arhg is 9:00 in the morning. Ive been up all night. Watched Bruce Allmighty (luv it) Inuyasha rerun at 3:30 FMA at 4:00. ANd a loooooot and I mena a lot of AMVs. SO forgive me if you read any cheesy love song lyrics...I'm corrupted. -_-. Oh and I was listening to a japanese song and it said kaze! At least I think it did! Is it prounounced Kah-zey, K_K? If so it defiently means dark rain or something..... Curiosity is killing me. Oh and i apologize fer not using Seshy's full name I just cant stand writing it over and over so I dub thee Seshy.
Chapter Thirty One: Memories Lost and Love Found
As the twosome burst forth through the trees, Noelle and Seshy readied for battle. As the two jumped over their heads Seshy's hand flew up and grabbed one of the two by the hair, "Argh!" Sehsy yanked them out of the air and slammed them to the ground at his feet. "Inuyasha. You are so badly poised." He said to the form of his half-brother who was laying flat on the ground. The other silver haired youth crashed in to Jaken. "Lord Seshormaruuuu!" He yelled as he was squashed. More beings flew from the trees. But these didnt seem to be friendly. Demons. As the snarled they ran at the unready group. Jaken being squashed could not protect Rin. She was backed against the rock whimpering as demons circled her. Noelle ran to the circle of demons, "Dark Aura!" She yelled as her Keyblade appeared. She rocketed through the dmons slashing them to smoke in the deadly Riku style of Sonic Blade. There were many demons more than expected. She stopped and picked Rin up. She ran jumped in to the air and floated high enough to almost outreach the demons when she felt a strong yank on her boot. She was plled out of the air. As Rin flew from her arms a demon bit deep in to her leg, "Rin!" She cried as the child fell to the far below ground. There was a blur of red and Rin was on Kikino's back safe adn sound. "Rin stay with that creature and dont get off!" Seshy commanded. Rin nodded and held tight to the Heratless's fur. Noelle tried slashing at the demon whose teeth were embedded in her flesh. but the demon was too far down and out of her reach. As she felt infection sweeping up her leg she lost her ability to fly and tumbled out of the air. Paralyzed by the demon's strange aliva. She was nearing the ground when someone caught her. "Riku!?" SHe gasped at her rescuer. Riku was indeed there but he looked very injured. "Yeah, who were you expecting?" He smirked as his lively aqua eyes locked on to her teary brown ones. He put her down adn she flung herself on him. "Noelle! Why are you crying!? This is hardly the time!" He asked Looking at the numerous demons. "I thought you were dead! I couldnt find you. I felt lost." She sobbed in to his shoulder. He pulled her off gently, "Its okay. I'm here but wee havent got the time for a heartflet moment with these guys around." He said pointing at the quickly surrounding demons. {Stupid demons ruining my reunion! >,<} "Seshy are you going to just stand there!" Noelle shook her fist at the silver haired demon. "Once my dear brother gets up and does his share I will help. That is if he isnt too weak for such a simple task." He said coldly. Inuyasha sprnag p, "Dont count on it!" He said drawing the Tetsaiyga. He casually sliced the coming demons in half. "Shall we?" Riku asked Noelle. She nodded. "Double Darkness!" She two clasped hands and their power doubled. {This new trick works good ^_^} Riku thoguht happily. With darkness charged they headed for the demons and easily destroyed them. Seshy sighed and simply flicked his hand which beared his poison nails. He slashed the demons and they exploded from the poison. "Glad hes on our sie." Riku muttered to Noelle. "Dont be so sure. I think hes only fighting with us to protect Rin." Finally the seemingly endless amount of demons was gone. Inuyasha sheathed his sword and looked over to where Noelle and Riku were standing. He walked up to Noelle and stood in front of her. He was taller than her so he bent down slightly. They stared at eachother for a moment. Noelle's eyes seemed to fill with emotion {Does he remember?} She waited for him to hug her in apology but instead....he sniffed her, {Gee he never changes >_>} His golden eyes seemed to lighten up, "Your scent is familiar." He said. As he stared at her he felt his brian trying to dig out more memories but could not. His mind had no recalection of her but he felt a tug of familiarty at his heart when he looked at her. "Noelle?" He asked struggling to remember. SHe grabbed him and hugged the life out of him, "You do remember!" SHe cried squeezing the hanyou tighter. {Shes like Kagome T_T More hugging} Still his hugged her in return feeling that he really did know her. SHe pulled back smiling. "I still have no idea who you are." He said. Noelle adn Riku fell over anime style. Seshy walked over to him, "Inuyasha I remember this girl and I have no idea why you dont. SHe was more important to you than anyone when you were young. Until you fell in love with that despicable preistess." He said cold as usual. Inuyasha clenched his fist. Back to Kikyo again e_e. "What are you even doing here Seshomaru?' Inuyasha snarled at his half-brother. "I am only here to retrive Rin. Rin lets go." He said as he walked away. "Lord Sesshomaru, cant we stay a while? i want to play with Noelle more!" SHe asked her beloved master. Seshy stopped wlaking. Jaken covered his head {She did it now. He isnt gonna be happy!} " "Inuyasha though I detest being in your company I am stayinf for a while." He told his brother without feeling. Jaken grumbled {That brazen child can always avoid his wrath!} "WHat makes you think I'm gonna let you?" Inuyasha asked flaring up again. "Inuyasha you know as well as I that you have no chance in beating me." He said taking Rin off Kikino. Inuyasha had the urge to windscar his brother's ass off but decieded against it. Riku began to feel the pain of his wounds. He winced and clutched at his sides. He and Noelle were very weak from using up all their energy for the double darkness. "Riku? Whats wrong?" Noelle asked. "Nothing. Lets head back." He said climbing atop Kikino. {Why cant he ever just come out and say how hes feeling? He and Inuyasha are really alike. Though Riku sometimes reminds me of Seshy too.} her legs wobbled. Her stomach groweld they hadnt eaten breakfeast. "Well Seshomaru seems that you dont have a ride. Good luck finding us." Inuyasha said. "I can run faster than you Inuyasha." Seshy reminded coldly. He picked up Rin with one arm and held her, "Hang on Rin." He said. She nodded. He took off, "Lord Seshomaru! Wait for me!" Jaken cried grabbing on to the fluffy thing on his shoulder. Jaken was now being draggeed through the brush. Kikino flew up carrying Riku. Inuyasha crouched down a bit, "Come on." He told Noelle eager to catch up with his brother. "Huh?" She asked baffled. He turned to face her, "Dont try to fool me you can barely move now hop on." He said impatiently. SHe smirked as she remembered his attitude. SHe climbed on his back and soon they were jumping through the trees and in time caught up with the others. Back at the campsite Aroz and Kairi were getting aquainted with their new comrades. Sango, Miroku and Shippo were asking questions like where did you come from when the group returned. Sango picked up her boomerang at the sight of Seshy. "Why is Seshomaru here?" Kagome asked. Inuyasha put Noelle down and strode over to answer Kagome, "Rin wanted to visit." He said moodily. After a large breakfeast which Kagome was happy to eat considering she hadnt had modern food for days. Inuyasha and the Feudal Era group were examining this strange food, "Its pancakes, Inuyasha." Noelle told the hanyou. he was sniffing the pancakes and holding them up. "WHat are they supposed to be? Are they edible?" He asked. Kagome sighed angirly, "Would you give it a rest! You havent even tried it yet! Show some manners!" She snapped. Rin and Shippo were eating the toast together and laughing. Seshomaru ate in silence....he really isnt a people person. Aroz Riku and Kairi were eating as if there wasnt anything strange about having breakfeast with people 500 years back in time. "We'll probably get Columbus eating lunch with us next week." Aroz told Kairi who giggled. Inuyasha finally ate a peice of pancake. He was surprised at how good they tasted, "Here use this. it makes them taste better." Kairi said handing him the syrup. He looked at the bottle and shook it trying to get the syrup out. "Jeez do I have to do everything for you!" Kagome said unscrewing the top. He poured the syrup and....well lets say he loved it. All the pancakes were soon gone. "Are we gonna run outta food? Aroz asked. "I hope not. Well now what do we do?" Kairi worried. Miroku kneeled before Kairi and took her hand, "I have a offer that you or your sister might want to contribute to. Would you ladies kindly consider bearing my children?" You could have heard a pin drop. Sango picked up her boomerang and hit Mirkou on the head. Riku looked agitated, "Theyre taken, bub." He informed Mirkou. Kagome rolled her eyes at Miroku's constant flirtacious behavior. As it faded in to dusk they told the group how they were trying to save Sora's soul. Kagome Sango and Miroku looked very upset and kept looking at Kairi during the story. Inuyasha rarely showed any emotion but even he looked sorry for Kairi. An even bigger surprise was that Seshy did too. (Its a sign of the Apocalypse >_>). As the group watched the sun set by the river they started to grow drowsy. As most of them were falling asleep the water grew rough ans the surface was crashing in waves. The sleeping ones woke up to see the water going high in to the air as if controlled. A man emerged from the cneter of the waves. Demyx. "Inuyasha is it not?" He asked the ready hanyou. "Depends whos asking and what ya want with me." He replied. "Ah yes, And the Princess's of Heart, And The Child of Darkness. Even the worthless Aroz? My, my youre all still alive?" "And kicking!" Aroz shouted at the newcomer. "I was hoping there would be less to capture but oh well." With the movement of his weapon the water shaped in to a hand and reached for Kagome! Inuyasha grabbed her as the hand tried to snatch. "Youre not taking Kagome or anyone else anywhere!" Inuyasha snarled. "You think you can stop me?" Demyx said carelessley. With a swish of the weapon the water surged and trapped, Inuyasha, Seshy, Miroku, Shippo, Riku, and Aroz! They were envelpoed in water and were begining to lose oxyqen! "We have to save them!" Sango said drawing her boomerang. Kagome pulled out her arrow and bow and Noelle and Kairi powered magic energy while blocking Rin from any attacks. They each fired their weapons and Demyx smirked, "Thats what I was waiting for." Mirroring the weapons by changing the water in to a mirror they rebounded! Noelle's darkness hit Kairi while Kairi's light hit Noelle. Being weakness to eachother's elements they they knocked out from the force they had used. They had each used their highest strength. The boomerang reobounded and struck Sango in the head. The arrow meanwhile....hit Kagome! The arrow enetered her flesh near her chest. She gurgled and uttered, "Inuyasha....." She fell to the ground motionless along with the others. Rin being a child could do nothing. She tried to stir the others but to no avail. Riku Screamed even though he couldnt be heard. Inuyasha was screamaing Kagome's name and Miroku and Aroz were fighting the water to get to Kairi and Sango. Seshy was trying to claw his way out to save Rin and Shippo was losing focus due to lack of oxygen. All of a sudden Demyx released them and they fell in to the crashing water below. "Now I'll be taking the ones you love." Demyx said as he envelpoed them in the water. Inuyasha coughed, "What the hell are you talking about! Let Kagome go!" Demyx was getting frustrated. "Must I spell it out for you Inuyasha? I am taking Sango because Miroku loves her, I am taking Kairi because Aroz cares for her, I am taking the little girl because your brother cares for her, I am taking Noelle because Riku loves her and you care for her, and I am taking Kagome because you love her." "What do you mean?" Inuyasha yelled. "Inuyasha I can see inside your heavily gaurded heart. I know your true feelings for Kagome. You may try to hide it but anyone can tell that you love her and heres some news....she loves you as well. Too bad you wont have a future together considering I am taking all of them." He began to dissolve. The remaining group attempted to stop him. Seshy tried to reach in for Rin but she was dissolving along with the others. "Let them go! If Kagome dies you are going to regret the day you ever met me!' Inuyasha screamed swiping at the water. Demyx was gone along with the girls. But his reflection in the water remained, "So touching. Rest assured I will not let her die so easily. I intend to kill them all in the end but first I need to absorb their power for the purposes of the Thirteenth Order." As the refelction faded everyone stood in the moonlight vowing to get the ones they loved back beside them.
Chapter Thirty One: Memories Lost and Love Found
As the twosome burst forth through the trees, Noelle and Seshy readied for battle. As the two jumped over their heads Seshy's hand flew up and grabbed one of the two by the hair, "Argh!" Sehsy yanked them out of the air and slammed them to the ground at his feet. "Inuyasha. You are so badly poised." He said to the form of his half-brother who was laying flat on the ground. The other silver haired youth crashed in to Jaken. "Lord Seshormaruuuu!" He yelled as he was squashed. More beings flew from the trees. But these didnt seem to be friendly. Demons. As the snarled they ran at the unready group. Jaken being squashed could not protect Rin. She was backed against the rock whimpering as demons circled her. Noelle ran to the circle of demons, "Dark Aura!" She yelled as her Keyblade appeared. She rocketed through the dmons slashing them to smoke in the deadly Riku style of Sonic Blade. There were many demons more than expected. She stopped and picked Rin up. She ran jumped in to the air and floated high enough to almost outreach the demons when she felt a strong yank on her boot. She was plled out of the air. As Rin flew from her arms a demon bit deep in to her leg, "Rin!" She cried as the child fell to the far below ground. There was a blur of red and Rin was on Kikino's back safe adn sound. "Rin stay with that creature and dont get off!" Seshy commanded. Rin nodded and held tight to the Heratless's fur. Noelle tried slashing at the demon whose teeth were embedded in her flesh. but the demon was too far down and out of her reach. As she felt infection sweeping up her leg she lost her ability to fly and tumbled out of the air. Paralyzed by the demon's strange aliva. She was nearing the ground when someone caught her. "Riku!?" SHe gasped at her rescuer. Riku was indeed there but he looked very injured. "Yeah, who were you expecting?" He smirked as his lively aqua eyes locked on to her teary brown ones. He put her down adn she flung herself on him. "Noelle! Why are you crying!? This is hardly the time!" He asked Looking at the numerous demons. "I thought you were dead! I couldnt find you. I felt lost." She sobbed in to his shoulder. He pulled her off gently, "Its okay. I'm here but wee havent got the time for a heartflet moment with these guys around." He said pointing at the quickly surrounding demons. {Stupid demons ruining my reunion! >,<} "Seshy are you going to just stand there!" Noelle shook her fist at the silver haired demon. "Once my dear brother gets up and does his share I will help. That is if he isnt too weak for such a simple task." He said coldly. Inuyasha sprnag p, "Dont count on it!" He said drawing the Tetsaiyga. He casually sliced the coming demons in half. "Shall we?" Riku asked Noelle. She nodded. "Double Darkness!" She two clasped hands and their power doubled. {This new trick works good ^_^} Riku thoguht happily. With darkness charged they headed for the demons and easily destroyed them. Seshy sighed and simply flicked his hand which beared his poison nails. He slashed the demons and they exploded from the poison. "Glad hes on our sie." Riku muttered to Noelle. "Dont be so sure. I think hes only fighting with us to protect Rin." Finally the seemingly endless amount of demons was gone. Inuyasha sheathed his sword and looked over to where Noelle and Riku were standing. He walked up to Noelle and stood in front of her. He was taller than her so he bent down slightly. They stared at eachother for a moment. Noelle's eyes seemed to fill with emotion {Does he remember?} She waited for him to hug her in apology but instead....he sniffed her, {Gee he never changes >_>} His golden eyes seemed to lighten up, "Your scent is familiar." He said. As he stared at her he felt his brian trying to dig out more memories but could not. His mind had no recalection of her but he felt a tug of familiarty at his heart when he looked at her. "Noelle?" He asked struggling to remember. SHe grabbed him and hugged the life out of him, "You do remember!" SHe cried squeezing the hanyou tighter. {Shes like Kagome T_T More hugging} Still his hugged her in return feeling that he really did know her. SHe pulled back smiling. "I still have no idea who you are." He said. Noelle adn Riku fell over anime style. Seshy walked over to him, "Inuyasha I remember this girl and I have no idea why you dont. SHe was more important to you than anyone when you were young. Until you fell in love with that despicable preistess." He said cold as usual. Inuyasha clenched his fist. Back to Kikyo again e_e. "What are you even doing here Seshomaru?' Inuyasha snarled at his half-brother. "I am only here to retrive Rin. Rin lets go." He said as he walked away. "Lord Sesshomaru, cant we stay a while? i want to play with Noelle more!" SHe asked her beloved master. Seshy stopped wlaking. Jaken covered his head {She did it now. He isnt gonna be happy!} " "Inuyasha though I detest being in your company I am stayinf for a while." He told his brother without feeling. Jaken grumbled {That brazen child can always avoid his wrath!} "WHat makes you think I'm gonna let you?" Inuyasha asked flaring up again. "Inuyasha you know as well as I that you have no chance in beating me." He said taking Rin off Kikino. Inuyasha had the urge to windscar his brother's ass off but decieded against it. Riku began to feel the pain of his wounds. He winced and clutched at his sides. He and Noelle were very weak from using up all their energy for the double darkness. "Riku? Whats wrong?" Noelle asked. "Nothing. Lets head back." He said climbing atop Kikino. {Why cant he ever just come out and say how hes feeling? He and Inuyasha are really alike. Though Riku sometimes reminds me of Seshy too.} her legs wobbled. Her stomach groweld they hadnt eaten breakfeast. "Well Seshomaru seems that you dont have a ride. Good luck finding us." Inuyasha said. "I can run faster than you Inuyasha." Seshy reminded coldly. He picked up Rin with one arm and held her, "Hang on Rin." He said. She nodded. He took off, "Lord Seshomaru! Wait for me!" Jaken cried grabbing on to the fluffy thing on his shoulder. Jaken was now being draggeed through the brush. Kikino flew up carrying Riku. Inuyasha crouched down a bit, "Come on." He told Noelle eager to catch up with his brother. "Huh?" She asked baffled. He turned to face her, "Dont try to fool me you can barely move now hop on." He said impatiently. SHe smirked as she remembered his attitude. SHe climbed on his back and soon they were jumping through the trees and in time caught up with the others. Back at the campsite Aroz and Kairi were getting aquainted with their new comrades. Sango, Miroku and Shippo were asking questions like where did you come from when the group returned. Sango picked up her boomerang at the sight of Seshy. "Why is Seshomaru here?" Kagome asked. Inuyasha put Noelle down and strode over to answer Kagome, "Rin wanted to visit." He said moodily. After a large breakfeast which Kagome was happy to eat considering she hadnt had modern food for days. Inuyasha and the Feudal Era group were examining this strange food, "Its pancakes, Inuyasha." Noelle told the hanyou. he was sniffing the pancakes and holding them up. "WHat are they supposed to be? Are they edible?" He asked. Kagome sighed angirly, "Would you give it a rest! You havent even tried it yet! Show some manners!" She snapped. Rin and Shippo were eating the toast together and laughing. Seshomaru ate in silence....he really isnt a people person. Aroz Riku and Kairi were eating as if there wasnt anything strange about having breakfeast with people 500 years back in time. "We'll probably get Columbus eating lunch with us next week." Aroz told Kairi who giggled. Inuyasha finally ate a peice of pancake. He was surprised at how good they tasted, "Here use this. it makes them taste better." Kairi said handing him the syrup. He looked at the bottle and shook it trying to get the syrup out. "Jeez do I have to do everything for you!" Kagome said unscrewing the top. He poured the syrup and....well lets say he loved it. All the pancakes were soon gone. "Are we gonna run outta food? Aroz asked. "I hope not. Well now what do we do?" Kairi worried. Miroku kneeled before Kairi and took her hand, "I have a offer that you or your sister might want to contribute to. Would you ladies kindly consider bearing my children?" You could have heard a pin drop. Sango picked up her boomerang and hit Mirkou on the head. Riku looked agitated, "Theyre taken, bub." He informed Mirkou. Kagome rolled her eyes at Miroku's constant flirtacious behavior. As it faded in to dusk they told the group how they were trying to save Sora's soul. Kagome Sango and Miroku looked very upset and kept looking at Kairi during the story. Inuyasha rarely showed any emotion but even he looked sorry for Kairi. An even bigger surprise was that Seshy did too. (Its a sign of the Apocalypse >_>). As the group watched the sun set by the river they started to grow drowsy. As most of them were falling asleep the water grew rough ans the surface was crashing in waves. The sleeping ones woke up to see the water going high in to the air as if controlled. A man emerged from the cneter of the waves. Demyx. "Inuyasha is it not?" He asked the ready hanyou. "Depends whos asking and what ya want with me." He replied. "Ah yes, And the Princess's of Heart, And The Child of Darkness. Even the worthless Aroz? My, my youre all still alive?" "And kicking!" Aroz shouted at the newcomer. "I was hoping there would be less to capture but oh well." With the movement of his weapon the water shaped in to a hand and reached for Kagome! Inuyasha grabbed her as the hand tried to snatch. "Youre not taking Kagome or anyone else anywhere!" Inuyasha snarled. "You think you can stop me?" Demyx said carelessley. With a swish of the weapon the water surged and trapped, Inuyasha, Seshy, Miroku, Shippo, Riku, and Aroz! They were envelpoed in water and were begining to lose oxyqen! "We have to save them!" Sango said drawing her boomerang. Kagome pulled out her arrow and bow and Noelle and Kairi powered magic energy while blocking Rin from any attacks. They each fired their weapons and Demyx smirked, "Thats what I was waiting for." Mirroring the weapons by changing the water in to a mirror they rebounded! Noelle's darkness hit Kairi while Kairi's light hit Noelle. Being weakness to eachother's elements they they knocked out from the force they had used. They had each used their highest strength. The boomerang reobounded and struck Sango in the head. The arrow meanwhile....hit Kagome! The arrow enetered her flesh near her chest. She gurgled and uttered, "Inuyasha....." She fell to the ground motionless along with the others. Rin being a child could do nothing. She tried to stir the others but to no avail. Riku Screamed even though he couldnt be heard. Inuyasha was screamaing Kagome's name and Miroku and Aroz were fighting the water to get to Kairi and Sango. Seshy was trying to claw his way out to save Rin and Shippo was losing focus due to lack of oxygen. All of a sudden Demyx released them and they fell in to the crashing water below. "Now I'll be taking the ones you love." Demyx said as he envelpoed them in the water. Inuyasha coughed, "What the hell are you talking about! Let Kagome go!" Demyx was getting frustrated. "Must I spell it out for you Inuyasha? I am taking Sango because Miroku loves her, I am taking Kairi because Aroz cares for her, I am taking the little girl because your brother cares for her, I am taking Noelle because Riku loves her and you care for her, and I am taking Kagome because you love her." "What do you mean?" Inuyasha yelled. "Inuyasha I can see inside your heavily gaurded heart. I know your true feelings for Kagome. You may try to hide it but anyone can tell that you love her and heres some news....she loves you as well. Too bad you wont have a future together considering I am taking all of them." He began to dissolve. The remaining group attempted to stop him. Seshy tried to reach in for Rin but she was dissolving along with the others. "Let them go! If Kagome dies you are going to regret the day you ever met me!' Inuyasha screamed swiping at the water. Demyx was gone along with the girls. But his reflection in the water remained, "So touching. Rest assured I will not let her die so easily. I intend to kill them all in the end but first I need to absorb their power for the purposes of the Thirteenth Order." As the refelction faded everyone stood in the moonlight vowing to get the ones they loved back beside them.
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