Look, basically, we dream during the time that the brain is filing away and getting rid of the information in it. Therefore, if you don't dream, then your brain isn't doing its job.
Which means that you go nuts. For real.
If you're nuts, then your brain isn't doing its job correctly. If you're... sane, though sane is a relative term, but if men in white coats aren't planning on strapping you to a table any time soon, then you're sane.
Which means that you are dreaming. You may not remember it, and dreams don't have to last all of the time that you sleep, but that doesn't mean that you don't actually dream.
So, sane? Then you're dreaming.
Now, about your problem with sleeping. Have you been experiencing any sudden changes in diet, exercise, or stress levels? That could be the cause of your sleeping problems. It's amazing how changing something in the body can cause you to not sleep well.
During this time, it could be the change in weather that causes it, since it seems like funky weather is happening everywhere.
It could also be that you're stressed out of your ass. If that's the case, then you need to prioritize and figure out why you're stressed, and then find a way to combat the stress.
I take anti-depressents that help to combat my stress. Some people choose to take long walks. Don't necessarily jump to pills to fix your problems or sleep groups.
My mother has a sleeping disorder called sleep apnea. She has a severe case, where she wakes up a lot during the night. When she spent the night at the hospital in a sleep study, she woke up about 32 times, which is an extreme amount. You won't even realize that you've woken up, because you usually fall back to sleep again. But it can truly affect your sleeping patterns. You wake up because you've forgotten to breathe, I believe she said, and the brain jump starts to get oxygen.
You might have some sort of sleeping disorder. If your sleeping problems don't go away even with trying to change your diet, etc. then you might want to check that out.