This is actually something i wrote in one of classes about this girl i met in my lunch period but i am afriad to tell her how i feel please enjoy
I am hurting in inside
everytime i see her face
I want to tell her how i feel
but the words wont come
I wish I could show
But what would she say
I hate to think of the answer
So I step back and wait
So i begin hurting again
only when i hear her voice does it go
I dont know her name
All i know is her 6th period room number
so the pain continues
as i watch her walk through the door
waiting for tomorrow and pain
that never stops hurting
I am hurting in inside
everytime i see her face
I want to tell her how i feel
but the words wont come
I wish I could show
But what would she say
I hate to think of the answer
So I step back and wait
So i begin hurting again
only when i hear her voice does it go
I dont know her name
All i know is her 6th period room number
so the pain continues
as i watch her walk through the door
waiting for tomorrow and pain
that never stops hurting