Hmm, well, in my case the heart is made out of light and is sealed when it has a body. So when you kill someone, the heart isn't whole and tries to find a different body. But knowing the darkness, steals the heart and gives it a fake body so the only thing a heartless thinks is "I NEED TO FIND INFORMATION", that way it seems like it's heartless. Sothen it tries to steal other peoples heart to make it whole it again. Leading to when someone kills that heartless the heart has no where to go, nearly broken, because it has almost nothing to hand on so it goes to Kingdom Hearts. But in Sora's case, Kairi was everything to him, best friend, crush, a princess of heart, so Kairi brought him back to himself. See, everthings made of light. At least everything stong and stable, like our bodies! That's also why our hearts might give in to darkness because it thinks darkness has the information it needs! =P