I have these problems too.
But for the last 3 months it's been extremely bad, and some nights I've been up until 9AM and still awake. I had it during my exam period, and was seriously stressed and sleep deprived, so I know how annoying and maddening it is.
I've tried lavender spray, hot drinks, sleeping pills, listening to music...etc etc, and none of that works.
If you're desperate perhaps try alcohol, smoking weed or rohypnol (date rape drug lol). It sounds extreme, but that's what my tutor advised me to do.
If you're having weird dreams, it sounds like you might have something on your mind. Try and relax yourself before going to sleep, and definitely try to go to bed feeling happy!
If I'm distressed then I'll have trouble getting to sleep, then wake up in a panic a couple of hours later, and just not get back to sleep.
Have you also tried sleeping in the company of anyone else? Sometimes sleeping with my boyfriend is the only thing that works for me.
Good luck.