I was playing around on KH2 (the awesomeest game to ever meet the face off the earth!!!) and tryin to figure out what the Organization Members were (I know now but...) but anyway... I was playing around taking notes (yes I took notes) and I had wrote Sora and Roxas and Axel and Riku's name all over my paper cuz they're all effin HOT (oh yes...oh so HOT) and my mom looked over my shoulder and goes... HEY! Did you rearrange Sora's name there and she pointed to Roxas and I was all WHOOO! *starts dancing* Do alittle dance! make a little love! get down tonight! *notices the uncomftable stares* ...
... AHEM! *cough cough* anyway
then I noticed that some of (real ansem) Ansem's apprentices were in the organization but I xan't remember there names because my loser of a cousin took my stupid ps2 away from me.... AND I JUST HOPE HE DIES A HORRIBLE DEATH CUZ I'LL NEVER GET TO SEE SORA'S SMILING FACE WHEN WE GO TO FIGHT WICKED CRIME 2GETDER! WAHHHHH! But it's okay... atleast I know how it eanded...
Roxas=SoraX (<<<FREAKY! It's there 2!!!<<<)
Roxas=SoraX (<<<FREAKY! It's there 2!!!<<<)