After watching a montage of reaction command events in KH2, I started to notice how gruesome some of the crap that happens to Sora when you mess up on those.
Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix - Reaction Command Exhibition [Special] HD - YouTube
Basically, he gets chomped on and thrown around by both the hydra and cerberus, shot in the face by Barbosa, hit in the face by a giant sharp spinning chandelier, stomped on by some giant island creature(pride lands) and in 3D tyranto rex literally impales him with its teeth and chomps hard a few times before throwing him halfway across the stage. Yet, he's not dead or even has a scar on him. So I'm wondering what exactly is up with his body where that crap doesn't just destroy him. Does being a keyblade weilder/magic user automatically give the body more endurance or what? I know this isn't really cannon. its just something that caught my eye, and it brings up the question of what makes up their anatomy in the KH universe. It can't be the flesh and blood as we know it or these things would definitely to more permanent damage.
Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix - Reaction Command Exhibition [Special] HD - YouTube
Basically, he gets chomped on and thrown around by both the hydra and cerberus, shot in the face by Barbosa, hit in the face by a giant sharp spinning chandelier, stomped on by some giant island creature(pride lands) and in 3D tyranto rex literally impales him with its teeth and chomps hard a few times before throwing him halfway across the stage. Yet, he's not dead or even has a scar on him. So I'm wondering what exactly is up with his body where that crap doesn't just destroy him. Does being a keyblade weilder/magic user automatically give the body more endurance or what? I know this isn't really cannon. its just something that caught my eye, and it brings up the question of what makes up their anatomy in the KH universe. It can't be the flesh and blood as we know it or these things would definitely to more permanent damage.