This is a strange thing for me to ask since I am very good at the game, but I am kinda under-leveled at this point in the game (which normally doesn't happen for me) and I'm trying to beat the game on Proud Mode. I've had no sweat with beating the game on normal multiple times in the original Kingdom Hearts, but Proud has actually provided me with a little bit of a challenge.
So here's what I need to know, what's a good place to grind on Proud, I haven't had to grind much on lower-leveled worlds, but now I have to. I'm about to go to Neverland, but that's the place where the difficulty spikes up to really being the next level, so I shouldn't really go there yet. I haven't gone to Atlantica yet(and trust me, I'm NOT going there until I get leaf-bracer), but I'm not gonna want to level up there. FYI, I chose to level up at and average pace at the beginning of the game, so I will want a lot of EXP. I also don't want to do too much grinding in the Coliseum because it can sometimes be tedious and isn't always the best choice for grinding(unless I really have to).
Any help on telling me a good grinding place would be great, thanks. :biggrin:
So here's what I need to know, what's a good place to grind on Proud, I haven't had to grind much on lower-leveled worlds, but now I have to. I'm about to go to Neverland, but that's the place where the difficulty spikes up to really being the next level, so I shouldn't really go there yet. I haven't gone to Atlantica yet(and trust me, I'm NOT going there until I get leaf-bracer), but I'm not gonna want to level up there. FYI, I chose to level up at and average pace at the beginning of the game, so I will want a lot of EXP. I also don't want to do too much grinding in the Coliseum because it can sometimes be tedious and isn't always the best choice for grinding(unless I really have to).
Any help on telling me a good grinding place would be great, thanks. :biggrin: