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Fanfiction ► Its Only You 2: A Fallen Angel's Return

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Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
thanks to inspiration by kairigirl35 I am back!

Sora: Whoot! Maybe Ill finally stop sitting in that tank!
Aorz: Memories! Sweet memories!
Me, Sora, Aroz: O_O
Riku: eh never mind....

Chapter Thirty Four: Sora's Ghost?

Kaze, Riku, and Aroz took one head on alone while Sesshoumaru took one and Inuyasha and Miroku took the last. Aroz flapped his wings taunting the beast while Riku and Kaze procedded to attack it. "This isnt working!" Riku yelled as his blade didnt cut the beast's skin. "Just try! Its all we can do!" Kaze said trying to peirce skin. "Kaze! Give me Oblivion! I have more expeirience with Keyblades!" RIku said. Kaze gave him a suspicious look. {Controlling a Keyblade might make Riku dive back in to the darkness....} Kaze decieded to trust him adn handed him Oblivion. Riku twirled the Keyblade above his head. He didnt have Sora's skills or abilitys. "Dark Fiagra!" A purple blast of fire rocketed in to the beast's neck. It roared in pain. Its hook and flailed as knocked Aroz out of the air. Aroz toppled twpards the water below. He landed on his feet on the head. He swayed as he stood. He balanced himself as the head flew about but Aroz managed to keep balance on the immense thrashing. Riku looked at the place where the Fiagra hit. There was a shiny burn. {I cnat use Fiarga the whole time..} He thought. He felt a light surround him His eyes grew wide, "Somehting wrong?" Kaze asked. Kaze couldnt see the light... Riku saw an image of Sora, "RIku. We never got a chance but if two keyblade masters join together. Their power is doubled. The image of Sora faded away as a rope of thorns binded him hard.... Riku shook his head the image was gone. He looked at Kaze. "Kaze! C'mere!" He ordered. Kaze jumped over the thrashing head and stood before RIku, "What?" "Put your Keyblade to my heart!" He ordered. "What are you talking about?" Kaze asked one eyeborw raised. "Just do it!" Kaze did it and Riku put his to Kaze's. There was a blinding light and Riku and Kaze were in to Drive form! The two as one keybearers took the beast head on.!

Sesshoumaru was grappling jaws with another head. Sesshoumaru was smaller but he did have strength enough to hold it back. Inuyasha slashed at the remaining beast while Miroku threw sacred sutras at it! The sutras casued little damage. The head attempted to bit Miroku but Inuyasha shoved Miroku out of the way. The beast took Inuyasha in its jaws instead. It proceeded to crush the young half demon. Inuyasha tried to stop himself from yelling in pain but to no avail. The beast was clsoing its jaws on him tightly. Aroz somehow maanged to jump to the head holding Inuyasha and drive his sword in to its skull. The beast opened its mouth adn screame din pain. Aroz managed to stay on. Inuyasha toppled in to the water. His bloody robe began turning a small section red. Mioku dragged him out. A wet monk and a wet dog. Aroz was thrown off the head but managed to get a grip on its long neck. The other two heads dropped their fights and stared hungirly at Aroz, "You wouldnt attack one of your own would ya?" He asked confidently. With that one of the heads launched itself on to the tohers neck and bit it. Trying to get Aroz he other head snapped at the neck and caught its fellow's neck. The beast being chowed on roared adn bit the others. Aroz slid down the neck like a long slide, "Blows that theroy." He muttered when he reached the bottom. "I've had just about enough of you!" Inuyasha yelled. He took on one neck adn sliced it clean in half all the way up. The Tetsaiyga slashed the flesh smmothly. That head was down and out...and dead. It fell to the depths. Riku and Kaze in drive form pulled off an amazing combo (similar to the one in my sig) and blasted the second head to bits. Flesh flew everywhere! Miroku ducked adn a pound on flesh hit Inuyasha in the face. The final head tried to flee in to the depths but Sesshy launched himself on it and grabbed its throat with his teeth. He held it there until it suffocated. Seshy turned bakc to normal wiping his mouth, "Well we dont have to watch the Discovery Channel anymore. We've got one of those Lion suffocates gazelle things here." Riku said. "Yeha adn we'll make a fortune selling this thing to Red Lobster." Aroz added. "Enough jabbering we need to get in the castle!" The group nodded and took off for the entrance.

Demyx laughed loudly as Kairi and Noelle were reaching their breaking point. Kagome and Sango were feeling the draining now too. Kaiir managed to wince and look up at Demyx, "How can you be so cruel. Isnt there anyone you ever needed to rescue? SOmebody youd give your life for?" Kairi asked. Demyx stopped laughing. He was silent for a minute, "Yes....there is" "Then you know how it feels! I have to save someone dear to me who gave his life for me! Please let us go! He needs us!" Kairi cried. Demyx's eyes turned caring and understanding, "I'm sorry. If I didnt need to kill you to save my sister I would let you go..." He turned away and walked out of the room. Noelle looked at Kairi, "I guess this is the end.." SHe muttered. Kaiir shook her head in denial. "Kaiir. I just want you to know...Im sorry for what I said when Kyle had me manipulated. And I am glad youre my sister..." Noelle weakly smiled before falling limp as the remaining power was being drained. Sango adn Kagome were falling unconsciousss too. Kairi thrashed harder and tears fell down her cheeks. She didnt know what made her do it but she screamed, "I need you Sora! Help me!" The room was silent adn a burst of light entered the room through Kairi's chest. Sora was there but he was transparent. "About time you called me. You should have called sooner." He smirked. "Sora?" "Who were you expecting?" Kairi kept crying but they were tears of joy. Sora looked grave, "Dont be happy Kaiir. I'm not really here. This is just an illusioon from your heart. Kairi's heart sank. "SO youre not really here?" SHe asked weakly. He stpped forward and held her face. But his hand had no warmth. "Kairi I'm always with you. No matter where you go. I may not be in the world of the living but Im always with you." As his image faded Kairi felt a bit of strength enter her weary body. "I've got to hold on. Sora is counting on me....I will not die here....."

eh it wasnt Sora's ghost but somehting good. ^_^. Ill try to get another chap up soon!



Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
its been a while! More coming up! Hi ho silver away!

Chapter Thirty Five: Rescue....But Too Late?

Kairi thrashed and struggled as the draining was reaching its final attempt. Noelle, Sango and Kagome were limp in thier shackles. Kairi breathed deeply and saw a big pair of eyes staring at her, "Hiya!" "Eh?" Kairi shreiked in surprise. The creature bounced back. It was a kitsune. Its green eyes looked at Kairi questioning, "Whatcha doin in there?" It asked. "I got kidnapped." Kairi replied. "Whatcha get kidnapped for?" It said putting its paws on its hips. {-_- Real Barbra Walters isnt she?} Kairi thought. There was a crash and the kitsune slinked behind Kairi's tank Kairi watched the window burst open, "Aroz!" Aroz jumped through the window, "Kairi! Youre okay! Whats wrong!?" He said looking at Kagome, Noelle, and Sango. Before she could answer Inuyasha, Riku, Sesshoumaru, and Miroku jumped in. "Kagome!" Inuyasha shouted as he tried to grab her limp shoulders. As he touched them a blue shock blasted him back! "Inuyasha are you okay?" Miroku asked. "Hurry! If you dont get them out their life force will be completely drained!" Kairi exclaimed. "I can help!" the kitsune appeared. "Who are you?" Riku asked. "Intros later! Demyx is coming!"Miroku said listening at the door. The kitsune pulled out her necklace with a purple shard. She threw it at the bindings and there was a purple bolt surging throughout the machines. Kairi felt the bolt go through her and she fought the pain. SHe breathed deeply when the shock ended her limbs were numb. Kagome, Noelle, and Sango were mumbling as the bolt seemed to jog them awake. "Hurry grab em!" Miroku yelled. Demyx was stampeding up the stairs. Kairi's muscles refused to cooperate. Aroz wrenched out of the shackled and carried her in his arms. Riku was closest to Kagome and carried her out. Miroku grabbed Sango. Inuyasha picked up Noelle who was coming to her senses, "R-Riku?" SHe murmered. "Hang on!" Inuyasha told her as he carried her on his back as he often did for transportation. Noelle collapsed but managed to lock her arms around his shoulders. "Wheres Rin?" Sesshoumaru roared. "We'll find her come on!" Inuyasha said grabbing his arm. Aroz carried Kairi down the tower flapping his wings. Miroku was helped down by Inuyasha while Riku carried Kagome with assistance from Aroz. Kaze and the kitsune were floating down on Shippo's tranformed body. When they reached level ground Sango Noelle and Kagome started to come around. Kagome's eyes opened slightly. She caught a glimpse of silver hair. "Inuyasha?..You came..." She calsped her arms around Riku who blushed. "Kagome? Uh... it's me...Riku." He said nervously. Kagome's eyes grew wide, "WHAAAT!?" SHe pulled back very red, "Riku!? Oh...I'm sorry!" SHe muttered in embarassment. Aroz helped Kairi down to the ground. Her blueeyes were bright. She leaned against him adn hugged him, "Thanks Aroz. I thought I was a goner!" She cried. Aroz smiled and rubbed her back. Mioku had Sango over his sholder. He stroked her back in all his perverted monkness. He put his hand on her butt witha depraved smile. "Huh?" SHe uttered. Her body went rigid as she jumped off him and smacked him..harder than usual. "Keep your hands to yourself! Pervert!" SHe roared. Miroku rubbed his face but sighed as if the pain was worth it. Inuyasha kneeled down for Noelle to climb off but she just began to fall to the ground. He caught her before she hit the floor, "Noelle! Come on wake up! Its me!" He said shaking her gently. She didnt stir... "Come on! Wake up! Please!" He beged her lifeless body. Kairi looked over to see her sister's lifless body. "Noelle!" She shreiked running to her sister's side. Riku turned to see what was going on and ran over after Kairi. Everyone crowded around staring at her. They were worried and were staring to get teary, "We were too late..." Aroz whispered. "No! Not when I finally remember!" Inuyasha roared shutting his eyes tightly. He shook his head in denial. "Come on! Wake up!" He begged shaking her harder. Her head just fell to one side as her hair fell in her face. Her necklace with the Heartless pendant started to grow dull. Riku dropped down next to Inuyasha and tried to rouse her as well. The two silver haired brothers began shaking in saddness. Riku's sea green eyes were growing bright as tears brimmed as did Inuyasha's golden ones. Kairi's blue ones were already pouring with tears. None of the group noticed Demyx coming out of the water carrying a very frightened Rin. "Well, well. Whats happening here?" He said evily. The group looked up but Inuyasha didnt turn at all. He put Noelle's limp body down softly and turned to look at Demyx. Death brimmed in his crying eyes. "Youve murdered my friend....youve taken the memories I had of her and you will die for this!" Riku stood at the same time shaking in fury. Fury he had never felt. Inuyasha's golden eyes began to turn red and his pupils became blue. His nails grew longer and two demon marks appeared on his face. He growled deeply as Demyx could do nothing but watch in horror. Riku flet himselffalling in to darkness. If he didnt come to his senses he might fade in to darkness and become Dark Riku. If that happened he might never be able to change back. Riku's eyes followed his brother's and began to turn red. His normal clothes dissapeared to be replaced with his Heartless outfit. Both brothers had fallen to their dark sides in sorrow and fury.....

Will Inuyasha and Riku be able to escape the darkness? Will Noelle fade and follow Sora in to the world of death? Or will something miraclous happen and will Shima's plot finally be fulfilled? Tune in for the next exciting chapter!


A Chagrined Fool.
Aug 3, 2005
People's Fragile Dreams, Relinquished from Anixiet
Me: YOU BETTER LIVE NOELLE! LIVE ON!!!! T_T *sobs like crazy*
Gem: How dare he!!! KILL DEMYX!!!
Me: Good chapter, by the way!*still is crying about Noelle*
Gem: You better not be spelling her name wrong >.>
Nanala: HEY! Why must you guys leave me out!!! T_T
Thea: .....


Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
hahaha I shall build up the suspence! Two very sweet yet sad memories for Kairi!

Chapter Thirty Six: Two Links of Memory

As Kairi sat there crouched beside the form of her little sister she finally remmebered something of her childhood!


Kairi and Noelle were walking around Hallow Bastion together as little kids. Noelle was sitting on the stoop watching the rising falls. She was always so mezmerized by them, "Hey, Kairi? How can falls fall up?" She asked me curiously. I thought for a moment, "I dunno. They started doing that when you were born." I said staring at the water. "Theyre so pretty.." Noelle sighed. I nodded tugging at my dress. Princesses had to be princesses. I didnt mind the dresses but sometimes Noelle got very annoyed shes pout and stomp and say, "Its ugly! I wanna wear pants for once!" "Look at the bubbles!" She said pointing at the floating pearly water. I nodded. Sometimes she was so goofy. We knew that led to the place where the gates were operated. We saw 2 other kids coming up the steps. "Hi, Noelle-chan!" They called. Noelle waved. A little boy and girl who were siblings came up the steps. "Hi Kairi!" They said. Noelle knew them more than me since they were her age. They talked for a while but then the boy's sister had to use the potty and was begging him to go too. "Go by yourself!" He said meanly. "Please!" SHe begged. He dragged her along and left her to go by herself. We had to go up for dinner Noelle was unusually quiet, "Kai?" She whispered. "Yeah?" I replied. She looke dat me her eyes big with emotion, "Promise we'll always stick together okay?" She whispered. "Sure of course we will!" I smiled. Her smile grew big. "Yeah we'll always stick together! Whatever the world throws at us!" She cheered as we skipped home holding hands...

:End of Flashback:

"But we didnt stick together....we fell apart. I broke my promise." Kairi cried looking at her now grown up sister. Her big happy brown eyes were shut and she wasnt smiling. Kairi sobbed. SHe felt the necklace shake with her. She lifted the metal. SHe felt the edges and fine crafting. She sobbed harder thinking of Sora. {Why did you have to go!? Why did you have to come for me!?} She screamed mentally. {If you hadnt come you'd still be alive!" She screamed harder. She felt something at her shoulder. She turned to see a pale transparent hand on her shoulder. She saw the bright blue orbs of Sora's beautiful eyes. "I came because I love you..." He whispered. Kairi blinked and he was gone. {Just your mind} SHe thought. She felt another flashback coming.


They were in eigth grade. Kairi was walking down the hall with Selphie but as she saw Sora and Riku coming by she blushed slightly. She had a crush on Sora. She suspected he did too. He was always handing her flowers or blushing around her when he looked her in the eyes. Riku and Sora were pretty handsome for their age. Half the girls swooned for them. Riku and his lone wolf self wasnt rumored to be with anyone but people were always saying that Sora and Kairi were an "item". Sora ran a hand through his immposibly spiky chestnut hair. His ocean eyes saw Kairi and he smiled in his cheesy way, " Hey Kai!" he called shuffling over. Selphie stood next to Kairi as Sora approached.. "Yeah?" I asked. His eyes switched to Elphie and he turned to look at me blushing, "Come here." he said motioning with his thumb. I told Selphie I'd be back but she gave me a knowing smile. I followed Sora over to the wall. Riku was farther down flirting with a bunch of girls. "So howd the report go?" He asked casually. "Good. I think I did okay." I replied. Sora was always looking out for me. Seeing that I was happy. He got nervous and blushed slightly, "So..wanna walk home together?" He asked. "You mean with you adn Riku? Dont we always?" I asked curiously. He put a and behind his head, "Well no. With just me?" He asked. I felt my cheeks burning hoping Sora wouldnt see I said, "Sure!" I hope I didnt sound too eager. "Kay. Ill meet you at your locker!" He said as the bell rang, "Later!" I waved and Riku walked by. He smirked at me while walking to class. Selphie came bounding up to me, " Does my nose decieve me or do I smell love in the air?" She said smugly. "Nope. Me and Sora are just walking home together." I said squeakily. "Riiiight." Selphie commented. I felt as if my cheeks were the same color as my hair......

:During class:

We were learning math..boooring. I propped my head up with my hadn trying to look interested. The girls at the next table keptflashing me jealous loooks. They were whispereing and pointing at Sora. He was lounging back in his chair chatting with Riku. After class two of the girls came up to me, "Are you going out with Sora?" They asked desperately. I think I blushed but I said, "Umm no... at least I dont think so." I said. They looked relieved and ran off. I fidgeted adn headed off to my locker. I pulled open the door and began putting my stuff in y bag. I winced. My arm had been hurting I spraine dit when we were playing at the island. Sora popped up next to me "Ready? Here lemme take it for you." He said noticing my pain. He slung it over he shoulder and gave me a cheesy smile before bowing, "Shall we?" He smirked. I laughed at his goofiness adn tried to ignore people's stares. We reached outside. The sun was out and made everything sparkle. It was also very windy. We headed through the park. "Look the cherry blossoms!" I remembered saying. The pink petals flew around in the air. Sora had smiled at me. I could have sworn I saw something in those big blue orbs. Longing? I blushed slightly again, { God why dont I just paint my cheeks red!} I thought. Sora and I walked side by side adn Sora struck up a conversation, "So has Riku been complaining to you too?" "About what?" I asked. "He keeps saying he wantts to get off the island." Sora explained. "Hmm. Nope he hasnt." I told him. He nodded, "He will though. Hey Kairi? You remember your hometown?" He asked. I laughed."Ive told you before I dont-! Oh!" The wind caught me and gusted me by. The cherry blossoms swirled ina a frenzy. I started to fall twoards the ground. Sora dropped m bag to catch me. I fell in to is arms and he helped steady me. He reached in my hair and pulled out a cherry blossom. He smiled. There was that thingin his eyes again... I only then realized how close we were. His arms were holsin mine from catching me and ur faces were inches apart. I only then noticed how handsome he was. He may still resemble a kid but when he wasnt pouting or laughing he was quite handsome. {Maybe one day e'll grow up to be incredibly handsome...} I thought. He smilled lovingly at me. His eyes focused on mine and I felt myself getting lost in the blue. I only then noticed his face was coming closer! {Oh crap! Uh oh! What do I do!?} I freaked out. I heard the little voice in my head, {Get ready for a kiss stupid.} he was coming closer! I felt his hand slide up my back to hold the back of my head. Our faces were merely an inch apart. He closed his eyes adn I followed the suit. My eyes closed awaiting the feelings of flesh against mine I felt is lips touch mine and I peeked my eyes open. Before I knew what I was doing in all my shocked happiness I had put my arms around his neck. I felt a little dizzy. But I guess that was how it was with your first kiss. His eyes opened and locked on to mine the blue was soft like the calm ocean. His eyes seemed endless like the deep ocean. I moved closer as the tree cast a shadow on us. I noticed that I was cold. Sora must have noticed too because he put his jacket on my shoulders. I nuzzled closer in his arms wishing for the moment to never end. He put his hand to my face like he would do later on in life. "Kairi...you dont know how important you are to me..." I decieded then to stop being so shy. It meant he felt the same about me! He was a couple inches taller than me So I had to reach up. WE locked lips again and I felt happier than I had ever been. Sora was such a good friend I liked everything about him. His innocence...the Sora-pout. I laughed thinking of it. "Whats so funny?" He asked. "Nothing." I replied. I leaned on his shoulder. He cradled me in his arms. "Hey Sora?' I whispered, "Hmm?" "Sora...dont ever change." I told him, "Huh?" He asked. I giggled. We walked off together and we were almost home. We eded up at Sora's house first. "Wanna watch tv while we do homework?" He asked. He seemed to lose his suave devonair quickly. He was back to the goofy friend I knew. "Sure." We sat down adn opened our math books. Sora flicked through the music channels. We heard a new song. It was a new one by Utada Hikaru (They have no Idea she sings the theme song! XD!)

Saigo no kisu wa ka ba tabako no flavor ga shita
Nigakute setsunai kaori

Ashita no imagoro ni wa
Anata wa doko ni irun darou
Dare wo omotterun darou

You are always gonna be my love
Itsuka darekato mata koi ni ochitemo
I'll remember to love you taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
Ima wa mada kanashii love love songu
Atarashii uta utaeru made

Tachidomaru jikan ga
Ugoki dasouto shiteru
Wasuretakunai kotobakari

Ashita no imagoro niwa
Watashi wa kitto naite iru
Anatawo omotterun darou

You will always be inside my heart
Itsumo anata dake no basho ga aru kara
I hope that I have a place in your heart too
Now and forever you are still the one
Ima wa mada kanashii love love song
Atarashii uta utaeru made

You are always gonna be my love
Itsuka darekato mata koi ni ochitemo
I'll remember to love you taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
Mada kanashii love love song
Now and forever

Sora and I listened and enjoyed it, "Nice song." I commented. Sora gave me a cheesy grin, "From now on that will be our song..." He smiled. I felt that Sora would always have a place inside my heart either way....

:End of Flashback:

Kairi sat tears streaming recalling te moment she treaured. How she forgot it she never knew...but it was very real. She could almost feel Sora's arms trying to cradle her right now...


Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
more more more! Action adn violence. yay violence!

Chapter Thirty Seven: I'm Here To Fight For Someone

As Kairi, Aroz, and everyone crowded around the form of Kairi's little sister Inuyasha and Riku faded in to their dark-sides. Kairi stood up and beagn to run at Demyx. Miroku grabbed the back of her shirt and held her back, "Let me go!" She cried. "You cant go in there! Inuyasha wont be able to tell who you are. He'll end up killing you. WHen hes a full demon hes a blodd-thirsty beast!" Miroku warned. Kairi dropped limp. {I cant do anything...} Demyx seemed for once to have fear in his face. "Come now, what is the point of all this?" He asked. "I'm here to fight for someone!" RIku shouted. Inuyasha ran at Demyx and managed to rip part of his coat. Riku's aura became blue, "Welcome Oblivion!" He called. He shot around the area in Dark Aura. He hit Demyx many times who was now on the ground clutching his side. "Eat this!" He shouted. He opened his palm and the lake hurled at the brothers. It smacked them down with tremendous force! Demyx laughed in triumph. The brothres were sprawled against the ground gasping for air. Riku staggered but stood none the less. His aura was pulsing and he wihdrew his Soul-Eater. He hurled over his head adn shot dark rings of energy at Demyx. 1 hit him but the next five he blocked. Inuyasha stood panting but leaped high in the air to land behind Demyx. But Demyx noticed the hanyou. With his water weapon he shoved the sharp end in to Inuyasha's stomach. Blood sprted as the wounded half-demon howled in agony. Demyx withdrew his weapon roughly hoping to peirce his organs. Inuyasha clutched the wound at hi stomach. Demyx smirked and Inuyasha noticed his was standing right next to the water! In too much pain to move Demyx shoved him in the water! A whirlpool emerged adn began spinning the injured half-demon. He was being dragged to the bottom of the deep lake and he was leaving the surface. If he couldnt come up for air he'd drown! "Inuyasha!" Kagome screamed. "Now that hes out of the way. RIku lets see how you fight against your own kind." He turned twoards the group and outstretched his hand. Noelle's body glowed black and a black substance emerged from her body. It floated obiediantly to Demyx who crushed it inside his hand. A black light surrounded him. He laughed in triumph again. "Lets see how you do against the Anti-Riku!" A black form emerged from the ground to stand before Riku. Riku's red eyes lit up with fear. This was exactly how he put Sora's Anti on hm so long ago. Demyx also surrounded the group with a barrier so not to cause interfereance. Riku clashed with his anti but the anti was proving too fast. It split in to 3 parts. Riku went for the closest just to see it was a copy. He went for the second who attacked him. Riku was getting beat up very badly. His heart already in darkness was being weighed down with each blow. If he kept going like this he would lose his heart! "Riku stop!" Kairi called. He shook his head in aggravation. "No!" He roared. Kagome was looking over the lake here Inuyasha was drowning. She had been outside the barrier when Demyx cast the spell. She couldnt take it anymore. She dove in to the spinning water "Kagome!" Sango cried. The group watched in horror as Riku was losing to his anti adn as Inuyasha drowned. Inuyasha's head broke the surface! He gasped for air as Kagome tried to hold him up as she breathed deeply, "Kagome?" Inuyasha whispered. "Yes..Yes its me." SHe panted. Inuyasha seemed to lose his full-demon form. His eyes returned to gold. Demyx saw them and summoned the waters. a funnel cloud appeared! They were like little hurricanes not too dangerous if they didnt hit the water but if they did they could be like tornados!. As the spinning cloud touched the water Kagome was being pulled by its grip. "Inuyasha!" She cried trying to hold on to him. Inuyasha shouted her anem trying to pull her out of the funeel's grip. Their grip on eachother broke adn Kagome went flying in to the cloud!, "Kagome!" Inuyasha roared. He jumped willingly in to the cloud. He caught her and held her tightly as the funnel had them at its mercy. Inuyasha felt his arm's being ripped out of their sockets. He roared in pain as the funeel threatened to tear him apart, "Inuyasha!" Kaggome cried as he cried out in agony. He was sheilding her from the raging waters. "Inuyasha! If we die here I just want you to know that I l-l-love y-!" The funnel cloud stopped! And they went flying in to the water far far below. The water could hurt them so much since it was so far down. Inuyasha summoned up his strength adn positioned himself so he would hit the water instead of Kagome!" As they hit the water the force made Kagome lose grip on Inuyasha! His mouth was streaming bubbles but he was knocked out!. Kagome tried to swim to him but Demyx reached in and grabbed her, "No! Let me go! inuyasha! Inuyasha!" SHe screamed struggling against Demyx and calling for Inuyasha. "Dont worry you'll join your friend soon. He turned back to watch Riku who was almost on the brink of losing his heart. The anti made one more strike and Riku hit the ground. He was too weak to move. He panted and breathed roughly trying to keep his heart. He was torn up in the battle. He had a large gash across his chest which ran to his shoulder. His Heartless uit was torn adn shredded and blood oozed from the wounds. His eyes back to sea-green still had a red tint in the center. His aura of darkness was at its highest. Demyx held his weapon over him "So ends the Child of Darkness." His weapon came down but Riku summone the last of his strength to dodge. He was against the barrier now. Demyx laughed and hurled his weapon to the sky. Riku felt something behind him.! A pair of arms locked around his chest and proceeded to draw the darkness out of him! He heard someone whisper, "Riku...." He turned his head to see a pair of sad weak brown eyes staring at hm. He looked down to where the hansd locked across his chest to see a black bracelet! His aura grew dim and he could only watch in horror as Demyx's weapon came down. He closed his eyes and locked hands with the ones around him. SOmehting seemed to phase through him. He opened his eyes to see his Soul-Eater against Demyx's weapon! Noelle was alive! Her hard brown eyes looked deadly enough to just rip Dmeyx apart. She shoved him back, "How did you survive!?" He asked in shock. You took my darkness from me and made me lose my dark abilities adn my life force. But you left me one power adn that is to draw the darkness out of someone. SInce Riku's aura was high and close I awakened and drew out the darkness to give me strentgh." Demyx laughed. "Very smart but since you dont have the power to control your little Heartless minions you will die to them. Many Heartless appeared before Noelle. Powerless she couldnt do anything to stop them. Riku in a last attempt to defend her stood in fron of her. "Riku! Get back!" She cried. He shook his head. Noelle felt tears prickle her eyes. He was so hurt that it made her cry. She stamped in frustration and grabbed his shoulders to pull him back. "Go back! Why are you doing this!?" SHe cried. He wouldnt budge. "Because I'm not going to let you die. Not if I can help it." He said. Noelle cried and grabbed his back. SHe leaned on it,{please Riku. I cant be responsible for your death} The Heartless jumped in the air to strike them down. Noelle ran in fornt of Riku and he grabbed her back! He helf her protectively in his weary adn injured arms to sheild her from the Heartless. Noelle tried to stop him but she was too weak. She helf him tightly and prayed the Heratless stopped. The Heartless never came. They opened their eyes to see them sitting on the ground. "Get them you filthy ingrates!" Demyx souted. he Heartless seemed torn between attacking them adn attacking Demyx. "What the?" Riku asked. "It worked! Riku you have the ability to control the Heratless when your in Dark Mode and since I can pull darkness out of people I stole that ability from you!" Noelle said understanding. Noelle and Demyx faced off each trying to command the heartless. Demx's power faded as Noelle's aura grew. Her power was returned to her! The black mass rentered her body and she reained full control. Demyx stepped in to the water and used it as a sheild, "Dont think youre safe Demyx! Because water conducts electricity! Several Yellow Operas and many Aquatanks surrounded Demyx in the water. "Thunder!" Noelle shouted. Each Heartless shot their own barrage of lightning wich hit Demyx's sheild. Inside Demyx was electrocuted! He fell limp as a rag dol. Noelle dragged him out, "Is he dead?" RIku asked. "No, Just knocked out.." She said. "Inuyasha!" Kagome called at the water. He was far below the surface. After a couple seconds a Shealtering ZOne broke the surface holding Inuyasha on one of its massive tentacles. It gently dlided him on shore. Kagome, Noelle, and Riku ran over. He wasnt breathing. "What do we do?" Kairi asked running over. "He needs CPR!" Kagome said. Kairi and Noelle didnt know CPR. "Inuyasha!" Kaome shouted. He sisnt stir. "I'll do it!' She said. She put her hands on his chest and pushed down trying to get all the water out. She lowered her face to his and opened his mouth. She put hers against his and blew with all her might. Nothing happend. SHe tried for three more times. Tears began to fall down her face. Noelle hid her face In Riku's shoulder. Kagome sobbed but made one last attempt. SHe put her mouth against his and blew. Her tears dripped on his face. Suddenly his ears perked! His eyes opened wearily. Kagome was still trying to force air in to his lungs and didnt notice. He blinked in confusion. He put his hand behind her head and kissed her. Kagome blinked her eyes open to see Inuyasha's gold ones! "Inuyasha!" SHe screamed. She broke away from im. She wrapped her arms around him and started sobbing again. He sat up. He was confused. Noelle pulled away from Riku to grab hold of er friend. The two girls sobbed in happiness squeezing the poor confuzzled hanyou. His senses came back. "Youre both okay!" He breathed. He hugged them each so tightly they were gasping, "Inuyasha!...Cant..breathe!" Noelle choked out. He let them go. He stood up but shook. His wounds were still very serious. Kagome caught him and began to pull him away from the lake to bandage his cuts. Noelle cried as she looked bakc at Riku. She sobbed and ugged him as well. He was very beat up but he was smiling. Noelle helped him over to the place where his brother was being bandaged. His Heratless apparel had dissapeared. Once Noelle had helped Riku down Kairi came running and almost knocked er sister down. The two were sobbing like babies hugging eachother. "You okay! You came back!" Kairi cried happily. Noelle smirked looking at Kairi, "I told you. We'll always stick together what ever the world throws at us...."

See the good do not die young! Booo hooo! T_T. SO sad. Ill post again lata! Bye bye!


sakura hikari

New member
Jul 22, 2004
Hollow Bastion
*gasp* i cant believe i missed TWO CHAPTERS! AHHHHHHHH! ok, anyway, for the one before the latest, That was pretty beautiful, but just giving you a heads up, the first lines of First Love, Saigo no Kisu wa Tabako no flavor ga shite translates to "In your final kiss, there was the taste of cigarrettes." XD, that didn't turn out so well for this story....as for the latest chapter, YAY! VIOLENCE! ACTION! EXCELLENCE! YAY! Please continue...
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