it will probably take me a couple of months to beat the game since i SUCK at beating games. but i dnt play kh for the gameplay but for the plot(its my favorite video game story line)but what about u?
It took me exactly 11 Days to Beat Days. So I'm going to take my time with Birth By Sleep. I'm probably going to beat it within 2 months or so. MAYBE, less. Who knows. But I'm taking my time for sure. I want the game to last me awhile.
The longer I can take with it, the better. I'm good at beating games, so i'm gonna start on critical with the three of them. Hopefully that'll keep me in a constant challenge.
Sucks doesnt it? but on the bright side for me, its my first day of school, and all im gonna have to deal with is first day intro to every classI'm excited for tomorrow....but it sucks that I have to wait for school to end first haha.
Sucks doesnt it? but on the bright side for me, its my first day of school, and all im gonna have to deal with is first day intro to every class![]()
I'm not as lucky as you think. i've been on full babysitting detail :/ since school ended.Lucky, I started school near the end of August.
I'm not as lucky as you think. i've been on full babysitting detail :/ since school ended.