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if you could change One thing in KH what will it be?



Active member
Feb 10, 2018
Either draw the characters with big feet again or get rid of the Disney stuff, so that characters like Kairi could finally have a character arc. Really hard to choose what I would prefer... big feet...? or no Disney...? Big feet...? Or no Disney...?


Well-known member
May 9, 2020
Master Xehanort in KH3 should have been a 30 something year old man in his physical prime, not a wrinkled old geezer who can barely stand up straight.

How is someone that old supposed to be intimidating in a magical sword fight?

Have you met Dumbledore?


Make it more gay.


No seriously. I've finally decided on just one thing to change. No drawn out mobile games. u___u (Why don't they just turn some of the main game minigames into mobile games instead. Keep the story-driven games for the bigger screen. We're not getting any younger.)
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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2017
Rewrite Coded so it's not trying so hard to ruin Sora's character just so Riku can be written as the hero and go "hurr durr Sora doesn't always wins he does have some edge to him!!", also remove the stupid ending because Sora loosing his powers AND not becoming a Master after failing in this stupid, rigged test (when he has proven his might and strenght of heart multiple times before and had the strenght of one for quite a while as well) is still, to this point, the worst case of writing in this franchise to me, surpassing the insignificance of the ending of Days.

Seriously, Sora deserves so much better than what that game tried to do to him. lol
I think you're mixing up Coded with Dream Drop Distance(KH3D) there😅
Coded is the one with the Data-Sora and digital worlds made from Jiminy's Journal.

I do agree there were bits in KH3D which could've been better written in terms of dialogue.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2019
I think you're mixing up Coded with Dream Drop Distance(KH3D) there😅
Coded is the one with the Data-Sora and digital worlds made from Jiminy's Journal.

I do agree there were bits in KH3D which could've been better written in terms of dialogue.
It's because I started to write something else for Coded but went with another idea and then forgot to delete that part xD but thanks for the correction regardless

the red monster

Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
Delete the disney worlds or make them be a bigger part of the story and not just filler for the sake of leveling up.
kh3 suffered the most because of that


Jan 2, 2013
Resolve the Cloud and Sephiroth conflict in KH3. Even if it had to be paid DLC. Have Radiant Garden be playable and have SDG help Cloud to defeat Sephiroth and save Zack.

Or heck just have it in Olympus since that's where it all started

Deleted member 246005

I'd probably have the FF characters be their canon selves but instead of Sora interrupting their games, he'd pop in years before or years after.

For example- SDG would pop up on Besaid years before Yuna goes on her pilgrimage. He hangs out with a teenage Wakka, Chappu, Lulu etc. Canon doesn't get changed, it's just a short story that happens in their lives when their young. The World Order is respected as Sora doesn't get to involved in each world's problems.

This would work better in a more standalone series where Sora doesn't spent 10+ years as a fifteen year old. Trust me it made Sora more irritating than charming.

All in all, I'd get rid of the FF characters as they are a downgrade to their canon selves and a distraction from the original canon. But if i had to keep them the above is how I'd handle it
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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2017
I'd probably have the FF characters be their canon selves but instead of Sora interrupting their games, he'd pop in years before or years after.

For example- SDG would pop up on Besaid years before Yuna goes on her pilgrimage. He hangs out with a teenage Wakka, Chappu, Lulu etc. Canon doesn't get changed, it's just a short story that happens in their lives when their young. The World Order is respected as Sora doesn't get to involved in each world's problems.

This would work better in a more standalone series where Sora doesn't spent 10+ years as a fifteen year old. Trust me it made Sora more irritating than charming.

All in all, I'd get rid of the FF characters as they are a downgrade to their canon selves and a distraction from the original canon. But if i had to keep them the above is how I'd handle it

I disagree, having different versions of characters doesn't make them downgrades. If done right, you could explore different angles to the characters, much like how FF7R expanded on Biggs, Wedge and Jessie.

Also, Sora didn't spend 10 years as a teenager, Ven did that and he was sleeping that whole time. BbS aside, KH1-KH3 takes place over roughly 3 years.
Though on that note, I do admit I would've liked it if the games were able to come out within a more timely manner. Or at least make the stories multi-console from the get-go.

Deleted member 246005

I disagree, having different versions of characters doesn't make them downgrades. If done right, you could explore different angles to the characters, much like how FF7R expanded on Biggs, Wedge and Jessie.

Also, Sora didn't spend 10 years as a teenager, Ven did that and he was sleeping that whole time. BbS aside, KH1-KH3 takes place over roughly 3 years.
Though on that note, I do admit I would've liked it if the games were able to come out within a more timely manner. Or at least make the stories multi-console from the get-go.
I know the latter info, the comment I made was more in jest over how he appeared to me in the real world.

I don't disagree about multiple versions of the same character being potentially interesting. I just don't think KH ever did anything with their versions of the FF characters to be worth changing them. I don't feel moving them to Radiant garden, Twilight Town or Destiny Islands added anything to them.
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Dec 11, 2019
Master Xehanort in KH3 should have been a 30 something year old man in his physical prime, not a wrinkled old geezer who can barely stand up straight.

How is someone that old supposed to be intimidating in a magical sword fight?

I agree. The reports in BBS suggest Xehanort's main motivation for finding a vessel was because he expected his old, frail body to die before seeing the world to come. The old geezer was supposed to be on death's door. And we might as well have gotten a middle aged Xehanort because we've already seen every other stage of his life.

First off, I'm surprised how many people are saying they'd get rid of Disney. You know what Kingdom Hearts is, right? You're asking for a completely different game by saying that. Besides, everything original in KH is Disney's IP, so technically if you took Disney away, you'd be left with nothing but a handful of Final Fantasy characters. Sounds like that's what a lot of people here want anyway, though. But at some point, you have to realize that if you want no Disney and more FF characters, then you could just go and play FF.

For me, I would've had Roxas, Xion, and Namine stay dead because their resurrection undermines their respective stories and cheapens their sacrifices. I would've been content to have Terra die too, as a necessary sacrifice to defeat Xehanort. And in general the games need to stop creating loopholes for death, because the impact of it has been utterly ruined. I'm sure I wasn't alone in reacting to Kairi's "death" in KH3 with a sigh of exasperation instead of the shock it was meant to evoke, because I wasn't fooled for even a second into thinking it had any real consequences for her. Then lo and behold, it ended up being one of the shortest lived "deaths" in the whole series. If she would've just stayed dead, the ending might've had the impact it was supposed to. And, well... I'll just say I'm sure I'm not the only one wouldn't mourn Kairi too much if her death ended up being permanent.

2 quid is good

Driving around Quadratum in a Toyota
Apr 27, 2018
I've been mulling it over, and there's a lot of stuff I wanna change about the series, but if I had to pin it down to one thing, it would be that I would have put BBS on the PS3.

I really feel like just one thing as simple as that could have changed a lot for the franchise, I mean first of all, BBS would have had command menu. Secondly, just by virtue of it being a console game, it would be much more present in the casual KH fanbase's minds, plus, if it still released in 2010 that would have only been four years after KH2, not so long at all. It would have really nipped all the "we waited SO long for KH3", at that time anyway, seeing as we still ended up waiting 7 years for the game.

The biggest plus in my opinion though would have been that BBS *should* have been more fleshed out, in all the small details that matter. The worlds would probably be bigger, the plot would have more time to explore those side plots that got scrapped (young Cloud/Leon etc), they might have made younger looking character models for TAV during those flashbacks.

I just feel like if the scale of BBS was on the same level as KH1/2 in everything, KH3 wouldn't have been so quick to throw out the entire blueprint. And if KH3 was still like that, well then there would now be three console games that even the most casual player probably knew about, and not give the excuses that the franchise has "moved on" from those aspects.

I dunno, I just feel like a lot of KH3's flaws stem from BBS being a type of original sin for the franchise, purely due to its hardware limitations.


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2020
First off, I'm surprised how many people are saying they'd get rid of Disney. You know what Kingdom Hearts is, right? You're asking for a completely different game by saying that.
Yes, there's no universe where Kingdom Hearts would exist without being spawned by the Disney collaboration. But it's also pretty undeniable that you could easily make a game/story without the Disney elements - because they've already done it. The Disney stuff is super downplayed in Days (with Roxas mostly observing characters from a distance), and completely incidental to the story being told in other games (CoM, X especially). I don't think it's all bad, but I also have zero connection to Disney as a company/"branding" and I think this is the case for many people. I'm more interested in Nomura's personal expression than a bunch of brands that can only be used in corporate-approved ways anyway.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2017
I know the latter info, the comment I made was more in jest over how he appeared to me in the real world.

I don't disagree about multiple versions of the same character being potentially interesting. I just don't think KH ever did anything with their versions of the FF characters to be worth changing them. I don't feel moving them to Radiant garden, Twilight Town or Destiny Islands added anything to them.
Ah, once again I miss the joke in written humour 😓 Anime does tend to keep ages static a lot, huh. Well, it's still a shorter time than Ash being 10 at least😅

I'll give you this much, I do agree that the FF characters should've been given more to do post-KH2. Especially the Restoration Committee, you'd think they'd be on site when Lea and the researchers became people again. They could've helped them out when working on the replicas, or even bring them up to speed on the situation of their home
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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2018
Just one thing? In that case I choose to increase the importance of Disney worlds and characters. Have them play bigger roles in narrative when Sora is looking for lost people, especially if those Disney characters know the lost people. Like How awesome would it be in KH3 if Phil revealed to Sora he once trained Roxas? That is such a underrated dynamic. I want the Disney element to mean more. Have the three fairies, Merlin, Fairy Godmother, Minnie, Daisy and Disney Castle help out in the search for the missing heroes. Have Tron digitally help build Replica bodies. Have Elsa and Rapunzel teach Sora how to re-use magic after losing his powers in DDD. Have Gothel know about the legacy of Keyblades, being that she's so old and all, and have her give the Organization info on stuff like that.

Have the Final Fantasy characters there not just for advertising but part of the world building. Have Squall/Leon introduce Sora to Ellone and she knows about time travel which comes into play later when he starts the Power of Waking time travel. Let Vivi meet the Replicas given his original character was also manufactured. Baltheir and Fran have a sky pirate Gummi Ship and they help Chip and Dale power up Sora's...for a price.

I feel like this is more adding to KH then changing, lol. I would also change the fact the Pinocchio's world doesn't appear in Days so that it does. I'd also add 100 Acre Woods to Days as well. Don't anyone question why I'd do that. If you cannot see how perfect that world would have been in Days then I don't know what to tell you XD


Nomura's Biggest Fan
Sep 16, 2013
Outer Rim
So no one else picked up on the subtleties of the Disney Worlds and what they represent to RAX and their relationship to Org.13?

I mean if we can find meaning for the Disney worlds in 3, then Days should be a breeze because of how often we revisit the worlds.


Feb 23, 2020
It's hard to pin down, but what's been missing from the series since KH2 is that sense of grandiosity, bedazzlement, and catharsis. When KH1&2 came out, they felt utterly deluxe, and still do, to me. Those games are Statements. Even their gorgeous boxart (of CoM too) conveys that these are treasures. The trend since has (generally) been a steadily downward slump in terms of play, script and design, with no game feeling as complete with-a-bow-on-top as those two PS2 classics.

So if I had to change something, and this is a big something, I would have kept the momentum going and had KH3 released in 2010 or 2011 for PS3. Of course Nomura and co. had no way of knowing what a tragic production Versus would have become. I'm sure that loss was traumatic and undoubtably had to have affected his work since. KH has been fraying apart for over a decade now, strewn across sidestories and shameful mobile titles whose stories either fizzled out or are still twirling in place. KH used to feel like it could be anything and go anywhere, and it still can, but not while treated as a malnourished stepchild they let out of the basement to keep up appearances. You gotta wonder: who, at Square-Enix and Disney, is really in KH's corner? The quality is not where it should be, though that is somewhat consistent with the outputs from both companies in this tasteless era.

I used to think the Osaka team's incompetence was just a meme and that the handheld games were simply experimenting, holding back until they were ready to realize something greater. But KH3 proved that those bumpkins were never on the level, and this series can't just be left to a B team. It should have been Tokyo. They did something remarkable, and it should not be undervalued. KH1 & KH2 just feel perfect. Whatever reason Yuuchi Kanemori left Square-Enix, I wish they had convinced him otherwise, to stay on for Kingdom Hearts. If we're talking ideal circumstances, I'd have folded the best elements of BBS into KH3. None of those elements having anything to do with gameplay/battle. No more so-called "sagas", the appeal of playing the best JRPGs is that you can experience an entire epic saga, encapsulated in one 40 hour game.

If KH3 were produced way back when and kept the standards high, maybe we'd be hyped for KHVI today. Maybe we would've seen some real romance, maybe Sora would've finally gotten a mentor, maybe we'd have fully explored Destiny Islands (not to mention Scala ad Caelum), maybe we'd be done with blackcoats with their hoods up, maybe Square would have had the clout to exercise creative freedom from Disney's arbitrary broth-spoiling, maybe Versus could have manifested properly in its own time, and maybe this series would not be seen as a joke by so many.
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