simple keep a lot of attack cards. most bosses like him have good immunity to magic. If he uses special attacks use 0 cards to negate them and follow up with strong cards. Keep cure cards in your deck at least 3 and use them in at the end of combos for best results. Also keep your meter as full as possible so when you reload, you wont have to wait so long and youll have better chances to attack. Also, use Sonic Rave and Strike Raid sleights when you want the most damage dealt. They effect him the most and are the best sleights for when you wanna save up on your cards. plus, keep at least 1 elixer, or a megaether for emergency or at leats a hi potion. Dont fight him either until your deck can afford to do at least 4 to 5 sleights without reloading, then youll know your strong enough to take him on. Plus always focus on keeping Sora's health up since he doesnt have good defense. One more thing, when you pick up Donald and Goofy cards, save them so you can make good sleights. That way, you can unleash some of Donald and Goofy's combo's or your Trinity Limit which is your strongest move. Be sure to place them at the end of your sleights so you wont lose a card from your deck unless its the first card that gets lost cuz i forgot which one lol. Anyways i hope these tips help you out man cuz i told like a whole bunch of my friends these tips and they kicked his sorry butt easily no lie. lol