Argh! For a few hours I have been trying to beat the 3 Nobody wave in Cavern of Remmabrance, and let me tell you, it is hard. It was hard when I was doing it normally, and on LV1 it is a nightmare! If you don`t pay attention at all times what is happening, you are dead. In one wave I was looking what the Dragons in the air might do, and suddenly a Dancer grabbed me killed me. 10 minutes of hard work wasted in seconds. You will also love Sorcerers. I have strategy if one shows up alone, but if another comes, or any other Nobody spawns at the same time, it comes really difficult. I manged to get to the last wave, so I think I might beat it. Mangenega, Donalds Comet limit, and Elixers are your best pals in that fight. If this dosen`t work, I will try with Summons next.
I also played BBS again. It is not as polished as KH2, but man I like to play as Ven.

I think I might try get some cool attacks for him. I was able to Ars Arcanum for him when I played the game on PSP, so I think I will do it again. Super glide looks also fun.
If KH3 could combine KH1/KH2 fluid gameplay, with BBS blocking and smart bosses, it would be really cool.