Hey guys so i found this recipe online for How to make Sea Salt Ice Cream, and i thought I would share it with all of you in case you may be interested.
{Sea Salt Ice Cream Recipe}
1. 2 Eggs
2. 2 Cups of Milk
3. 1/3 Cup of Sugar
4. 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract
5. 1 Cup of Heavy Whipping Cream
6. Sea Salt
7. Blue Food Coloring
8. Green Food Coloring (Optional)
9. Pop sickle Sticks
1. Seperate the eggs into two different bowls
2. Beat the egg whites until stiff
3. Mix the eggs and add 1/3 cup of sugar mix well
4. Grab a cooking pot and pour 2 cups of milk inside (Heat at Medium Stir occasionaly)
5. After milk has boiled pour hot milk into the mixture
6. Now stir mix thoroughly
7. Now pour the mix into the cooking pot heat on medium for 5-7 mins (DO NOT BOIL)
8. Remember that egg at the beginning that you seperated into the other bowl?
Well you want to take the mix and pour it into the other bowl with the egg.
9. Stir mix thoroughly
10. Now add about a 1/2 teaspoon of Sea Salt
11. Put the mix into fridge to cool
12. Once cool add cream and Vanilla Extract
13. Add 12 drops of blue coloring and 3 drops of green
14. Freeze Mix in Ice Cream Maker
Note- If you don't have an ice cream maker pour mixture into 1 or 2 metal cake pans and set in freezer. Let sit until edges become firm, then remove and mix. Repeat until uniformly frozen
15. Once Frozen if you wish you can add popsickle sticks. If you decide to add them
you may need to add them and then put the ice cream into the fridge to cool for
about 15-30 mins.
16. Enjoy : )
I hope you guys found this recipe useful and peace
{Sea Salt Ice Cream Recipe}
1. 2 Eggs
2. 2 Cups of Milk
3. 1/3 Cup of Sugar
4. 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract
5. 1 Cup of Heavy Whipping Cream
6. Sea Salt
7. Blue Food Coloring
8. Green Food Coloring (Optional)
9. Pop sickle Sticks
1. Seperate the eggs into two different bowls
2. Beat the egg whites until stiff
3. Mix the eggs and add 1/3 cup of sugar mix well
4. Grab a cooking pot and pour 2 cups of milk inside (Heat at Medium Stir occasionaly)
5. After milk has boiled pour hot milk into the mixture
6. Now stir mix thoroughly
7. Now pour the mix into the cooking pot heat on medium for 5-7 mins (DO NOT BOIL)
8. Remember that egg at the beginning that you seperated into the other bowl?
Well you want to take the mix and pour it into the other bowl with the egg.
9. Stir mix thoroughly
10. Now add about a 1/2 teaspoon of Sea Salt
11. Put the mix into fridge to cool
12. Once cool add cream and Vanilla Extract
13. Add 12 drops of blue coloring and 3 drops of green
14. Freeze Mix in Ice Cream Maker
Note- If you don't have an ice cream maker pour mixture into 1 or 2 metal cake pans and set in freezer. Let sit until edges become firm, then remove and mix. Repeat until uniformly frozen
15. Once Frozen if you wish you can add popsickle sticks. If you decide to add them
you may need to add them and then put the ice cream into the fridge to cool for
about 15-30 mins.
16. Enjoy : )
I hope you guys found this recipe useful and peace