If I found out that God does exist, I'd feel very conflicted.
I think I'd probably feel guilty for not really caring if he does or doesn't exist, which is a contradiction/hypocrisy considering I really shouldn't care either way. I'm one of those people who doesn't really think too much on the unknown, on what science cannot "solve", as it were. Not to get into a religious debate about his existence but I'm much more at ease just dismissing God entirely - in a way that isn't even atheistic - since I don't believe that if his existence is proved it would be by scientific research and experiment. I don't want to dwell too much on what I see as illogical - and I do see God's existence, if I really, honestly were to care about it as logical - so learning that this deity that I think of as such would probably fcuk with my mind for a while.
I'm also very paranoid and suspicious so I'd probably live my life in conflict with myself unable to believe that he really existed, even with the proof. That is also a contradiction considering I believe in fact. I'd probably end up thinking it was all a hoax, to tell you the truth.
But then, later on, I'd wonder what this God is like, and who he really is. Is he as Christianity says, or Islam, or Sikhism or Hinduism, etc.? Will he punish me for a lack of belief? Or will he forgive me, be benevolent? Or will he not really care at all? Would my "I don't care if he does or does not exist" be a product of his rule? Would it be because of him that I didn't care? Did he make me that way?
I think it would torment me, to put it simply.