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Fanfiction ► Is any of this for real.....or not?

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Souretsu Gear

Nostalgia Tripping
Jan 15, 2005
I read it and its perverted! Noezel post the next chapter because your chapters give me inspiration! ^_^


New member
Sep 9, 2005
With my beloved Arima!!
Chapter 3: Dreams and Reality

After laughing off all of the stress and worry, we decided to go to Hollow Baston to see if Leon or the others could possibly help with my dilemma. As we boarded the ship I turned at looked back at Traverse Town. When we first arrived here I was glad that something in my life hadn’t changed, yet in a way, it had. Now when I think of this place, I will forever think of the nightmare that started here. I knew I had to think positively so I shook my head and got on the ship.

I sat down in the back, letting Goofy help with take off for once. Lying back I started to think of Kairi. I wondered how long she would wait for me. I did promise her I would come back but what if I never came back. I shook the thought from my mind because if I knew Kairi, she would wait forever. Other thoughts surfaced while I was starting to relax. Could I really save the King and Riku? What would happen to everyone if I didn’t succeed? Was I strong enough? Does Kairi love me? The last thought lingered more than the rest. I mean I know she would wait for me as a friend but does she love me. Kairi was the only reason I made it through Kingdom Hearts and the only reason I can stay calm now. My mind started to shut down even though I wanted to think more about Kairi. The last thing I saw was Donald looking back, smiling, probally thinking that I would finally get some sleep without side effects.


I was back on my island, sitting on a tree branch with Kairi on my left and Riku on my right. We were laughing, I was laughing so hard I fell of the tree.

“Sora ” Kairi chuckled out. Riku hopped down and started to help me up. When I got up on my feet I looked Riku in the face. His smile suddenly disappeared. He knocked me back and drew out the soul eater. I stood there dumbfounded. Why did Riku draw his sword? Kairi was behind him, still smiling.

“Sora,” she said, “soon you will have to face what you think you fear. Please don’t give in to those fears.” A second later Riku lunged at me with the soul eater. I blocked the attack with my keyblade, but fell on my butt from the force of the attack.

“Riku, what the hell are you doing? ?” He just stood there, letting the soul eater hang by his side.

Kairi spoke again, with that beautiful smile still setting upon her face. “You will be tested Sora. A force you thought was trustworthy will break that trust. If allowed to stay in power, you will be destroyed.” I looked at her with such a longing. It what she told me shocked me but I couldn’t help and stare at her. My focus was jolted by Riku jumping at me again, except this time I was prepared. I cast a fire spell on his sword. It was too hot to hold so he dropped it. I went to grab Kairi, hoping to save her from Riku. I almost had her arm in my grasp but Riku had been able to hold his sword again. At the same moment I was to get Kairi, Riku slashed my back with his soul eater. Intense pain shot through my back. I fell to the ground not being able to move. Pain started to make my vision blur. I had enough strength to hold my head up to see if Kairi was ok. She was fine. Kairi was standing beside Riku, her smile gone, and Riku had put away his sword. I could feel the blood starting to run off my back, like I was some kind of candle the wax was melting off of.

“You must succeed Sora, or you will loose your mind.” It was Riku who gave me the warning this time. I tried to reach out to them, trying to prove to myself they were real. Instead they vanished into this wisps of smoke. My arm fell and tears formed in my eyes. I could no longer stand the pain and I blacked out.


I awoke with a jolt. My heart was still racing from that dream. Suddenly the pain in my back returned. I quickly ran to the bathroom, pulled off my shirt and looked at my back in the mirror. There, diagonally down my back was a huge scar. My eyes widened in disbelief. How could this be possible. Wasn’t that only a dream?

Souretsu Gear

Nostalgia Tripping
Jan 15, 2005
Whoooo! A New great Chapter! Keep on going its like instead of fighting with his heart he's fighting with his mind!


New member
Jan 14, 2006
Hiding from the people at Subway
OMG!I was so scared when Sora pulled off his shirt!I thought he would have been dead!Noezel you make Sora sound so..so..HOT!Please post agian soon!Your story is so good i give it a infinty/10!Its not good though....ITS SUPERNATURAL!


King of the Beavers
Nov 12, 2005
<Insert witty pun here>
Noezel...this is brilliant!!! I mean, jeez! I need to know MORE!
<Joins the Noezel Fanclub>
You're a better writer than I am- and I've been writing my whole life!
Awesome...simply awesome. I can totally picture everything in my mind, your adjectives are VERY clear and despite one or two grammer mistakes here and there (Which are ok, that happens all the time), the whole thing seems so real!

It sorta reminded me of "A Beautiful Mind" and "The Island", have you seen those movies?
I LOVE the "Mental Institution" storyline, you GOTTA bring that one back.
It makes sense! Sora believed he was with Kairi and Riku in the "Kingdom Hearts Universe", and he was seperated from them because Kairi went to another Institute and Riku was 'cured'!!!
And he's got that scar on his back! It's so cool how he tried to save Kairi- even though it was a dream. That right there was awesome.


New member
Jan 14, 2006
Hiding from the people at Subway
Noezel!Look wat i did!You see it?My sig!The first one i ever made!Did you read the new chap in my fic?I also have to say is Sora going mental?Even though this is bad wishing, i wish Sora became mental and went back to the happy house!It would be really kool!Post a new chappie soon!I cant wait to find out what happens.*sits and waits for chappie*
*starts twitching*


New member
Sep 9, 2005
With my beloved Arima!!
well that's ok since the chappy you have been waiting for is here!

Chapter 4:Impossibility

My mind went blank. I really didn’t know what to think anymore. Before I would have freaked at the sight of the scar, but lately I have been through so many disturbing things, this one seemed minor. I turned around and looked at myself in the mirror. Who was I turning into? Some kind of insomniac? I mean anymore I won’t be able to go to sleep, afraid I might get hurt or killed. I let out a sigh of frustration and put my shirt back on.

Going back out to the bridge, I saw that Goofy had fallen asleep, typical.

“We’ll be in Hollow Baston in a couple of minutes, Sora.” Donald stated. I gave him a pat on the back for pretty much flying the ship by himself. I looked back over at Goofy and realized that he was drooling all over the controls. Memo to self, clean the controls before helping out Donald land this thing.


Finally we arrived in Hollow Baston. I jumped out of the ship and stretched. Maybe now I would get some answers and if not, at least I would get to see some old friends. As we walked to the front gate to the enormous castle, Goofy stopped me.

“You know Sora, no matter what happens or what your going through, we’ll stick with you till the end.” I felt tears starting to come to my eyes. I had become such a crybaby lately. So instead of letting them see me cry I ran forward I little bit, keeping my back to them, with my hands place behind my head.

“Thanks you guys,” I chocked out. “I hope I can repay you someday, for all the things you’ve done for me.” I turned and smiled the biggest smile I could possibly make. They laughed and in turn so did I. I turned back to the gate, hesitating a little. Did I really want to know what these dreams meant or was I destined to know? Either way I was about to find out.

I pushed the doors open. Heartless hadn’t been in this castle for a long time but it still gave me the creeps. I mean this is where I lost my heart but I regained it with Kairi’s help.

“Hello? It’s me, Sora ” My voice echoed through out the halls and passageways. I waited for a moment, hoping they were still here, and alive.

“In the library Sora ” I sighed in relief. I walked over to the library to find Leon leaning against a bookcase, reading a book.

“Hey Sora, long time no see.” Leon always made me laugh. I mean he wasn’t trying to be funny but he always said everything in such a serious tone, you had to wonder sometimes if he even knew the definition of funny.

“Yeah I know. Actually Leon, I came here with a problem. Could you gather everyone in here so I don’t have to tell my story more than once?” Leon looked at me with a puzzled look on his face.

He shrugged, “Alright, just give me a couple of minutes.”


They all had gathered, Aerith, Cloud, and even Yuffie. I had to remind myself that Yuffie was a ninja not a nurse, thinking back to the nightmare that started all of this. I explained my problem to the group, each of them listening closely. By the end of the story Leon looked confused, Cloud’s expression hadn’t changed, Aerith looked at me in disbelief, and Yuffie laughed hysterically. That made me feel great.
“So....so....you’re trying to tell me that you think there are two realities. Oh my God that’s the funniest thing I have ever heard ” Yuffie fell to her knees, laughing with tears comming to her eyes. Everyone gave her the same look, are you really that retarded?

“What? Oh come on he has to be joking. This is Sora we’re talking about. The most stable one out of all of us.” She looked at me and I turned my eyes to the floor, embarrassed.

“Oh, I’m so sorry Sora, I thought you were only joshing.” She had a look of sincerity on her face but the damage was already done.

“No your right, it was stupid, see you guys later.” I stormed out of there in a raging fury. When I got outside I lashed out with my keyblade at a nearby statue. It shattered into a million pieces.

“How stupid am I. How could they ever understand?” My body sunk to the ground. I put my head in my knees. I was trying to calm down but I just couldn’t. Suddenly I hear footsteps come running towards me.

“Sora!” Leon yelled. He came up behind me, putting his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

“Yuffie didn’t mean to be cruel, it’s just when she gets scared she tries to make a joke. She didn’t mean to make you mad. Please forgive her.” I had to think about it for a while. She did try to make light of things when Leon first told me about the dangers of being a keyblade wielder. I understood now, but I felt even more foolish.

“I should be the one to apologize. I should have known. I mean if I was in her situation, I would have done the same thing.” Leon shook his head at me. I looked at him. He always knew what to say when I wasn’t sure of myself or wanted me to realize something.

“Come on Sora, lets go figure out how to solve your problem.”


“Ok so we know that lately you have been having these weird dreams.” I shook my head in a yes motion at Cloud’s statement.

“Yet the real question is why are you having these dreams.” We all just looked around the library in thought.

“Oh, remember that Kairi and Riku warned you of not trusting something you trusted. What do you think they’re talking about?” questioned Aerith. That was a good question. What did I trust so dearly that I would never question it’s authority. Then it dawned on me.

“What if they were talking about an ideal I had. Not something or someone I actually know but something I thought was true but wasn’t.”

“It could be a possibility. Truths we hold in our mind are things we treasure most.” said Cloud. But what was this truth that I held so dearly in my heart?

“Oh my God! The only truth I hold that close is the thought that Kairi is ok!” My mind started to race. I had to leave right away. I couldn’t live without her!

“Calm down Sora. We have no proof of that theory.” Leon was trying to console me with his words but it wouldn’t work this time.

“We have no time to discuss the details! If Kairi is in danger I need to go, NOW!” I tried to run but Cloud and Leon held me in place. I kept struggling but as soon as I was about to break free, Yuffie slapped me in the face.

“Don’t you dare run out on us! I think you would know if Kairi was in danger. Can you still hear her voice in your heart Sora?” I stopped. My face still stung from the force of her hand but she was right. I could still hear Kairi and that meant she was ok.

“I’m so sorry. It’s just the idea of losing her is....is something I can’t handle right now. She is my only tie to reality.” I looked down at the floor, ashamed at what I had almost done.

“I need to rest. See you guys later.” I turned and headed for the ship.


As I opened the doors to go outside to the ship to rest, I realized that it was nighttime. I had never been in Hollow Baston at night. I also noticed a slight fog. I shrugged and tried to feel my way through the fog. Before I could take another step, a force stopped me from moving forward. Instincts told me that something was wrong. I summoned my keyblade and prepared for an attack. In front of me the fog started to clear. I squinted to see if my enemy was the one causing the fog. As soon as I saw who was in front of my very eyes, my mouth went dry. I let the keyblade fall to the ground and I fell to my knees. Why was all of this happening? There in front of me was Riku, with soul eater in hand.
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