Sephiroth definitely XD, Possessed Riku was easy/fun to battle! The story bosses were easy to fight (in my opinion)... Ohh, Kurt Zisa was a little bit of a challenge, but Sephiroth wins for being the hardest 
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It's been 11 years since I got KH 1. Still haven't beaten Sephiroth.
how about try that on Expert mode? (if you guys didn't know that's KH1's "Proud mode")I wouldn't want to imagine facing him under the same conditions, but in KH1. X:
The possessed Riku hands down. I can still recite bits of that cutscene from memory... XD My brother and I still joke about it sometimes.
Man it's so weird to think that a lot of people found it difficult to defeat possessed Riku. I even have a friend that says she never beat him because he was too difficult and that she basically memorized his speech verbatim hahaha! I also find it odd because I had no troubles with him at all even back on my first playthrough. The only bosses that ever gave me trouble back then were the three powerhouses or secret bosses if you will and even then it was only two of them I really struggled with which were the Phantom and Sephiroth with Sephiroth being the hardest boss. It took me a few tries on each of them, but I managed to beat them. If anything I had more trouble with Sephiroth in KH2 though. He was by far a lot easier to defeat in KH than KH2.
He seemed quite easier to me.I thought kh2 sephy was tougher.
I can't wait to face Unknown and the Lingering Sentiment in the Remixes.