Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
He wants both. The Mushroom Heartless question has already been answered. As for the Serenity Crystals, they are dropped by Assassins, Berserkers Samurai and Sorcerers, all with a 4% chance of them actually droping the item unless you have Lucky Lucky items and skills equiped. I found that out with google. GameFAQs: Kingdom Hearts II (PS2) Bestiary/Synthesis Guide by UltimaterializerX Heres a guide of Synthesis in KH2 for you SwEdEnGuRlSrHoTt
If you wanna beat Nobodys for the Serenity Crystal you can beat them Eternally... they don't drop these Crytals anymore.
You have to Synthesize them from 1 Mushroom Crystal / This New Crystal (From Cave of Remembrance) and 5 Mositure Crystals.. (hope this was the Crystal)