New chapter is up. It adapts the "Xehanort explains his intentions" scene, and ends with the GoL sealing KH away.
She's looking for secret passageways and hidden switches in a castle that's known for having contraptions, secret labs, and hidden chambers. She's not far off from finding the panel switch that Leon uses just seconds later.I recently re-read the KH2 manga. It’s so good. I think Amano does a better job at using the characters and giving them arcs. Even the Gullwings and Pete had an arc together, and it was a lot of fun. But one thing even Amano couldn’t save is the bizarre Tifa scene. Tifa barges in, and to look for an adult human, she looks under bookshelves and kicks a wall. Then Sora gets irritated and asks her to leave. The fuck? All these years later and I still have no idea what Nomura was thinking. It’s so dumb and pointless.
No extra bit at the end either with Young Xehanort and Eraqus hinting at things to come, it ends with the black box and Xigbar telling the Foretellers they're in for a long story.Final chapter's on the website. It adapts the main ending, Sora's portion of the secret ending, and the Luxu and apprentices portion of the post credits scene.
I like the way Sora vanishing on Destiny Island leads directly into him waking up in Quadratum.
The part of the ending with the Wayfinder trio omits Ven and Chirithy's reunion, interestingly.
Glad to see Panini are continuing on past Volume 2 (which is where Yen Press got up to before losing the license), gives me hope that we might see the rest of KHIII's manga get translated in the future.Panini UK are finally releasing the English version of volume 3 on 1st April.