple writers for KH3 so stuff like this can be avoided.
And Yuna is a fairy, come on. What they are in FF is irrelevant to what they are in KH. xD
Exactly. If the FF characters have to be what they are in their respective games, Tidus and Wakka should be a lot older, and Aerith should be dead.


New member
May 29, 2013
Most of these complaints can be explained by that everyone in Roxas' TT were all data created by Diz. So of course there would be illogical stuff happening around Roxas.

Also, every time they try to fill in the blank for photo, my mind goes place...

Some guy

May 10, 2014
I don't disagree, but I don't really agree. There is nothing wrong with criticizing and critiquing the writing of a body of work, especially one like this that is riddled with flaws. A lot of his nitpicks do make good points. I think you should steel yourself because there will likely be a resurgence of KH2 complaints as more people get through the game this month.

I have nothing against critiques, nitpicks however ... hence the post.
I'll lurk around the forum often (mostly for my chi needs), so we'll see how it goes. I'm not against some argumentation though, as long as it's founded ...
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