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Heroes: Generations [Sign-ups & Discussion]

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Faith Crest

Worst birthday ever.
Oct 2, 2005
Manchester, UK.

Four months have passed since the events in New York City. Many people with special abilities, different backgrounds and their own pasts came together to witness an extraordinary happening. One girl's powers spiralled out of control and released a shockwave that luckily did not harm anyone. This was thanks to a new special young man, who disappeared alongside his friend in the aftermath of the telekinetic wave.

But the story does not end there. The story has only just begun ...

The heroes have gone on their separate ways, hoping to return to their normal lives and rebuilding whatever life they had left before the eclipse. The attention now draws itself to the past, where many secrets about the enigmatic Company are beginning to emerge. There are rumours of a virus that could wipe out ninety percent of the entire population and cancel out our heroes' abilities.

What was the Company planning?

What is in store for the heroes?

More importantly, who is the man from the future?

The answers are much closer than they think ...


To those who participated before, you're all still welcome to join season two. I still need a template, however, but consider it more as an update to your previous one. But no exact copies of the original one either! And to new people, I do encourage you to join up and don't be put off if you don't know what happened in the first season; all will be explained in due course. Or in other words (if you can be bothered), read several templates that those from season one have made in this thread.


  • No godmodding or powerplaying.
  • Don't have more than three powers.
  • No killing without negotiation/permission.
  • Post at least one paragraph containing five sentences.
  • Have "Save the cheerleader, save the world!" above your template.
  • Have fun with this, but don't go overboard!


Name: [The name of your character.]
Age: [How old your character is.]
Gender: [Male? Female? Neither?]
Power(s): [Choose from this list only.]
Race: [English? American? Do tell.]
Personality: [How your character acts.]
Appearance: [What do they look like?]
Bio: [A brief history to your character.]
Theme Song: [A song to represent them; optional.]


  • Faith Crest
  • John Davis
  • Johnny Starks
  • Johnny Starks (Future)
  • Andrea Kingsly
  • Raiden Perez


  • Jack Salvatore
  • Gabriel

Company (Non-superpowered)

  • Nicholas Walker
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The last Soldier
Apr 15, 2006
Walking this earth.
Thank ya Rosey for giveing my cahrecters a little cameo lol

"Save the cheerleader, save the world!"


Name: John Davis

Age: 17

Race: Italian American

Sex: Male

Original Character

Location: California, L.A.

John Davis


Power 1: Superhuman Strength

Power 2: Superhuman Senses

Personality: In a Few words John is a pretty good spirited guy, he had pretty much simple needs, he loves skateboarding, girls, fighting and finely just enjoying life, he knows his life wasn’t the best when he was younger but now he‘s just trying to make his future better. One of the things that he likes doing is fighting, his Teacher always said if you can't solve things with your words than do it with you fists. Recently though his unknown abilities are starting to take a toll on him, the gear of what he's becoming but also the strange feeling he has to see how far he can go is what has his mind battling for what will out in the end.

Bio: John was Born in the Manhattan into, he really didn't have any family, just himself and his mother but even that didn't last as long as you would think, he mother would die in a drive-by-shooting between to Mob gangs. After that John had been placed in a foster home, it wasn’t as bad as you would think, two meals a day, ok people and they lived right across from a Skate park and Mixed martial arts gym, he stayed there for awhile till he got a sponsorship deal to in L.A. which he took and left New York city without a word, it wasn’t like he would miss it.

Now years later John has been livening his life normally, well as normal as you cna get as a amture skateboarder but a mouth ago he had gotten into a fight on the way home from school, the fight wasn’t that weird, the weird part was that John managed to throw the guy he was fighting right threw a wall. As the mouths went on he noticed that he had gotten stronger, his sense were getting above normal human levels, he doesn't know what's happening to him, but he wants answers but like most know sometimes you would rather stay in the dark to what's happening around you then learn it, things that have been changeing for him, his powers have gown into full swing and now the young man is left to qenstion his place in the world while keeping his powers a secret as he tries to go pro.

Other: Even besides his powers John is know to have other talents, he has become a great skateboarder over the years and is know to beat most of people who he has to in tournaments. Even without his strength The young man is a more than ready fighter, that happens when your have to defend for yourself in life, with or without his powers John is still a strong person, physically and mentally.

Name: Jack Salvatore

Age: 23

Race: Italian American

Sex: Male

Side: Original Character

Location: New York city, Manhattan

Jack Salvatore


Power 1: Super-reflexes

Power 2: Superendurance

Personality: Like his past Jack really doesn't have much about him, in a strange way there is nothing he wants but to bath the world in darkness. Also he shows no signs of empathy not for his old boss the Don, which he killed in cold blood to gain his control over the Mafia, not the others he's killed to get were he is and not even the lives of anyone he meets, he's out for himself, that's all he wants and he won't let anyone get in his way, he wants everytihng and after he gets everything he's going to detroy it all.

Bio: Not much is know about Jack's past, where he came from, who's his family or even what's his real name. He was taken in by a Mafia don when he was around the age of 7, the don's men had found him in a abounded apartment getting beaten up by about twelve adults, surprise the Jack didn't have a scratch on him, no matter how much they attacked him he just took it, like nothing matter, it was only till he got bored of it then he reacted and showed such quick reflexes by being able to out match grown men. The don's men were impressed and brought him to the Don, The don took him in and decided to see what the kid could do, he gave him the Jack Salvatore, he made Jack his new running boy and as the years went on Jack proved so useful that the Don made him his right hand mind at only the age of fifteen. There was a dark problem though that many noticed, Jack never showed any empathy or even sadness ever for what he did or what he saw, he had such a cold personality that made him feared by the other men, it was like he had no caring about anything in the world.

It would be after he turned sixteen that Jack would show his true colors, recently he had found out that he was above the average human and decided that he didn't want to take orders from anyone so he waited for a chance to take control of it all. The Mob had gone to war with another mob in the city and after long and bloody battles Jack's boss the Don had come up on top in the war. He would use this chance of a truce to kill The don in cold blood while the man was sleeping, it was after that Jack took control of the mob and used it to what he saw fit, he killed anyone in the crime world that dared to cross him. Now at the age of twenty three Jack still has his control over the mob but he has been hired by a company, he knows what there doing and to tell the truth he doesn't give a shit, he's in for only himself and if his plans' go well he'll get everything he wanted, and he see's someone he can use to get it in a young skateboarder though as he learned some more secrets about some other super powerd people too.....

Well here's my temps, hope were okay if not just tell me and I'll fix them.


Bronze Member
Aug 8, 2004
I'd like to join this as I believe it'll be more like what I had hoped your other rp would be. I haven't decided on a power as of yet, however I shall have a template up sometime soon.


Bronze Member
Oct 1, 2006
Name: Johnny Starks
Sex: Male



Ability: Blue Pyrokinesis <--- Original Ability
Ability Executed by: Hands

Abilities obtain by Intuitive aptitude - <--- (Second Discovered Ability)

Power: Vocal Persuasion
Ability Executed by: Voice

Ability Executed by: Hands

Powers:Adoptive muscle memory/ The Ability To See Everything In Slow Motion.
Executed: Eyes (Turns completely White replacing his pupils with Helix symbols)

Power: Freezing
Ability Executed by: Hands

Power: Sound manipulation
Ability Executed by: (expressed through voice)

Power: Telepathy
Ability Executed by: Mind

Power: Rapid cellular regeneration
Ability Executed by: Automatic

Power: Create Illusions
Ability Executed by: Body/Mind

Power: Invisibility
Ability Executed by: Body

Personality:Johnny is cheerful yet always desire to learn more about himself and other people, he is an anti-hero to people unless if you save him once he'll kindly repay that debt to you.
Bio: Johnny as a young boy was very intelligent, but a loner. He discovered his abilities when he was fifteen when he was play with a lighter when he suddenly turned the fire blue. He soon grew curious why this happened, when he was angered his hands would turn to blue flames. By doing this he tested his abilities with a lake and discovered that blue flames can even burn H2o to a certain extent. He suddenly had this feeling to learn more...want more...gain more power, a feeling that would change his life forever. He began traveling the world looking for special people, his first stop is in Alabama hearing a man that is said move things with his mind, his trip to the circus begins.
Location: Alabama
Other: As you know " Intuitive aptitude" is an ability that can take other people powers because you know wheres its coming from, Sylar as a perfect example has this ability. However, there are two weakness to this ability....well three. One is the power to cancel other people's powers, two if the person is given the anti virus erasing all power the individual acquired, and three the "Hunger" effect.that can be cured to a certain extent

OOC: I'm using my Original heroes Character from another rp.
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Bronze Member
Oct 1, 2006
I clicked to many times when i tried to posted my template and my internet froze for five minutes until it loaded the page and i'm shock that I posted three times. Sorry Rose I'll post Future Johnny profile on the post under this one that way i didn't post meaningless stuff. Again it was my internet fault so...
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Bronze Member
Oct 1, 2006
Name: Johnny Starks (Future)
Age: 29
Gender: Male

Ability: Blue Pyrokinesis <--- Original Ability
Ability Executed by: Hands

Abilities obtain by Intuitive aptitude - <--- (Second Discovered Ability)

Power: Vocal Persuasion
Ability Executed by: Voice

Ability Executed by: Hands

Powers:Adoptive muscle memory/ The Ability To See Everything In Slow Motion.
Executed: Eyes (Turns completely White replacing his pupils with Helix symbols)

Power: Freezing
Ability Executed by: Hands

Power: Sound manipulation
Ability Executed by: (expressed through voice)

Power: Telepathy
Ability Executed by: Mind

Power: Rapid cellular regeneration
Ability Executed by: Automatic

Power: Create Illusions
Ability Executed by: Body/Mind

Power: Invisibility
Ability Executed by: Body

Due to the many years Future Johnny been alive, he has gathered a total of 80 abilities through Intuitive aptitude having unknown abilities that present Johnny has yet to obtain. An example of an ability would be the ability to Manipulate dark electricity or the ability to phase through solid objects. While also having a wide range abilities also comes mastering them as well. Future Johnny is highly skilled in Telekinesis due to Faith teaching him how to use it more properly while also using it without using his hands, Johnny can use his eyes to strongly push people through Telekinesis. Another ability Future Johnny has master is both his Blue Pyrokinesis by creating fire balls and combing it with another ability and Dark Electric Manipulation which he can accurately hit his target while shooting lighting from his hand. Force field is an ability Johnny uses mostly to protect himself from behind or if he's distracted. And lastly is his hunger for more power, Johnny no longer has the urge to know how things work because he has discovered happiness, however he can still copy ability in a different way by empathic mimicry, a ability he discovered himself after being ask by Faith to change his ways.

Race: American
Personality: Future Johnny differs from his present self in many ways, no longer is he influence by others, he found his own path and now knows what side he needs to be on. Future Johnny has also brighten up and is more cheerful yet serious depending on the situation, he's very paranoid at times due to being hunted down for seven years straight and barley sleeps.


Johnny wears a black coat with a huge helix symbol on the back, he also carries the helix sword on his waist like a traditional samurai

Bio: Will write later
Theme Song: Survive - Rise Against (Perfect Theme song to describe him)
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The King

Token Black Guy
Jun 2, 2005
Joliet, IL. 815 Babeh
Got all my stuff already....except my second character who ive been making for like ever...lol ill post it for sure later. Im gonna read up on the Genisis thread. Im way behind.


Bronze Member
Oct 1, 2006
The king, can you let me post first in generation before you do anything, i already have a post ready where present Johnny and Nicolas are, i think you already read it though.

Faith Crest

Worst birthday ever.
Oct 2, 2005
Manchester, UK.
Save the cheerleader, save the world!

Faith Crest



  • Telepathy
  • Telekinesis
  • Flight
  • Lie Detection


Like any other girl of her age, Faith is sociable and well adapted to her environment. She may appear confident, determined and driven, but hides much more behind the mask that she wears. People have dubbed her as emotionally disturbed, but this could be related to her newfound abilities.


The origins of Faith's parents were never known, even the mystery of her birth never came into light. What was known, however, was that Robert and Patricia Musso adopted her as their own. Only Patricia knew that Faith was special and kept that a secret for many years, even from her own husband. She lived a happy childhood in the small town of Marwick in the North West of England near Carlisle. But as soon as she started to get into her teen years, things began to change. Someone began to stalk Faith as she was walking to school and going back home. This only came into light because Patricia actually worked for the Company.

Then one day, something terrible happened. Whilst in netball training, she started hearing voices in her head. The voices were telling her to do bad things to other people. However, Faith soon came to realise on her own that it was the thoughts of other people that she could hear. In other words, she had just heard her team's minds. But before she was able to process that, objects began to move around at high speeds. Faith was now also telekinetic. Fearing these abilities, she turned to a life of solitude. When that didn't work (partly because Patricia was suspicious), Faith turned to the last person she'd ever tell, Lucas Newman, and spilt her secret.

And suddenly, one day changed her entire life. Having taken a shortcut on their way to school, Faith and Lucas encountered a burning building. Encouraging her to be a hero for once, Faith took Lucas' advice and hurled herself into the danger that she faced. She rescued a young boy from the fire, but her identity was never established since they'd both ran off to school. Late, but in attendance, they arrived at school. Thanks to Lucas' father's influence over Marwick, the two were let off the hook. It would be here that their science teacher would mysteriously disappear and be "temporarily replaced". The teacher showed much interest in Faith, only for the fact that he knew she had abilities.

On that same day, Faith encountered her biological uncle, Chris Crest. He told her to stay with him because he had to save her for some reason. It was then revealed that the enigmatic Company had cloned Faith in a bid to create the perfect agent. The result was her new twin brother, Gabriel, who had gone on a rampage and threatened her very life - he possessed the same abilities as she had. Had it not been for Chris and the replacement teacher, then she would have surely been killed that day. Chris told Faith to leave and so she did. But in his absence, Patricia arrived with Company agents to chloroform and take her away to Odessa, Texas.

Eventually, Faith came around much quicker than anticipated. Chris rescued her from her adoptive mother's clutches and they both flew away to New York City to lay low. It would be here that their lives would dramatically change. The Company gagged Faith one night in their apartment and Chris was knocked out. Faith was brought to Daniel Linderman, who claimed that she could save the world ... by wiping out half of New York. Events took a turn when Patricia, having rebelled against the Company, freed Faith and fought Candice Wilmer. As she was exiting the facility, Chris arrived, having awoken from his unconscious state and took his niece to the Apple.

Candice, having stopped Patricia, caught up and confronted them both. She threatened to use the power enhancing needle to destroy the city. As unpredicted, Chris took the hit - it was the Company's plan all along to use him; Faith was just the bait to lure him in. With Candice escaping, Patricia was next to arrive and reluctantly told her daughter to step away, unless she wanted to get killed. But Faith had a way out of destroying the city, but it also meant that she could have been severely injured. She grabbed Chris' waist, insisting she was going to play the hero and he would be Lois Lane this time. The two disappeared into the sky, as they flew up. No one knows where either Crest family members are.

Theme Song
Rihanna - Rehab





  • Telepathy
  • Telekinesis
  • Flight


The opposite to that of Faith Crest at first. He is cold, cruel and devious to anyone that crosses paths with him. His behaviour can be quite mysterious, but aggressive at the same time.


Gabriel was a creation from the Company as its "perfect agent" from Faith Crest's DNA that they took when she was visiting her adoptive mother, Patricia Musso, in work once. That one time, Linderman thought of the perfect plan. Suspecting that Faith was one of the heroes, they snapped her DNA with a flashing light and tested it. In a matter of months, they created a teenage boy who had the face of an angel, which led to his birth name of Gabriel. However, he was much more than the Company could have ever predicted ...

He shared many similarities with Faith, but there were some things that made him stand out from her. His attitude was cruel and he was cold-hearted. As soon as he drawed breath, his anger of being locked up got to him and activated his abilities. Enraged with his creation, Gabriel ended up destroying the Company headquarters in Edinburgh, Scotland. Since then, he has been on the run from them, notably Patricia, and to exact his vengeance, he has been searching high and low for Faith Crest, whom he has found in Marwick. He is often referred to as her twin.

Fate took a turn when Gabriel found his prey at Marwick High School. He imprisoned her in the school, but was thwarted by Chris and the supply teacher, both of whom confronted him. Finally losing control of his newfound emotions, Gabriel's powers were unleashed and a telekinetic wave destroyed several parts of the school. Having realising that he could not face his twin sister yet, Gabriel fled the scene. But not before being confronted once more by Jack. Gabriel flew away from Marwick, only to land in Forks, Washington. Two Company agents, Thompson and Eden McCain, had been tracking him.

Gabriel confronted Thompson and Eden. First, he knocked out Thompson and demanded to know if there were many others like him in the world from Eden. She refused to tell him, so he tortured her mind with violent images using his telepathy in a bid to know the truth. Having discovering it, Gabriel left Eden in a severely wounded state. He travelled to Odessa, Texas, where the Company's main base of operations took place. Unfortunately, it would be here that spelled out his downfall. Noah Bennet and the Haitian allowed him to walk straight into the Company and overpowered him when the Haitian negated his abilities. He was put into a prison cell and left to survive day by day.

Four months have passed and now he keeps having visions that he will escape, finally discover the true potential to his powers and kill Faith. With the Company about to be thrown into chaos, Gabriel knows that the time for his ascension is just around the corner ...

Theme Song
30 Seconds To Mars - The Kill
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Bronze Member
Oct 1, 2006
Rose, for some reason the thread saids I didn't post when really I did. Don't know why but my posted. <<:

Faith Crest

Worst birthday ever.
Oct 2, 2005
Manchester, UK.
Rose, for some reason the thread saids I didn't post when really I did. Don't know why but my posted. <<:
No, it's not there. Try again, see if it does it.

Edit: Never mind, I found it. I posted a reply. And speaking of which, where is everyone else? Me and Raiden seem to be the only ones posting.
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The King

Token Black Guy
Jun 2, 2005
Joliet, IL. 815 Babeh
Name: Nicholas Walker
Age: 27
Race: African American
Sex: Male
Appearance: http://www.brandsizzle.com/photos/un..._cropped_1.jpg
Ability: None company Agent
Personality: Very serious about his work. He comes off as a friendly man but if you cross his path he will not hesitate to kill and or hurt you. He is a very laid back person and is always willing to talk things out before he is forced to result to violence.
Bio: After months of working with his new partner, Nicholas and him are finally getting along well, who knows how long it will actually last. Just a few more important missions will tell.

Name: Andrea Kingsly
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Power(s): Hydrokinesis - Activating Evolution
Race: Umm American?
Personality: Adventurous, outgoing, smart, funny

Bio: Andrea has just graduated high school at the top of her class. This young woman has been aware of her ability for quite some time now, but has yet to use it to her full potential. She hopes it will not interfere with her college life though. All through high school she hid her ability so she would "fit in", even though she actually thought it was pretty cool.
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Sergeant RoxMog
May 13, 2007
Over There
Name: Raiden Perez

Age: 14

Gender: Male




Race: Latino

Personality: Raiden is like any other teenager he is social but he is sometimes quiet and believes people are meant for something more but he doesnt talk about it and he is listening to his MP3 most of the time.

Appearance: (he has short black spikey hair and brown eyes and i googled it)


Bio: Raiden was an only child in his family and he grew p in L.A. California. His parents were nice to him and he had a good life, he had many friends and he got in trouble once in a while with them, but not to much. He would hang out with them and he has a best friend, Ron Davis, knew each other since they were kids.
And everything seemed great he did good in school and was a good skateboarder but then he started having dreams of being able to do things but he never told anyone except for asking people what they thought about being able to have a different meaning and no one really answered his question.Later on his dreams came less and less so he thought they didnt mean much and then one day he was alone at his house and out of nowhere his house went crazy by lights turning on and off, papers flying everywhere,microwaves turning on and more.

He got scared and left his house until his parents got there but he didnt tell them about it and when they asked what happened he said he did it and cleaned the whole house and the whole day he wondered if the dreams made this happen.

Theme Song: Linkin Park-Faint
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