And what about the story? What brilliant idea has he come up with now?
And what about the story? What brilliant idea has he come up with now?
Yeah I started to think that. He was always talking about two projects being big games, and then he showed Re:coded. I think Re:coded was just a project he added in to localize it.
I wonder what he means by there being clues in Re:coded about KH3D. Will they be put out front or will we have to look for them. I hope we get a secret movie to unlock.
this just makes me want Re:coded more. and what could 3D stand for? I read some one say three destinies... Kinda sad to read that just Sora nad Riku are the main characters... i was hoping Kairi would get a main role for once... but if it is three destinies then Kairi could be number three =3
I'm looking forward to the worlds they'll include.
I think so too Re:coded isn't big enough to be what he was revering to.
and I hope so, secret movies are great.
Sorry if it end up being a double or so post but I've been trying to post and it just wouldn't...
I see no double post here :3
Now this is some awesome news. 3 new KH games announced and also some new worlds! I wonder which world they're going to make. I hope they will be good as we expect them to be, like KHBBS.
I hope these are the last KH games before KH3 or I'm going to fly to Japan and strangle that Nomura!
I doubt recoded is part of the new pair games that Nomura was talking about. He said two games with one of them surrounding another new core character. KH3D is obviously about Sora and Riku and Re:Coded is obviously our version of Coded so basically we're waiting for another game for Nomura to mention right.
Japan: Coded, BBS, Days, (Unknown game, KH3D)
US: Re:Coded, BBS, Days (Unknown game, KH3D)
That's what I think anyway
Very well said.
Could be something called reconnect, am I right?
really doesn't matter what "pair" he's talking about. we know now there are three games coming out. re:coded, KH3D and this new one. thats all that matters really.
But we still didn't know the plot of KH3DS, though we know it's a new game and it involves both Sora and Riku but their appearance, the description of the trailer and the title logo, make it look like it's has something to do with KH1.
Nomura won't tell us what the plot is all about until TGS, though
Which is kind of a piss off but meh, I'm finally getting BBS in engerish so I can wait :3
but honestly what could the plot be with the young Sora and Riku I mean...wth
You know, I speculate that the plot has also gotta do with CoM too, I mean Sora sleeping for a year in a pod, to recover his memories, when he was sleeping, what's in his dream?
But I doubt that would be the plot.
besides how untrue that is, Nomura already blatantly said "it doesnt stand for 3 Dimensions"hey guys, i hate to be the one to break this to you.........
Kingdom Hearts 3D is in fact KH 3 Dimensions. Not in the typical images popping out way, but in the sense of 3 "dimensions" or parallel realities. the first is the KH we all know and love, the second dimension is an anti-world in which Riku was chosen as Keyblade Wielder and Sora succumbed to darkness, and the third is the data world.
Confused? Just wait.
The other new game, y'know the one nobody knows anything about, ya, its gonna have time travel. Always wanted to see TAV, SDGRK, Mickey, Eraqus, Xehanort, and Pooh fight in the Keyblade Wars? Now's your chance.