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The Futal Era is finally in peace. Naraku has finally fallen. Inuyasha has also fallen. So many others have fallen to the newly risen demons and monsters. Kagome has fallen in her own Era with the rest of her family save her brother. He has grown and is now trapped in the Futal Era trying to find help while running from the demons who seek his capture for the Shikon Jewel. The lands are no longer beautiful. Demons have become more plentiful and it is ruled by the Demon King Sesshomaru. He has a army the size of two average states and more adding to it. He has now made an ability where when his minions kill a rebellious slave they become a demon and join his army. The demons have a wide variety of abilities and the remaining humans are Sesshomaru's forever slaves. Now others must rise to stop this threat. Either you are against the rebellion or with it. You decide as the fate of the Futal Era rests in your hands...
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Post in a timely manner, pace is how Roleplays survive and move evenly with scheduled events.
- No god-modding. Your character is yours and yours only. I'm sure you wouldn't be happy if someone else took your character and got them killed! (Very minor g-ming is accepted if required.)
- No power-playing. No one wants to see their character do something in another person's post that they didn't actually do nor approve. (Very minor p-ping is accepted if required)
- Be polite when acting out of character (OOC). If an argument erupts, handle it maturely and swiftly.
- Keep OOC to a reasonable level. No pages and pages of it, please!
Give notice of inactivity, this is so you don't loose your position when others move on without you. (I will always summarize events for everyone and anyone)
Read attentively, if you have questions about someone's post. Ask them.
If you have general questions, ask them freely, I'll answer to the fullest extent of my ability to help you.
Try to be as original as possible, canon's aren't in existence anymore, except for specific ones that will be introduced at the prompted time.
You can have as many characters as you can control.
Also I will accept any type of loners but make sure you just let me know in your temp.
To show me that you've read the rules, post "Those who dream will always be fools!" at the top of your template.
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Template for The Rebellion
AgeBetween 14-39)
Appearance: (You gotta look like something right?? Anyway, you may use a picture)
Personality: (This can be meaningless to come as we act how we act, but even so, post yours here.)
AbilitiesNo like the rules state please no GodMod abilities but i would love that you have a good variety that do a reasonable type of damage.)
Alliance:(Either you are a Rebeller.Army,Loner,or Protector)
HistoryDoesn't have to be long but please make it a little detailed at least a par. Thanks)
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Sesshomaru's Selected Figthers Template
Appearance: (You gotta look like something right?? Anyway, you may use a picture)
Personality: (This can be meaningless to come as we act how we act, but even so, post yours here.)
AbilitiesNo like the rules state please no GodMod abilities but i would love that you have a good variety that do a reasonable type of damage.)
Alliance:(Either you are a Rebeller.Army,Loner,or Protector)
HistoryDoesn't have to be long but please make it a little detailed at least a par. Thanks)
(But only I will decide if you're good enough to be his close followers cause in this signup these are the ones he tells everything too. Also we he gives them a mission they must follow or die on the spot. Also there is a limited number of spots. im only taking 20 protectors all others will have to wait until one dies enjoy)
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Sesshomaru's Army
Appearance: (You gotta look like something right?? Anyway, you may use a picture)
Personality: (This can be meaningless to come as we act how we act, but even so, post yours here.)
AbilitiesNo like the rules state please no GodMod abilities but i would love that you have a good variety that do a reasonable type of damage.)
Alliance:(Either you are a Rebeller.Army,Loner,or Protector)
HistoryDoesn't have to be long but please make it a little detailed at least a par. Thanks)
(This is for those who want to just serve in his army. They are somewhat strong but they don't compare to the selected protectors.)
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Special Thanks to...
The Citrus Cult for the formation of these rules and templates and also to all others of the forums who have choosen this rp)
(Also I will be the one who plays Sesshomaru and my own character. Also those who choose the rebellion must listen to the selcted leaders of the group including me)
Name: Sora Itchikara
Age: 14
Gender: Male

Personality: Cool,Calm,Collected,Polite
Abilities:Shadow Arrow, Shadow Sora Mode, Shadow Sky Attack, and others that I can't remember
Alliance: Rebeller
History: I found Sota when he was trying to outrun some demons. I killed them and hide him within the Rebeller's Protection Group. I then went out on a search for more followers. Haunted by my past I hope to find others quickly. Escaped Sesshomaru's wrath when he was younger and was saved by his now dead brother.
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