R riku_kicks_butt New member Joined Jun 10, 2008 Messages 274 Location Living a hardcore life May 26, 2010 #1 Ok. I have this old picture of me from pre school. but it really needs repaired. Is there anybody that could maybe fix it up some for me?
Ok. I have this old picture of me from pre school. but it really needs repaired. Is there anybody that could maybe fix it up some for me?
Ventus Air-Man Wanderer Joined Nov 6, 2009 Messages 2,159 Awards 4 May 26, 2010 #2 What part of the picture needs 'repaired'? Lighting, colors, etc.?
R riku_kicks_butt New member Joined Jun 10, 2008 Messages 274 Location Living a hardcore life May 26, 2010 #3 um. Its blurry. And old. Lighting maybe a little. but Id be happy if it was just more clear
Lancelot It's the only NEET thing to do. Joined Dec 23, 2007 Messages 9,638 Awards 3 May 27, 2010 #4 There's really only so much we could do to fix it, in that case. And there's no guarantee that it would be a lot better than before.
There's really only so much we could do to fix it, in that case. And there's no guarantee that it would be a lot better than before.
Pablo rocket sloth Joined Jun 25, 2007 Messages 3,241 Awards 3 Website prodimator.tumblr.com May 27, 2010 #5 Posting a link to the picture would be helpful.