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Fanfiction ► I'll Stand By You...

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Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
Hey everyone! This is another fanfic I'm working on beside my other. Mainly what happens is that Kairi gets a chance to get off the island but she has a price to pay. When she finds Sora she may have regretted ever leaving. Full of angst, saddness, the whole deal. Tally ho to the first chapter!

Chapter One: Prolouge: Crash and Burn

Sora was thrown against the wall. His body hit with a sickening crash. He slumped down his head low. His spiky chesnut hair sagged under his sweat. He looked up. His ocean blue orbs were clouded with pain, confusion, and fear. "Kairi! Please stop this!" He shouted desperately. He clutched his arm which was bleeding. The crimson regret flowed down his scratched and bruised arm. A figure came out of the dust. Long red hair sat gracefully on her shoulders. Dressed in a black short dress, a leather dog collar, shoulder and arm bracers, and metallic like pants she looked completely different from the Kairi Sora knew. Her fists were clenched tightly causing her knuckles to turn white. Her once beautiful blue eyes flickered from blue to yellow. Sora tried to stand but his legs shook and he collapsed again, "Kairi! Its me! Dont you know me?" Sora cried out. Tears were clouding his deep ocean eyes. Over in the corner Donald, Goofy and Riku were sprawled across the ground. A strange brown haired girl too. Kairi seemed to be battling something inside herself, "Why did you betray me Sora!?" She shreiked. Sora stumbled up using the Keyblade for support, "I'd never betray you!" He said weakly. "Liar!" She struck him across the head. Sora fell to the ground and rolled on to his side. "All you do is lie to me! You lied about coming back! You lied about what would happen to us! You lied about that girl! And like an idiot I believed you!" She opened her and. A jet of purple light burst forth and struck Sora's shoulder. "K-Kairi, I admit I may have lied a couple times but..I wasonly doing it to protect you..." A look of recignition crossed her face. "I dont want to do this!" She wailed. The choker crackled and sent her aprawling to the ground. "Finish him!" A voice told her. She shook her head and she suffered more pain. "Get up!" The voice said again. Against her will she was up on her feet. "Sora run! Get away from me!" She cried. Her hand outstretched again. This time the power was immense. Her arm shook as she tried to stop herself. Tears streamed down her face. Her hand moved twaord the fallen keybearer. "Sora, run!" She cried again. Sora simply shook his head and stood. He walked twaords her, "Kairi.." She shook her head, "Get away! Please Sora. I dont want to hurt you. Her fingers spread slowly. Sora continued walking twaords. He was set on saving her. He stood in front of her. "Move!" She cried as the light in her hand grew. Sora shook his head. He reached out and grabbed her outstretched hand. The light shone between their fingers. He clasped her hand. He pulled her to him. Sora grabbed her and put his arms around her glowing body. "I'll never leave you...I'll never let go."He said. Kairi sobbed in to his shoulder but the strain on her body was becoming too great. "Sora, Please I cant hold it back anymore!" He just held her tighter, "If you need to crash and burn then go ahead. Youre not alone." Kairi tried to wrench away from him but he held her tighter, Her body being controlled couldnt hold it back any longer if he didnt get waway there was no doubt he would die! "Why are you doing this!?" She sobbed. Sora whispered in to her ear, "Because I love you. And I'll stand by you forever...." There was a blinding purple light that filled the whole castle....

So whatcha think? This is what happens near the ending so its the prolouge. Its after Kairi makes the sacrifice and finds Sora. SO tell me if you like it so far.


Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
thanks! Ill keep posting. ^_^

Chapter One: I'm Here Without You...

The massive glowing orb in the sky beat down on the sandy beaches. The sound of the water crashing, the seagulls cawing, the smell of the ocean breeze...it was all so familiar. Despite the beautiful warm weather a cloud of heartache hung over one girl's head. Sitting on the curved tree she satred at the horizon longingly. Her now long crimson hair hid her face. Her ceruelan eyes were hidden from view but still staring out. The days of summer were long gone. The fun carefree days. And each day her heart would grow heavier, she would lose a little more hope, and shed cry a little more. The girl's name was Kairi. As she sat there she sighed eeply. SHe heard a voice. A faded voice blurred by time, "But how far could a raft take us?" "Who knows. If we have to we'll think of something else..." SHe felt tears start to prickle her eyes. She shook her head trying to hold them back. She hugged the paopu tree thinking of the past. She looked up at the fleshy yellow fruits. The legendary paopu fruits. Supposedly when you ate one alone it would taste bitter and terrible. But when you shared it with someone you really cared for it would taste sweet and delicious. Kairi knew the fateful legend that surrounded them. She stood up and dusted off her light blue plaid school skirt. She picked up her school bag and headed for the dock. As she trudged across the sand she tripped! She didnt bother to try to stop herself. She hit the soft sand. She just layed there listening to the sound of the crashing water. Then she heard the same blurry voice, "It wasnt a dream! Or was it...? I dunno..." She covered her eyes, "Why cant I get him outta my head for one measley second?!" She screamed in her head. SHe continued lying there, "What is wrong with me?! I know I miss him so much and Riku too but why is he plauging my thoughts!?" "I'd like to see it too. Along with any other worlds out there. I wanna see em' all!" That memory was fading it was leaving. "His voice.. its leavong me!" SHe trembled. "Hey! Kai!" She moved her head to see who was calling her. "Hey..." SHe said softly. The green eyes girl blinked down on her, "You okay? Why are you lying here?" Her strange brown hair bobbed as she kneeled down. "No reason.." She said sadly. Selphie put a hand on her shoulder, "Its all right.." She comforted. Kairi heard two more voices, "Where my blitzball man?" "I dunno! You probably left it here!" Tidus and Wakka. "Hey Kairi!" Wakka said, "Here it is!" Tidus sighed picking up the ball behind Kairi's feet, "Oh. So thats what I tripped over." She said. Wakka apologized, "Sorry Kairi. Youre not hurt are ya?" She shook her head. "Wakka! We ned to practice!" Tidus complained. "Oh, ya!' Tidus and Wakka blitzed for a while. kairi just stared out at the sea. At one point the ball hit her head, "Oh! Oops. Sorry Kai." Tidus said. She nodded. "So we be joining the blitz team eh Tidus?" Wakka asked. "Of course we will! Though it might be a little difficult without Riku adn Sor-!" Selphie slapped him hard and narrowed her eyes and motioned to Kairi who had buried her head in her arms. "Oh..yeah..." Tidus muttered in an embarassed way. They were silent for a while until Selphie said, "Kairi...he wouldnt want you to be grieving like this. You act like hes...well hes...dead. But hes not. It just as if he went away for a while." Kairi shook her head, "Woo knows when I'll ever seem either of them again..." Selphie, Tidus, and Wakka exchanged worried looks. She hadnt been quite right since Sora left. She was okay for about 2 monthes keeping an upbeat attitude but now... Wakka and Tidus began tlaking to eachother. They always forgot Kairi was sensitive about Sora or anything to do with him, "Yeha we might have to kill some invading Heratless!" Wakka joked. Kairi felt her blood boil. Tidus laughed, "Yeah! We'll have to break out the Keyblades!" They fell over laughing. Kairi stood up and grabbed her bag, "WIthout him none of us would be here!" She hissed before running twoards the Secret Place. Selphie picked up her nunkachu and began pelting the boys, "SEE- WHAT- YOUVE-SONE!?" SHe shouted. Kairi ran down the tunnel and sat against the wall. SHe sobbed a little, "Why cant I stop thinking about him? Could it be that I'm...." She blinked at the drawing on the wall and felt tears slide down her face, "Sora you said you'd come back. That youd come home! Where are you Sora?"

Well how was this chap?


Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
thankyew guys! ^_^

Chapter Two: Dreaming of You in a World Without You

Lightyears away from the Secret Place, away from the beach, and far from Destiny Islands. In a strangeley designed castle a girl was watching a strange pod in a large white room. Inside the pod was a 15 year old boy. His 'defy the laws of gravity and nature' hair swayed slightly. The chestnut locks were lighter than before. Eyes closed he slumbereed. The teenage girl clucthing a sketchpad looked up at the pod a little sadly. Her long golden locks fell past her shoulders and her blue orbs blinked upwards. A white sundress swayed in the air. "Its almost time.." She whispered. Inside Sora's head he was dreaming a little dream.

~~***: DREAM:***~~

Sora awoke on the sandy beaches of Destiny Island. The fmailiar scent of the saltwater made him blink in confusion, "Is this my island?!" He asked in awe ((You know it irked me in the game when he said that. I mean no howd you reach THAT deduction Sherlock)). He straightened up dusting off his pants. He looked around happily. But theisland seemed deserted. "Kairi!" He shouted. There was no reply. He rubbed the back of his neck. She turned to see a man in a trenchcoat. He pulled out he Keyblade. "No reason to pull that out." The cloaked man said. His voice was oddly familiar, "R-Riku?!" He asked. The Unknown man said nothing. Sora moved forward outretching his gloved hand. The man pulled away from him. Sora's eyes were fll of hurt. The blue was clouded with confusion. "I suppose you have noticed that there is nobody here any longer." The man said pointing at the island. "Riku, where is everyone? Where is Kairi?!" He asked. "You really want to know?" The voice asked. He nodded, "Of course I do!" He said stubbornly. Riku pointed twaords the Secret Place and faded, "RIku! Wait!" Sora shouted trying to rab him. But he faded from his fingers. Sora shook his head in saddness. At the entrance he saw someone in the shadows. "Whos tere!" He growled as he withdrew the Keyblade. A teenage boy around his own age stepped from the shadows. His shaggy blonce hair fell in to his peircing green eyes. His entire body was covered by a cloak. On his neck was a bell, "And may I inquire what you are doing here?" He asked. "Admiring the sun perhaps?" He continued. Sora let his Keyblade lower a bit, "Yeah, I like the sun." he said warily. The strange boy walked through the shrubbery in the Secret Place. Sora followed closely keeping his grip tight on the Keyblade. He entered the secret cave as the boy stared at the wall, "Such strange drawings." He said. Sora cut to the point, "Have you seen a girl?! With red hair and blue eyes?" He said suddenly. The boy causually moved and pointed at something on the floor, "Over there." Sora dropped the Keyblade. A tangle of red hair around a pale ivory face and a limp body. He ran and kneeled down adn pulled the limp form up and held it. Clothes dirty and hands raw and empty. Her face white as a sheet was caked with dirt and covered in scratches. As he pulled her up the crimson hair moved revealing two blank staring blue eyes. Sora's heart raced and pounded in his chest painfully. The luster he loved from her eyes was gone and replaced by a dull dead look. "Kairi! Wake up!" He shook her shoulders gently. She didnt stir at all. "Please! Kairi! I'm here now!" He cried. He shook her harder and her head lolled to one side. "Is that the one you are referring to? Its dead. Or I should say...its been dead for some time now." Sora's eyes flled with tears and dripped on to Kairi's filthy face. "Kairi!" He cried softly. He began to sob letting the tears fall like a faucet. He brought her head up to his face and buried his face in her hair, "Kairi! Wake up!" He pleaded. Her blank eyes just kept staring ahead and it felt like Sora's heart was being shoved in toa food processor. It cracked and crumbled as his tears flowed. He brought her up to his head and layed his chin on the top of her head. he sobbed holding her lifeless body tight, "I'm dreaming of you in a world without you..." He thought as he remembered her laugh, her sparkling blue eyes, her smile.

Sora's eyes fluttered open slightly, "Kairi..?" He whispered.....


Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
finally back. Acursed school. *burns textbook* MWAHAAHA!

Chapter Three: Whispered Voice At My Ear....

"Now, when divind 890 by x when the value of x is 6..." The teacher droned on and on and on. Kairi rubbe dher eyes trying to stay awake. SHe was so exhasuted. She was up till at least 5. She had a bad dream. A very bad dream. She dreamt that she had found Sora in this strange white room adn he was...dead. Cuts, scratches, dirt the whole enchilada. She shook her head trying to forget the image, "Kairi!?" A raspy voice asked. She opene dher eyes to see her teacher and her whole class looking at her, "Are you all right?" Her teacher asked. "Ye-Yes." She stuttered. "Welll than come do probledm 23 on the board then." Kairi checked her book sighed lously and trudged up to the board. She picked up the chalk adn flinched in touching it. She hated the way it felt and they way it sounded touching the board. She wrote sme stuff, "Nope. Sorry." Her teacher said, "Ack!" She exclaimed as she dropped the chalk. She reached down to pick it up, "Do you really want to find him?" Her head shot up, "What?!" Her teacher loked at her, "I didnt say anything." Kairi looked around and went back to her seat. "Whered that voice come from???" She wondered...


Kairi grabbed her bag from her dark blue locker. "Ehmagod! kairi did you see?!" Selphie squealed. "See what?" SHe asked warily. Selphie pointed. A teenager dressed in black with shaggy blonde hair and green eyes. On his neck was a small bell. "Isnt he dreamy>>?" Seplhie sighed. Kairi sot her a glance and continued walking, "Im not really interested." She muttered. Selphie bit her lip. Kairi wlaked twoards the lunch room. SHe sat at the same table as so many years prior. Tidus, and Wakka were already there. Selphie followed her in shortly. Tidus and Wakka were rolling the blitzball across the table and the teacher nearby's blood vessel was threatening to explode. Kairi sat down and ate her peach. She smiled slightly as she ate as it brought back a fond memory.


Kairi was still new to the island. She glanced around the lunchroom blushing. She didnt know anyone very well adn was too afraid to ask to sit down. She held her purple lunchbox tight. SHe almost decieded to go sit alone when she felt someone grab her small hand, "Wanna sit with us Kairi?" She looked up in to a pair of ocean eyes. "Its me, Sora! The boy with the "defy the laws of gravity and nature" hair" He said. Kairi smiled. She had met Sora the other day when she first came to the island. "You wanna sit with me nad my friends?" he asked a little shyly. Kairi blushed and said, "Sure..thanks." Sora guided her to a table where Selphie, Wakka, Tidus, and Riku were sitting. Riku's long platinum locks fell in to his eyes and his aqua eyes glanced at Sora, "There you are! Whats going on?" "Riku, guys this is Kairi!" Sora said indicating the crimson haired girl, "Hi.." She said shyly. Yo!" Tidus said, "Hey!" Riku greeted, "Hiya!" Selphie added. "Hey whats happening man?" Wakka finsished. Selphie flicked Wakka's nose, "Shes not a man you knucklehead!" Wakka rubbe dhis head, "Chill out ma- woman!" Sora scooched over making a space for Kairi. "SO when did you move here Kairi?" Riku asked. "Umm...about a week ago." She said. "Welcome to the island then." Selphie said. Later that day after English she was being bullied! "Whats the matter? Gonna say something?!" One of the boys teased her while the other one shoved her a bit. She fell to the carpet and cowered in fear, "Hey! Didnt your parents tell you not to pick on girls!" A voice said. The two boys turned to see Riku and Sora each wth a scowl on their faces. "Its those two!" The boy who shoved Kairi said. Sora walked over and shoved him down. Riku stepped forward. The two boys ran. Sora and Riku pulled Kairi to her feet, "You okay?" Sora asked worriedly. SHe nodded. Riku put a hand on her shoulder, "Dont worry your safe with us." Kairi smiled knowing she had finally found friends....



Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
*stumbles in liked a wounded person* I..have RETURNED!!! *falls over.* ANywhoz due to my missing school for many days (POWER! BWAHAH!) I havent update dbut I am tryping now even though my hand feels like it was run over. Tally hooo!

Chapter Four: Chances and Memories

Kairi started to walk home with Selphie. Her shoes clunking as she dragged her feet along, "You have to admit hes good looking Kairi!" Selphie said. Kairi rolled her eyes, "I suppose." "Wonder what his name is.." Selphie said. Kairi gripped her bag tighter. Right now she could care less. Everybody seemed to notice but nobody had said anything. And she was glad they hadnt. Today was Sora's birthday. Now fifteen Kairi wondered if he had changed. Her own crimson locks had grown darker. SHe looked up at the setting sky lost in her thoughts. "Kai!" Selphie said almost shoving her down, "Look its him!" SHe squealed. The strange teenager was walking down the path, "Joy, rapture." She muttered. "Hi I'm Nya." The boy said. Selphie was practically fainting, "I'm Selphie and this is Kairi. Don't mind her shes a sourpuss." Nya smiled his green eyes flashing. Kairi didnt like his eyes. It felt like you could drown in them like drowning in lukewarm water.. Unlike Sora's blue eyes that you could lose yourself in his eyes gave her the creeps. "So how long have you been here Nya?" Selphie asked as Kairi fidgeted, "Not long. This place is wonderful its like I stumbled in to a dream..." Kairi blinked in confusion. "SO have you lived here all your lives?" Selphie smiled and nodded cheerfully. Kairi shook her head, 'No. I came when I was about 8. SOmewhere around there." Nya grinned, "SO that means your from another world...how strange. Who knows for all anyone could know you could be royalty in another world." Kairi felt her heart skip. Her cerulean eyes widened but she looked away, {This is getting waaay too freaky...} "Oh! I forgot! I left my algebra book back in class. I'll catch you later!" She ran away twoards the school. SHe was eager to get away from Nya. She was sure Selphie wouldnt mind her absence. SHe took the shortcut back to her house through a broken fence and through a slight clster of trees. Arriving in her backyard she collapsed in her hammock. "Nya...is...weird! And hes got a weird name too!" She muttered to herself. SHe mumbled for a while. SHe sighed deeply. {Thats all I do these days Sigh..sigh...SIGH! -_-} She swung on the hammock for a while listening to the crashing water and the wind through the trees. SHe sat up and did her homework hardly putting forward any effort.{School reminds me of the Heratless....theyre both SHEER EVIL!!! EVIL!!!} Brekaing her pencil pint by driving a hole through her paper she grumbled and went inside the house to sharpen it, "Konnichiwa, koiishi!" Her grandmother said. "Hai Obaa-san." SHe said gloomily. Her grandmother's eyes softened and se hugged her grandaughter tight, "It'll be all right. Promises were never meant to be broken." "Arigatou." SHe said gratefully. She went to sharpen her penicl. On her ay back to the hammock something hit the head..hard, "OUCH! What the he-!" She rubbed her head knowing a brise would form later. But she looked down to see a rock with a note. "Eh?" She bent dow to pick it up. SHe unfolded the letter mentally noting to learn voodoo to curse the person who threw the rock. The note read,

I know what you long for . Your Hikari is gone. But theres a way to find it. Meet me at the Secret Place at midnight. That is if your heart still beats for his safe return..


Not too long but LOST is on soon so I must watch ^_^. Curse Nya's name. This is what reading Pita-Ten does to you. Name corruption -_-



Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street

Chapter Five: Castle Oblivion

Sora grumbled shifting his body inside the small pod. The blonde girl outside's head shot up. Her blue eyes grew wide. Donald and Goofy were beginging to stir, "Gawrsh Clarabell.." Goofy mumble din his sleep. Donald blinked. His eyes were huge. Doing his trademark scream "WAaahahahahah!" He banged on the pod, "Let me out let me out!" He quacked in anger. The girl rushed over and released Donald's pod. He fell to the ground on his face. He grumbled and sat up and adjusted his beak. which was at the back of his head. (Daffy Duck steps in, "Of course you know...this means war... Lol. I couldnt resist) Goofy yawned real big and climbe dout of his pod, "Hey there Donald, G'morning!" DOnald mumbled something. The girl dashed over to the pod Sora was in. Goofy and Donald walked over, "Sora!" They said in unison. he was stil sleeping. Lazy bum -_-. The blonde girl clenched her hands over her heart, "Please..let him wake up..." SHe prayed. And as if magic Sora's eyes opened, "Huh?" He said groggily. The blonde girl sighed thankfully and released his pod. Sora staggered out, "Sora! Whats with...the new duds?" Goofy asked eyeing his friend. Sora blinked, "Eh?" He looked down, "AHH! When did this happen!?" His pants were black with red pouches and yellow belts, hist shirt was blue with a red pouch and his hoodie jacket was completely black except for the ends of his sleeves, and he now had these weird shoulder plates..things. "What..happened..." He said slowly. The blonde girl didnt say anything. Donald and Goofy looked the same and were wearing identical looks of confusion, "Hey there Sora, you look..older." Goofy said looking Sora up and down. Sora lifted his eyebrows in surprise. Indeed. He looked much more mature, He had more hair which was slightly lighter adn just as spiky. "You two look....the same." He said. Goofy looked at Donald, "Well...Donald I think you got a little rounder around the middle..." Goofy said deep in thought, "WHAT!?" Donald squawked. Sora sighed, "Oh boy.." Donald kept raging, "What would you know you lanky big snouted palooka!?" Goofy continued to stare at Donald. It was only then Sora noticed the blonde girl, "Who are you?" Sora asked suddenly. The girl blushed, "Oh, I'm Nami-! My name isnt important." Sora blinked again, {Of course someone's name is important...o_O...} He thought. "I get hte feeling I know you somehow..." he said gplacing his hand on his chest. "I doubt it..." SHe said almost sadly. "Just remember the promise..." Sora was all, "Eh?" "Where are we?" He asked cautiously staring around the blank white room, "Castle Oblivion..." Somehow Sora heard a voice that only he could hear it was like a faded memory, "Its all in the cards..."


Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street

Chapter Six: Nya's Offer

Kairi was pakcing a backpack. Her oom was dark and the only source of light was the brilliant moon outside. She quietly walked around gathering anything she might need. Careful not to wkae her grandmother she puleld clothes from her dresser. Stuffing them in to her bag along with money, first aid and many other things. She quietly as possible zipped the backpack shut. Her cerulean eyes flashed to the dor when she heard her grandma snore. She sighed in relief and slung the backpack over her shoulder. She tiptoed acorss the hallway holding a peice of paper. She shoved the paper under her grandma's door, 'Bye grandma." She whispered. Returning to her room she pulled on a hoodie jacket. It was once Sora's. Whenever he and Rikuw ould come over to play he'd always forget something. She slowly edged her way out of her window. High above the ground. She climbe don to the palm tree next to her window. She often sat there to write or just watch the sky. She slid down the tree and set off for the Secret Place...

Sora and the duo were bakc in the middle of the feild. Goofy and Donald yawned, 'Hey DOnald? Where Pluto?" Goofy asked loking around. Donald blinked and was siletn for a minute, "WAAHAH! COme on! We have to fid him! If the kind finds out we lost his dog we'll eb in big twouble!" He seized Goofy and rna off over the hill, "PLUTO?!" Goofy called. Sora chuckled a bit. Namine smiled. Her blonde hair swayed in the breeze, "So, why do i get the feleing I know you?" He asked nervously. Namine's face drooped, "You'll remmeber one day." Sora sighed and pouted, "Cant get a straight answer outta her." He thought. He stuck his hands behind his neck. He glanced at her. SHe was looking up. Two bats were flying in the moon's rays, "She sure is pretty. Whoever she is. She reminds me a lot of Kairi." he thought. Namine caught his gaze, "Never forget who is the most important person to you.." She said while taking his hand, "Huh?!"

Kairi panted and breathed deeply. SHe tripped as she climbe dover the dock. She hit the sand below. She sputtered and coughed trying to get the sand out of her mouth, 'I thought you'd come." A voice said. She looked up. her face was still stinging from hitting the sand. "Come, hes waiting..." Nya said walking twoards the Secret Place...

Part 2 comign up later


Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
Chapter Six: Nya's Offer: Part II

Kairi cautiously rose to her feet. She coughed trying to get the sand out of her throat. She massaged her raw throat as she followed Nya to the Secret Place. He stood next to the paopu drawing. "Arent you going to ask why I called you here?" He asked. Kairi didnt say anthing. Nya tried again, "Youre not curious?" Still Kairi didnt utter a sound. At this pojnt Nya drew out a sword. Kairi's eyes went wide but he faced the wall. He turned his head slightly to gice her a wicked smile before postioning the blade in front of the drawing of herself, Sora, and the paopu fruits. He pulled the sword back to bring it down, "Stop!" Kairi pleaded as the metal cracked the stone. Kairi looked as if her heart was going to break. Nya moved back to reveal a large chunk of rock missing just above the drawings. "If thats all it ook to get you to speak I would have done that sooner." She moved her hand to smack him across the face. He grabbed it as it came in to reach. His eyeborws raised as if amused, "You look like Kaiya, when I look at your face.." Kairi blinked in confusion at this name. Nya looked surpirsed but yet amused, "How terrible..simply terrible...A child cant even remember her own mother's name?" It hit Kairi like a sack on bricks. "M-mother?" She whispered. "Yes your mother. The Queen of Hollow Bastion. She wed that pathetic fool Riku. "EH?!" Kairi said her eyes bulging. Nya looked her way, "No, you twit not the keybearer of darkness. Its a name you know." Kairi looke drelieved ut was overwhelemed with sadness. "Mom...Dad..." Nya looked at the drawings, "Yes. Thats where you name comes from you simpering fool. Kai from your mother and Ri from your father. Kairi. Your parents knew your fate so decieded to give you the name Kairi. Quite ironic. Your name does mean seperation." Kairi leaned against the wall. She was on the verge of tears. She just remembered her parents. She had lost all knowledge of them along with her world when her memory was erased. "Its funny really. Youre naive hero's name means Sky and your best friend's name means Land. And you..why youre Seperation. The rift that divides them. Isnt that how it was. Both of them fighting over you. So passionately that it almost caused the Land to kill the Sky?-" "SHUT UP!" Kairi shouted. Tears were falling down her face, "JUST SHUT UP! You dont know anything about me my family or my friends!" She shreiked. Nya grinned and seemd to gain somehting from her pain, "Well, if you excuse me Princess I seem to know a lot more about your family then you." Kairi covered her eyes, "You said you could help me find Sora. Tell me how!" She moved her hand and her yes were set in to a determind glare. Nya pulled his cape closer around himself. "Are you positive you want to do this. You may never be able to come back here again." He said but not with sympathy. Kairi hesitated but said, "Yes." Nya grinned and his green eyes flashed, "Then its time to unlock your destiny...."
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