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Fanfiction ► Its Only You 2: A Fallen Angel's Return

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Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
more will eb up soon. I had wrote a whole chap but then my fu***********8 (i shall not surs >_>) cputer crashed! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ANGRY! I AM TOO EXHASUTED TO WRITE MORE BUT IT WILL BE UP SOON!


Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
oh guys I made a fanart fer Noelle! *squeals* I had a refrence pic by somone on FAC htough. But still check it out! NO BODY HAS COMMENTED YET! TT


Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
argh hopefully my comp wont freeze as i hav to rewrite a violent chapter. K this is a two parter since I need to have somehting for Kairi in it too. holy crap were up to 30!

Chapter Thirty:How Could You Forget?

"Inuyasha!" Noelle voice rang out across the clearing. Inuyasha looked at her but didnt seem to have a sense of recignition. "So I guess you have heard of me. Well since you have a shikon jewel shard I'm gonna need to kill yas." He drew his Tetsaiyga in front of him. He turned and looked at everyone smirking. He finally rested his fiery golden eyes on Riku. "You'll be the first to die..." Inuyasha warned. With lightning speed he darted forward and clashed blades with Riku. They tried to shove eachother off to slice them for death but both seemed equally matched. Noelle stood dumbstruck. {Doesnt he remember me? What happened to our friendship?} She thought. "Inuyasha! Inuyasha!" She yelled trying to run forward. She heard yet again rustling in the bushes. {This is pissing me off!} SHe thought and drew her keyblade. An enormous feline burst from the brush snarling and knocking her to the ground. Flames on its paws and tails. Red eyes and giant teeth glistened in the light. She stumbled up and was struck by the two-tailed on her back. It turned around and she had the chance to see the rider atop it! A woman with long dark brown hair tied back and wearing body armor she carried an enormous boomerang. The cat roared and charged. Noelle braced herself too weak to use any power. She felt somehting block the path of the feline. SHe opened her eyes to see Kikino in its evolved form blocking the cats path. It bared its own teeth at the enemy adn snarled. Kikino's red fur was standing up and its rubies glowed. Wihtout thinking Noelle jumped on to Kikino's back and held on tight, "Kikino fly!" She willed the Heartless. Metal wings unfolded and Kikino took to the skies. {Darkness grant me the power to defeat this enemy.} She thought. She felt her energy returning and darkness from Kikino's body seeping in to her. The feline was followign running on the flames. The rider sat higher and picked up the enormous boomerang, "Hiraikotsu" The woman yelled hurling the weapon forward. Noelle pressed herself against Kikino's back didging the blow, "Black Lightning!" She countered summoning bolts of lightning and hurling them at the twosome. The woman tried to dodged but was struck in the shoulder by the bolt. She grabbed it in pain crying out, {What is this magic?} She thought as she felt her heart grow weak and heavy. "Keylala! Use yur power." SHe ordered the cat demon. Keylala got ready to unleash her powers, Noelle and Kikino faced them, "Lets show them the power of the Heartless, Kik!" She smirked. Kikino charged up and both feirce companions fired....
down on the ground Aroz was facing a man carrying a staff. He drew his sword. "You really think you can win after facing us?" The monk mocked. Aroz grew anfry, "What the hell are oyu tlaking about!? You are the ones who are fighting us!" The man paused {True, they may be innocent for all we know...but they do have a jewel shard....} Aroz flipped in the air and struck his sword against the monk's staff!
Kairi listened and heard somehting burst from the bushes...again. A spinning top tried to attack her but she dodged and the top drilled in to the ground where she previously was. {Whew! Close one!} A little kid sprang out of the brsuh. Auburn hair and green eyes and starngely enough...a fox tail!? "Fox Fire!" It yelled. She saw blue flames hurl at her and could do nothing to stop them! The blaze knocked her back adn singed her arms! She clutched her burnt arm wincing in pain {I cant hurt a little kid!..But maybe....I can scare him off!} She stared up at the sky. She began to absorb the light! She channeled the light through her body and her heart. Her hair flew up and she felt her energy crackling. Her eyes began to glow a misty white. "Ahhh!" The demon yelled and scampered away from this strange newcomer, "Kagome!" It cried. He rna behind a girl carrying a bow. And the bow was aimed at Kairi....

Riku and Inuyasha clashed many times each not getting anywhere in the battle. {Hes strong for a human...} Inuyasha thought bitterly. He tried once more but was yet again blocked. He pulled back panting. Riku held his Soul-Eater in front of him and panted as sweat dripped down is forehead. "Youre pretty tough. I'm impressed." Inuyasha stated, "Though you are pathertically weak!" He added. Riku frowned, "At least I am a full human and not a half breed!" Inuyasha didnt like that. He gritted his teeth, "Yeha lots of people have said that and I keep their memories strong by dancing on their tombstones!" He snarled at Riku. Riku just smirked, "Yu talk big but can you back it up?" Inuyasha narrowed his eyes, "I'm getting sick of you. Taste this!" He hurled his sword upward. "Windscar!". An enormous blast of yellow light and energy emmitted and it traveled twoards Riku at a high speed. The light reflected off Riku's wide aqua eyes as the energy came forward and he could do nothing to stop it!

part two coming up soon!


Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street

The Windscar surged at Riku and as it was upon him he dissapeared in to the yellow light! Kairi, Aroz, and Noelle looked rom their own battles to see what had happened. Kairi screamed, Aroz stared and turned away from the clearing blaze, Noelle was sitting on Kikino too shocked to move. Seeing as she didnt the boomerang slammed in to her and she fell to the ground which was maybe 30 feet below. She felt her arm and leg in pain but her tears werent for the pain they were for Riku. She got up screaming, "Riku!" She called his name as she ran in to the clearing dust. He wasnt there....She started to sob uncontrollably. Kairi dropped to the ground sobbing as well. Her best friend was gone too! Kagome lowered her bow. She sensed their sorrow and could not hurt them more. Even the monk and the feline rider didnt move. Though they were attacking them they were mericful. Noelle sat there crying her eyes out. Inuyasha didnt show any remorse or feelings. "Can we get on with this?" He asked impatiently. Noelle looked up at him her eyes burning with tears she couldnt recognize him anymore. Where was the childhood friend she had known? the many adventures they went on? The times they had defeated demons together? Where did the memories go? As Inuyasha stared back he felt an image burst in to his mind! Himself as a little kid walking with his mother. And beside him was a little girl with brown hair and brown eyes. They were laughing. As soon as the image cam eit was wiped away... Inuyasha shook his head like a dog and stared back at her, "Do I know you from somewhere?" He asked. SHe stood up, "Now you remember!? You didnt just know me we were friends since childhood! Remember!? The half-breed and the evil girl we used to be called! How could you just forget me Inuyasha!" SHe cried as she ran through the feild in to the bushes. Kikino whined and took off after her. The woman atop Keylala got off and the two-tialed became a small kitten again. She was staring at Inuyasha along with the monk. Kagome dropped her bow in shock. She marched over to Inuyasha her fists clenched, "How could you just forget a friend youve had since childhood! How could you make us kill someone close to her! Whta is wrong with you!" She screamed at the shocked hanyou. "Sango, Mirkou did you know?' Kagome asked. They shook their heads. "How could you be so cruel Inuyasha!" Mirkou yelled. "Its not my fault! I have no memory of her! I cnat remember anything! One image is all I got! Us as kids! Didnt you sense the demonic aura around her! Of course one would think she was a demon!" He yelled back. There was a silence in which they heard groaning. They looked to the side of the feild where they saw something stirring. Riku sat up heavily injured. Bleeding from deep cuts and bruises. Kairi yelled, "Riku!?" She took off to the place where he sat and flung herelf onto the ground and hugged him crying as she did so. "Youre okay! Youre alive!" She cried. "How the hell is he still alive!? Hes a human! No human can live through the Windscar!" Inuyasha said slightly annoyed but grateful. "I suppose nobody ever got the chance to tell you!" RIku groaned. "Tell em what?" Inu asked. "That theres a chance I might be your brother." Riku said quietly. "EH!?!??!" The group yelled.

Inside the forest Noelle was hunched over a rock next to Kikino. She was crying harder. Remembering the times she had spent with Riku. She had justgotten him back and now he was gone! She felt a tap on her shoulder, "Excuse me? Why are you crying?" A small voice asked. SHe looked up. She saw a young girl about 7 with a orange kimono, blakc hair with a side ponytail and a concerned look on her face staring back. "Oh....I just lost someone very important to me.." She told the child. "You mean lost or....they were....you know...?" "The second one." The girl sat down, "I'm sorry to hear that. Here." She said handing her a hankercheif. "Thanks." She wiped her eyes trying to stop the tears. "I'm Rin. Whats your name?" The girl asked. "Im Noelle." She replied. "Are you all alone now? Rin asked. "No I have other friends but I dont want to be around them right now." She said sadly. "RIN WHAT AE YOU DOING!?" A raspy voice yelled. "Ugh...Jakken. She sighed. Noelle looked over Rin's head to see a toad-like little creature. He was carrying a staff with two heads on it. "What do you tink you are doing! And who is this mortal!?" He demmanded. "She was crying Master Jaken and I came to see what was wrong." She told the toad. "Well who are you!?" He demmanded. "I'm Noelle." She told the angry demon. "Well our master wont like this! We must get back before he notices!" He said frantically. "I already noticed Jaken." A voice said. They looked up and a man with silver hair with a moon upon his forehead, two lines on each cheek, golden eyes, and long nails stood. He was carrying this fluffy thing. Kikino growled at this newcomer. "You thought you could prevent me from noticing Jaken. You were wrong as he shoved the demon out of his way to get to Rin. "Rin you shouldnt wander out of my sight. You could be hurt." He told the girl with much more kindness than the demon. "I'm sorry lord Sesshomaru, but Noelle was crying and I wnated to seee what was wrong." Rin explained. Seshy looke dover Rin's head. "You!" He said. Noelle recongnized him too. This was Inuyasha's half brother! They had fought him once as kids where Inuyasha was almost killed. But Seshy spared Noelle because, "You are a mortal and I will not wate my time and strentgh on you." His real reason was because he liked her. It made him angry that he had feelings for a mortal so he told himself that he would consider all mortals scum....until he was saved by Rin. "So what has Inuyasha done now?" He asked her. "He doesnt remember me. ANd he killed my boyfriend." She told her old enemy. SHe felt like spilling her heart out to someone she knew would rather fight. He held out a hand and pulled her to her feet. "DO you want revenge?" He asked. "No!Wel....maybe....I would never kill someone to get it though." She told him seeingthe gleam in his golden eyes. Rustling in the bushes they heard running. Seshy drew his sword. Rin, Jaken, Noelle take cover, "Right!" rin and Jaken said as they took cover behind a rock. "I can handle myself now." Noelle told the demon beside her. Kikino was beside her again. He didnt look too trusting of Seshy. Someone with silver hair leapt from the bushes followed by another!


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
Me: Awesome updates, SA!!! ^_^

Sora:*crying cuz he thought Riku was dead* T_T

Aozora:*staring at Sora* Sora?.....Are you crying? o_O

Kaze: Probably. >_>

Sora: NO!!!...I....just...have..something in my eye....yea...that's it!! ^_^

Me, Aozora, Kaze: -_-;.....Update soon....>_>


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
Me: Why thank you sakura hikari!! ^_^

Kaze: Ya' know....if you translate that....it's "flower heart"....or...something to that effect...>_>

Sora: And your telling us this.....because? o_O

Kaze:*shrug* I was jus' sayin'.....>_>

Aozora: Updatedness soon!!! >_<

sakura hikari

New member
Jul 22, 2004
Hollow Bastion
kaze_krazy said:
Me: Why thank you sakura hikari!! ^_^

Kaze: Ya' know....if you translate that....it's "flower heart"....or...something to that effect...>_>

Sora: And your telling us this.....because? o_O

Kaze:*shrug* I was jus' sayin'.....>_>

Aozora: Updatedness soon!!! >_<

Flower Heart? Oh no, it was originally supposed to be sakura no hikari but i forgot to put the "no" when i registered a year ago. And sakura no hikari means "light of cherry blossoms." haha. TaokityxTheaxGem, hope you'll still comment when you get the chance, and SorasAngel1292, i hope you get the next chappy up soon!
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