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Fanfiction ► Is any of this for real.....or not?

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New member
Sep 9, 2005
With my beloved Arima!!
Hey this is my first fan fic and it is only the begging. i would like to hear your comments! Thanks for reading!

Is Any of This for Real.....Or Not?
(Written in first person as Sora)

Finally we were returning to Traverse Town. After everything that had happened in Kingdom Hearts, losing Riku, saying goodbye to Kairi, and even coming close to death. I was ready to take a break, even if it was only for a short while.
“We’re approaching Traverse Town so pay attention Sora!” Donald quaked at me. He really never gave me to much credit. I was supposed to be helping him land the ship but I was so far in thought that I nearly forgot about it.
“Ok, ok. Don’t get your feathers in a bunch.” He just sighed at my sarcasm, like he always did. Of course there was Goofy, sitting in the back of the ship taking a nap, and I admit if I was him I would be doing the exact same thing. We had been through so much together, I felt that I owed so much to those two and I’m sure they felt the same about me.
Landing the ship was no problem, I had helped Donald do it a million times before. As we entered the atmosphere, the Gummi ship began to shake and the exterior began to glow with heat. I let up on the gas and let the world’s gravity do the work for me. Quickly we were within range for landing so Donald put on the brakes and I brought out the landing gear. We touched down with the ground and the ship shook hard, but I was used to all of it.
As we exited the back of the ship, Donald smacked Goofy on the head to get him to wake up. Goofy just sat up slowly, and yawned.
“Good mornin’, guys.” Donald looked annoyed, as usual but I just had to laugh to myself, they had acted like nothing had ever happened and that put me in a good mood. Yet I still worried about Riku, and missed Kairi. I shook my head, trying to focus at what was going on instead of getting worked up.
We walked into the town square, gazing up at the never ending night. Nothing had changed since the last time we were there, which made me even a little happier, knowing that something in my life was never going to change. Leading the three of us, I started to walk towards the item shop, hoping to replace some of the items we had used during our last battle. Yet as we neared the store I felt something change.
“Guys, did you feel that?” I looked out the corner of my eye at my two friends. They had their weapons out and were nodding their heads up and down in a yes. I summoned my keyblade, just in case. Something didn’t make sense, why would I get this feeling? What else could possibly give me this feeling of coldness and dread except.... No that can’t be! Once Kingdom Hearts was sealed, so were the heartless, or so I thought. All of a sudden thousands of shadow heartless came up from the ground. Usually these heartless would be a piece of cake to get rid of but this time there were thousands of them. The three of us charged straight at them at full force but it wasn’t enough. The shadows started grabbing our arms and legs, pulling us down to the ground. I tried to shake them off, but it was no use. My strength was slowly leaving me. I looked around for Donald and Goofy but I saw nothing of them. I was about to give up but I heard a someone shout.
“Don’t worry Sora! I’m going to use a Thundaga attack on them but it might hurt you too.” It was Donald. I felt relief but I heard hesitation in his voice, I knew he didn’t want to hurt me.
“ Donald, just do it, I’ll be all right!” No sooner I heard him shout the magic word and felt the lightning attack strike me. I had never felt so much agony in my life. The heartless were pulling at my body and the lightning was striking me at the same time. I then feel the heartless disappearing and my body getting lighter. The attack stopped and a stood up. I looked over at Donald and smiled. He and Goofy looked at me with a look of worry in their eyes. I just smiled at them, then I fell to the ground and passed out.


New member
Oct 20, 2005
Whoa. This could be the next big fic. I like this, keep going, I want to know where this leads.


New member
Sep 9, 2005
With my beloved Arima!!
Second part! hope you like it. i'm trying to write this all tonight but posting it in parts. thanks for reading!

When I woke up, I felt like a train had hit me at full speed. I went to sit up but I couldn’t. I looked down and saw that my legs and arms were strapped to a bed. I wasn’t even wearing my normal clothes but I was wearing a plain white T shirt and long white pants. I was starting to panic. Was this a plan of the heartless or was Ansem back? I looked around the room. There was other beds like mine but a faintly recognized the room. It was the green room at the hotel in Traverse town. I still didn’t understand what was going on so I did the only thing I could do, scream.
“ WILL SOMEONE GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!” Suddenly I hear footsteps. Quickly I shut up and try to listen for voices, to see if Donald or Goofy was here.
“He has been screaming all day, doctor. I tried to give him a sedative but he just screamed at me some more.” Was I in a hospital? But I know that this room is in the hotel in Traverse Town. Even if this was a hospital, why would I be strapped to the bed? I heard the door knob turn and in walked in the last person I expected to see, Yuffie.
“Yuffie! I’m so glad to see you! Unstrap me from this bed and.....”
“Sora, you know not to call me by my first name. You should call me Ms. Kisaragi.” I was so confused. I looked at her. She had a white lab coat on, had her hair pulled back into a bun, and was wearing black rimmed glasses.
“Yuffie, what are you doing?”
“Sora, I have told you a thousand times, I am your nurse. It’s time to take your medication.” She undid my straps and I rubbed my wrists. Some of the skin on wrist had rubbed off. Yuffie then tried to hand me some pills. I just looked at them, trying to figure everything out.
“Where am I?”
“You keep asking the same questions everyday. You are in a mental institution Sora.”


New member
Oct 20, 2005
WHOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....Didn't see that coming. Ahahahaaaa, anyway this is good


New member
Sep 9, 2005
With my beloved Arima!!
I couldn’t believe it. Me, Sora in a mental institution. I slowly took the pills, still in shock and popped them into my mouth.
“Now, there’s a good boy. I’ll check on you in a couple of hours. Please try to stay calm.” She gave me a smile and left the room. I looked around the room again, trying to make sense of all of this. Nothing a saw went against what she said. I was in a mental institution. Yet why was I in here. That was the only thing that didn’t make sense.
I decided to get out of the room, not caring if I was allowed to or not. I opened the door to the hallway and saw my worst nightmare, Ansem.
“ Good morning Sora. How are we feeling today?” I tried to summon my keyblade but it wouldn’t come. So I just charged at him. Unfortunately he expected my attack and grabbed my arms and held them at my side.
“What have you done with my keyblade! I thought Kingdom Hearts had swallowed you!”
“Sora, you know that your cardboard keyblade was taken from you because you were attack shadows and me.” This really was ticking me off. What did he mean “cardboard”? I tried to back away from him but he just kept getting closer.
“Didn’t we have this talk a couple of hours ago? You know that there is no such thing as a keyblade or Kingdom Hearts. It’s all in your mind Sora.”
“How did I get here?” I really didn’t care if this was Ansem or my best friend, I just needed to know why I was here.
“About a year ago you started to come here of your own free will and bother doctors Donald and Goofy. You told them that you were the one true keyblade wielder. You would then have them follow you, room to room, and attack the shadows on the floor. We decided that you were not fit to stay in normal society and started your treatment.”
“How can that be? I traveled to different worlds looking for Kairi and Riku.”
“You imagined it all when traveling from room to room. Kairi came into the institution after you and you became friends here. She was then transferred to a different section of the institution. You believed that I stole her heart. As for Riku, he came here around the same time as you but he recovered. You thought he turned to the “darkness” when he tried to help you recover.” I was floored! Everything I had done, everything that I had been through, I imagined it all? Tears started to roll down my cheeks and I fell to the floor.
“It can’t be true. I had lost Kairi and you possessed Riku.”
“Sora, you need to realize the truth, you need to recover so you can see Riku and Kairi again.” I got up and started to back away from him, tears still in my eyes. I whipped around and ran in the opposite direction and back into my room. Yet when I closed the door, I turned to sit on my bed and I saw Kairi.


New member
Sep 9, 2005
With my beloved Arima!!
“Sora, we need to talk.” My mouth drooped open. I must have looked stupid with tear stains on my face and my mouth hanging open.
“I thought you were on the island?”
“Sora, you need to stop these silly dreams of yours and come to reality!” I’m really starting to think that maybe all the things that had happened were things of my imagination. I mean why would Kairi lie to me?
“I don’t know if I can.”
“We’ll get through this together.” I looked into her eyes but something was wrong. There was no life in her eyes only and emptiness that can’t be described. I didn’t know what to think anymore. Was any of this for real or not? Was I actually crazy or only dreaming.
“WHERE AM I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I bolted out of the room and went to the closet Ansem pointed to and said where my keyblade was. I flung open the door and saw a cardboard keyblade. I grabbed it and ran out the door into the second district.
“Get him!” I heard Ansem scream. I ran even faster towards the first district. I could hear footsteps getting closer to me. I finally ran up the steps and almost reached the door, but I was hit over the head and I passed out.


New member
Sep 9, 2005
With my beloved Arima!!
I wake up to find that I was strapped down to the same bed I had been strapped to in the beginning. I tried to wriggle myself free but it was no use. I looked towards the door and saw Kairi there, with tears in her eyes.
“Why do you keep doing this Sora,” she sobbed. “Don’t you want to be with me?” I never thought I would hear those words come from her mouth.
“Of course I do, Kairi.”
“Then promise me Sora, that you will burn that keyblade and start a new life.” I was ready to give up on this fake life of keyblades and magic. I reached for the keyblade and took Kairi’s hand in my other hand. Yet I felt something strange. The keyblade felt as if it had a life force while Kairi felt as empty as her eyes looked. I finally realized what was going on.
“Sorry Kairi, but that keyblade took a long time to make.”


New member
Sep 9, 2005
With my beloved Arima!!
“Thank the king! You’re alive!” I awoke with Donald and Goofy looking down at me. I was back in the first district, where I had first fallen. I sat up and looked at them kindly.
“We were afraid we were going to loose you,” cried Donald.
“Yeah, ayhuck!” stammered Goofy.
“I think the keyblade was testing me, to see if I was still strong enough to continue on my journey.” They both looked at me strangely. I told them what had happened. Some of the parts I even had a hard time believing but I knew that they had happened.
“I think if I would have just gotten rid of the cardboard keyblade, I would have lost the real one and you would have to find another keyblade master.”
“Thank the king you were smart enough to figure that out,” Donald snickered.
“Hey! Are you calling me stupid?” We had a major fight and in the end we laughed it all off. Yet I will never forget that the keyblade ultimately decides who is strong enough to wield it. Luckily I have enough of a grip on reality to tell what’s real and what’s not.
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New member
Sep 9, 2005
With my beloved Arima!!
hope you enjoyed the story. remember it was my first so i do have a long way to go. i would enjoy seeing people doing drawings of some of the scenes though. thanks for reading!!


I don't like bugs!
Jun 23, 2005
EDIT: Yeah. Well...

It was alright. But I'd be a little more descriptive. And remember.

Enter key is your friend.
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